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Dale Launer

If you don't know who Dale Launer is, his screenwriting credits include the movies 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' and 'My Cousin Vinny'. For details on which movies he wrote, produced and or directed, please visit the filmography page. The following credits are the most popular Hollywood movie screenplays that Dale wrote.


1. Tom's NU Heaven - 2005

- 'Tom's NU Heaven' Movie Stills

- 'Tom's Nu Heaven' New Movie Preview

2. My Cousin, Vinny - 1992
Directed by - Jonathan Lynn

5. Love Potion number 9 - 1992
Directed by - Dale Launer

3. Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels - 1988
(a re-make of the movie Bedtime Story)
Directed by Frank Oz

6. Blind Date - 1987
Directed by Blake Edwards

4. Ruthless People - 1986
Directed by Jim Abrahams, David Zucker and Jerry Zucker



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photo taken 15 years ago

Writer's Cheats and Hints by Dale Launer

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Cure Writer's Block
(23) Rules of Movie Development
'Digital Cinema' Screenwriting Insight

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Entrance * Press * California Living Piece * Premiere Magazine Article * Digital Cinema Article * Bio * Short Dale Launer Bio * Long Dale Launer Bio * Pics * Tom's Nu Heaven Movie Stills * Pictures of Dale * Flicks * Toms Nu Heaven Trailer * Filmography * Words * Creative Hints and Cheats for Writers * The Simple Cure to Writer's Block * National Association of Broadcasters Speech * Response to NAB * Rules of Movie Development * Guestbook * Contact * Sitemap * Links

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