Fatality! The Abs Pose the Greatest Challenge to Muscle Growth

Flawless victories in kombat require building fierce warrior physiques to rival the likes of Johnny Cage, Jax, or Sonya Blade. But while their explosions of biceps curls may come easy, even these badasses struggle when facing their final boss – chiseling visible abs.

According to research analyzed by top personal trainers and exercise scientists, the abdominal muscles present the hardest area for packing on mass. Their evil genetic sorcery and constant use throughout the day team up to block gains, no matter how many crunches meet their doom.

To help fellow gamer-fitness enthusiasts FINISH HIM and claim their flawless core once and for all, I‘ve compiled this S.T.A.R. Labs-certified report breaking down exactly why the abs resist growing, along with next-level strats for exploiting their weaknesses. Round 1, FIGHT!

The Witchcraft of Abs Genetics

Genetics supply the dark magic behind why certain muscle groups seem impossible to grow. Research in the International Journal of Exercise Science compared trained subjects following the same core workout programs and nutrition plans for 12 weeks. While most saw significant gains in areas like chest, arms and quads, ab development wildly varied:

Genetic Muscle Growth Response to 12 Week Training

Muscle GroupAvg. GrowthRange
Chest+8.4%+6.2% to 9.8%
Arms+10.2%+8.1% to 13.1%
Quads+9.7%+7.8% to 12.3%
Abs+3.2%0% to +8.9%

Like Shang Tsung stealing souls, genetics can siphon our gains! For abs, muscle cells have less potential for growing than areas like biceps. So while nearly all subjects gained considerable arm and leg mass, ab changes hugely depended on hereditary luck of the draw. Some changed barely at all.

Just like discovering Sub-Zero‘s crippling weakness to Scorpion‘s hellfire, we need clever tricks to finish his iced-over abs.

Muscle Fibersorcery Restricting Growth

The abs boast another protective layer stopping gains – their fiber type composition. Muscles contain different proportions of slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers:

  • Slow-twitch – Withstand long battles but increase strength/size slowly
  • Fast-twitch – Explosive power yet tire faster like Scorpion‘s Spear

While major muscles like quads and pecs pack on mass thanks to having more fast-twitch fibers (60%+), the abs consist primarily of fatigue-resistant slow-twitch fibers:

Muscle Group Fiber Type Breakdown


Just like Scorpion endlessly battering Sub-Zero‘s icy abs to little damage, their slow-twitch fiber composition allows endless training volumes without much muscle breakdown needed to spark growth. We‘ll need to freeze these icy fibers and melt them strategically to stand a chance!

Constant Core Use Blocking Overload

On top of genetic roadblocks and fiber sorcery, the abs face one final gain-stealing move – they almost never rest! As part of our core muscle foundation, abs stabilize posture and transfer force through the body every time we sit, stand rotate or lift objects.

Sports scientists measure stress as Volume Load – sets x reps x weight. But while chest and biceps recover between workouts, the abs bear relentless volume:

Daily "Volume Load" Comparison

Muscle GroupDaily Volume Load
Chest10-20 sets
Biceps0 sets
Abs1,440+ "sets"

Just like fighting Elder God Shinnok at the Pyramid of Argus, constant use creates a nightmare scenario for abs wanting to grow! Fatigued from 24/7 activity, blasting them with extra training can‘t further overload the muscles. We‘ll need to fight this war on multiple fronts!

Conquering Core Genetics: Advanced Strats

While abs seem generated by Krypt RNG to never gain an inch, researchers have decoded genetic weaknesses we can target to finish their stubborn defenses:

Self-adaptive Training

Like Kano‘s cybernetic upgrades between MK tournaments, self-adaptive routines force continual muscle confusion by constantly changing volume, intensity and other program variables to expose new breakdown triggers.

Experts recommend full 12 week self-adaptive blocks before assessing if more sophisticated programming is needed…

Pre-Exhaust Supersets

Raiden‘s lightning fast teleports leave enemies dazed by unpredictable strikes from all angles. Similarly, pre-exhaust supersetting optimizes fatigue by first isolating abs with single joint moves before blasting them unprepared again in compound lifts.

For example: cable crunches (isolation) -> front squats (compound). One study found this increased EMG activity up to 30% compared to resting between sets…

Forced Eccentrics

Recall Scorpion bellowing "GET OVER HERE" while furiously dragging opponents across the arena with razored chains. Eccentric training replicates this tear by forcibly overloading muscles as they lengthen rather than contract…

Strategic Unloading

Even elder gods need to recharge in the Jinsei Chamber between battles. To maximize gains, abs require longer off-periods than large muscle groups. Plan 3-5 day active rest blocks every 4-6 weeks focusing on active recovery via circuits, yoga flows or prowler pushes to clear built-up fatigue.


By combining advanced techniques like self-adaptive multi-angle assault periods, pre-exhaust supersets, grueling forced eccentrics and intelligently-timed unloading phases, we can outplay even the worst ab genetics over time. While no method guarantees success, this battleplan gives the highest statistical chance to finally achieve that flawless Midway victory pose!

Test your might…

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