Court Fields athletes star in qualifiers - Around Wellington

Court Fields athletes star in qualifiers

Year 9 and 10 athletes from Court Fields School produced some outstanding performances in the National Track and Field Cup qualifiers yesterday (Tuesday).

They were up against Taunton School, King’s College, Kingswood, Queen’s College and Wellington School. 

There were some great individual displays going towards the team score, with plenty of first places.

However, the highlight of the evening had to go to both the boys’ and girls’ 4x100m relay teams who both raced over the finish line to win.

The Year 10 boys’ team broke a long-standing school record with a rapid time of 49.1 seconds – well done to Elijah, Toby, Oliver and Tom on this amazing achievement.

Congratulations to all involved – final scores will be out towards the end of the week.


Around Wellington’s School News is sponsored by Wellington School.

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