Roni Horn: The Detour of Identity | Apollo Magazine
Art Diary

Roni Horn: The Detour of Identity

26 April 2024

Roni Horn first visited Iceland in the 1970s after graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design. She has been fascinated with the country ever since, as is evident in her ongoing book series To Place; the photographic installation You Are The Weather (1994–96), which features the same woman in various geothermal pools around Iceland; and Yous in You, a public installation in a Basel train station which aims to mimic underfoot the feeling of an Icelandic basalt formation. Now the Louisiana Museum of Art in Humlebaek, Denmark, is hosting the first major solo presentation of Horn’s work in the Nordic countries, showing drawings, photography and sculptures from across Horn’s career alongside clips from films that have influenced her art by the likes of Dreyer, Bergman and Hitchcock (2 May–1 September).

Find out more from the Louisiana’s website.

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Untitled (Weather) (2010–11; detail), Roni Horn. Photo: Alex Delfanne; courtesy the artist/Hauser & Wirth; ©Roni Horn

Installation view of Untitled (2012–13) by Roni Horn. Photo: Genevieve Hanson; courtesy the artist/Hauser & Wirth; © Roni Horn

From some Thames (M) (2000), Roni Horn. © Roni Horn