Experience the Transformative Power of Meditation and Wellness Retreats

The Art of Living Retreat Center


NEW! Ayurveda’s Natural Approach to Menopause

Join our expert staff for a 4-week online program like no other! Tailored to provide the personalized care your body and mind need during this time of transition and transformation.

Deep dive into transformation.

At the Art of Living Retreat Center, we strive to bring you the powerful practices of meditation and mindfulness, Ayurveda, yoga, so that you may have more happiness, health, and peace in your life. 

Retreats and Events

The Experience

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We are...

The Art of Living Retreat Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to reawaken the human values of compassion, love, togetherness, joy, and harmony in order to realize a true representation of a one-world family—a place that unites people from all walks of life in the spirit of wisdom, celebration, and service to the world.


  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth

The quality of your life is enhanced remarkably by [the Panchakarma] process. There's not one treatment that I have had here that wasn't top notch. I feel energized, clear thinking, and just very grateful.

  • Val
  • Val
    Group Presenter

From the beautiful scenery of the mountains to the luxurious rooms to the wellness treatments to the yoga—everything was fabulous...the entire staff was so accommodating. It was really amazing.

  • Hap
  • Hap
    Happiness Retreat

This was the first time since I was a teenager that I consistently felt peace. Everyone here was a joy to be with. The teachers never stopped smiling—I had a smile on my face the entire time. [This experience] was something I'm so grateful I could share.

  • Kavina
    Silent Retreat

I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones. I feel like I could jazzercize—I'm so happy! There is nothing else like the Art of Living and there's nothing like silence—nothing that can bring you what you're looking for outside of yourself like silence can, but you won't know that until you get here!