| 3 coloring pages of Ralph breaks the internet

3 coloring pages of Ralph breaks the internet

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Coloring pages of the Disney movie Ralph breaks the internet, the sequel of Wreck-it Ralph.

In "Ralph Breaks the Internet" we leave Litwak's arcade to dive into the unknown and exciting world of the internet. Nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Animation!

The villain from the game Ralph and his fellow outsider Vanellope von Schweetz risk everything when they travel through the internet looking for a replacement part for Vanellope's video game, Sugar Rush, to save the video game.

Ralph and Vanellope are helped during their journey by various internet residents such as a website entrepreneur named Yesss, who is the heart and soul of the trendsetting website "BuzzzTube".

 Animated films Animation Disney 


Vanellope Ralph Netizens


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