What's Coming To Turf Moor | Turf Moor | Big things are coming to Turf Moor as our team and fan advisory board work towards giving all Clarets a better experience on a matchday 👥 | By Burnley Football Club | Russell lots of work going on here at the moment is it possible to sum it up exactly how this because there's a lot happening it really is and I think the one I'm most excited about really is Jim McIlroy stand because you know it's been a bit tired for a while and we're increasing capacity from 275 to 400 that sort of industrial urban kind of look street food feel I think it's going to be really exciting because of course it also offers the opportunity for a fan that's got a general mission ticket to pay an upgrade and come into the lounge on match day when they can so you know that kind of caters probably our first our first run of hospitality all the way up through the executive boxes so yeah I'm excited about it but I mean it's not the only thing of course you mentioned the fans then what asked you about then because I know that you are in talks and discussions with them about what they want rather than you giving them what you think they might want. Yeah I think it's really important especially us coming back into the Premier League where they've got their own standards around fan engagement. So we set up a fan advisory board back in January and we got 22 members on that a very diverse cross section of our community and our fan base we've got one tonight and we've got a full agenda about things that we would like to do with the club and just figuring out whether or not they approve of that whether they don't approve of it and get their feedback their feedback is essential you know so they're absolutely consulted in the process and you touched upon it there but it's it's all across the board that the I suppose the stadium is being upgraded shall we say it's not just for fans in the posh seats no not at all you know if you think about it hospitality only accounts for about fourteen about 22 and a half thousand fans. Um the rest of the general admission tickets of course are giving access to the concourses and let's be honest the concourses are tired and there's been little to no investment in there for a long time and one of the big advantages that we see with partnering with Levy of course which is our our new external catering partner is it's self-ordering units. So, if you've been to McDonald's, you'll understand how you order food at McDonald's now. It's going to be the same on the concourses where and I think the biggest feature really that people can come in and they can order a beer for half time before the game. They'll get given a code and they can just pick up the beers and we're putting more till points in. We're putting more options in. We're putting more kiosks in plus the self ordering. You know, we're really hoping that's going to go a long way to make the general admission ticket holders experience on match day better. Just finally in under the whole fan experience, I suppose everything that you're doing will you would think make one fans to come a little bit earlier and there's plenty for them to do if they want to do that as well isn't it? I don't think there's any secret about the fact that we would love to extend the length of the visit that the fan has the Turf Moor and I think it's just not been provided before. I think there is a desire to to come earlier. Uh if you look at the success of our fan zone over the last season. Um breaking news on that is that we are putting a screen similar size to the screen that's inside the fan zone outside the fan zone for next season which will greatly enhance hopefully that experience as well. Um you know, we've got roughly 2000 people through the fan zone pre match. We'd also like to try and make the experience last after the game. So after our game perhaps we got three o'clock kick off on a Saturday maybe stay and watch the the late game. So you know we're just trying to make sure that every eventuality is covered, every budget is catered for and that the experience is the same no matter who you are.