Neubiberg - Munich's Affluent Suburb With Hofmusik

Neubiberg — Munich’s Affluent Suburb With Hofmusik

Much of what can be seen and done in Neubiberg centers around its next door neighbor, the big city chic Munich. That’s not to say that this affluent suburb of this much larger city doesn’t have anything to offer its guests.

Neubiberg is really quite easy to get to, with bus service linking it to other suburban towns (Ottobrunn, Putzbrunn, Waldperlach), train service to/from Munich, and along the A8 linking Munich with Salzburg. So, really there’s no excuse not to come and take a look around.

Much of daily life in Neubiberg centered around the waters of the Hachinger Brook; and has for centuries. The Romans needed the water when they came to stay in the 3rd and 4th centuries. So, why not come sit by the water with a good book and watch the world go by? You could also go see the Parish Church George that’s stood in Neubiberg for centuries. Better yet, do both!

Or go out and explore around the old World War II airport that’s now a protected area for endangered flora and fauna. Old airplane runways are now used as access roads, making it easy to get around. The old airport might be gone, but the military isn’t, as Neubiberg boasts the University of German Federal Armed Forces and it’s the home of the Air Force Music Corps.

That’s not the only music that gets played around town, Neubiberg is famous for the Unterbiberger Hofmusik, a family ensemble, playing a blend of jazz, classical, and local music. You’ll find the music to be quite eclectic, using instruments like the harp, trumpet, trombone, and even a tuba.

You’ll find that Neubiberg is a friendly Upper Bavarian town that has been welcoming visitors for thousands of years. Remember, this is the land of lederhosen, beer, and Oktoberfest, so you’re bound to have a great time no matter what! :-)


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