Trinity College divests from Elbit Systems: Trinity College Cambridge University Divests from Arms Companies

By | May 12, 2024



1. Palestine Action Trinity College
2. Balfour Declaration Cambridge
3. Trinity College arms divestment

Two months after Palestine Action took down the painting of Arthur Balfour (famous for the Balfour Declaration) at Trinity College, Cambridge University, the college has divested from all arms companies, including Israel's largest weapons firm, Elbit Systems.

After Palestine Action removed the painting of Arthur Balfour at Trinity College, Cambridge University, the college has divested from all arms companies, including Israel’s Elbit Systems. This move comes two months after the painting incident, signaling a shift in the college’s investment strategy. The decision to divest from arms companies, particularly from Israel’s largest weapons firm, is a significant step towards ethical investing and aligning with values of peace and justice. This development highlights the impact of activism and the power of collective action in influencing institutional change. Learn more about this transformative decision here.

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In a bold move that has garnered attention and sparked conversations worldwide, Trinity College at Cambridge University has made a significant decision to divest from all arms companies, including Israel’s largest weapons firm, Elbit Systems. This decision comes just two months after a daring act by Palestine Action, where they took down the painting of Arthur Balfour, known for the infamous Balfour Declaration.

The Balfour Declaration, issued in 1917, was a statement by the British government expressing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. This declaration has been a point of contention and controversy for decades, as it laid the groundwork for the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The removal of the painting of Arthur Balfour at Trinity College by Palestine Action was a symbolic act of resistance against the historical injustices perpetuated by figures like Balfour. It was a powerful statement against colonialism, imperialism, and the arms trade that fuels conflicts around the world.

The decision by Trinity College to divest from arms companies, including Elbit Systems, is a significant step towards aligning their investments with ethical and moral principles. Elbit Systems is a major Israeli defense company known for its production of drones and other military technology used in the occupation of Palestinian territories.

This divestment sends a clear message that Trinity College is committed to promoting peace, justice, and human rights. By cutting ties with companies that profit from violence and oppression, the college is taking a stand against the destructive impact of the arms industry.

The actions of Palestine Action and the subsequent divestment by Trinity College highlight the power of grassroots activism and collective organizing in bringing about real change. It shows that when people come together to challenge injustice, they can create tangible results that have a lasting impact.

The divestment from arms companies is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic decision that reflects the values of the college community. By removing financial support from companies that contribute to conflict and human rights abuses, Trinity College is taking a stand for peace and justice.

This move by Trinity College is part of a growing trend of divestment campaigns targeting industries that perpetuate violence and oppression. Universities, pension funds, and other institutions around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of ethical investing and the need to hold companies accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, the divestment of Trinity College from arms companies, including Elbit Systems, is a significant development that showcases the power of activism and the importance of standing up for what is right. It is a step towards a more just and peaceful world, where institutions use their influence and resources to promote positive change.