
  • TV shows depict shocking character deaths to evoke emotions & unpredictability, showing unfair fates.
  • Characters like Bob Newby, Lexa, & Tara suffer untimely & undeserved ends, impacting narratives.
  • Relatable characters' tragic fates challenge viewer emotions & prompt discourse on storytelling.

While some TV characters receive their just rewards, whether positive or negative, others endure unfortunate events they truly don't deserve. The world of television is filled with complex characters whose fates are often determined by the whims of the writers and the demands of the plot. From shocking character deaths proving no one is safe to heart-wrenching tragedies, these characters' untimely ends have left a lasting impact on the shows they inhabited.

In some cases, their fates served as turning points for larger narrative arcs, while in others, they simply felt like a cruel twist of fate. These characters serve as reminders that fictional universes can be just as unpredictable and unforgiving as the real world. Their undeserved fates leave viewers grappling with the emotional fallout and questioning the choices made by the writers who brought them to life. Exploring the stories of these characters and the circumstances surrounding their unfortunate ends reveals television's power to evoke strong emotions and spark meaningful discussions about the nature of storytelling.

10 Bob Newby (Sean Astin)

Stranger Things (2016-2025)

Bob Newby's untimely demise in Stranger Things was a tragic end for a character who had quickly become a beloved figure. His genuine kindness, support for Joyce and her family, and his innocent enthusiasm made him an endearing presence in the show. Despite his limited screen time, Bob managed to have a significant impact with his warmth and selflessness.

His death at the hands of the Demodogs, while bravely assisting in the rescue of Hopper and the others, felt unnecessarily cruel given his inherently good nature. Bob's character brought a sense of normalcy and stability to the chaos surrounding the Byers family, and his loss left a void that was never quite filled. Although his sacrifice played a role in advancing the plot, Bob Newby remains a shining example of a character whose fate seemed undeserved given the purity of his intentions and the depth of his heart.

9 Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey)

The 100 (2014-2020)

Lexa's abrupt and shocking death in The 100 is a fate that came as a heavy blow, cutting short a compelling character arc that had only begun to scratch the surface. The timing of her ending, moments after a tender and intimate scene with Clarke, felt particularly egregious and insensitive. This narrative choice not only robbed Lexa of the opportunity to further develop her relationship with Clarke, but also deprived the show of a complex and nuanced character whose presence added depth and intrigue to the storyline.

Lexa's role as a powerful and influential leader, combined with her personal struggles and the exploration of her identity, made her a vital part of the series. Her sudden and seemingly unnecessary death served no greater purpose, and left a void in the show that could not be easily filled. Lexa deserved better than to be reduced to a plot device, and her character warranted a more thoughtful and respectful resolution.

8 Tara Thorton (Rutina Wesley)

True Blood (2008-2014)