The Meaning Behind The Song: In A Big Country by Big Country - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: In A Big Country by Big Country

The Meaning Behind Big Country’s “In A Big Country”: A Tribute to the Highlands

The Beginning of Big Country

Big Country is one of the most iconic Scottish rock bands of all time. They came to prominence in the early 80s with their unique sound that blended the traditional Scottish music with rock and roll. The band’s debut album, “The Crossing,” became an instant classic with hits like “Fields of Fire” and “In A Big Country.” The latter became one of the band’s most recognizable songs, and its message is as relevant today as it was when it was first released.

The Inspiration behind “In A Big Country”

Big Country’s lead singer, Stuart Adamson, wrote “In A Big Country” as a homage to the Scottish Highlands, where he spent a significant part of his childhood. Adamson grew up in a small town called Dunfermline, in the Kingdom of Fife, a region of Scotland renowned for its rich history and stunning landscapes. The inspiration for the song came from Adamson’s youth, when he used to explore the countryside with his dad.

The song’s lyrics are a reflection of Adamson’s love for Scotland and its people. He wrote the song to celebrate the beauty, strength, and resilience of the Scottish spirit. The song’s message is simple yet profound: to live life to the fullest and embrace all the opportunities that come our way.

The Lyrics of “In A Big Country”

The lyrics of “In A Big Country” are simple yet poetic. The opening lines reflect Adamson’s love for Scotland and his sense of pride in his homeland: “I’ve never seen you look like this without a reason/ Another promise fallen through, another season passes by you.”

The chorus of the song is uplifting and joyful, with the lyrics “In a big country dreams stay with you/ Like a lover’s voice, fires the mountainside/ Stay alive.”

The second verse of the song is melancholic but hopeful at the same time: “I know I’d change if I could make it/ Through this wall of love that’s hard and high.” This verse is a reflection of Adamson’s struggles as an artist and his constant battle to stay true to his beliefs.

The Legacy of “In A Big Country”

Over three decades after its release, “In A Big Country” remains one of Big Country’s most enduring songs. Its message of hope and perseverance has resonated with generations of fans around the world. The song has been covered by various artists, including Iron Maiden and The League of Gentlemen.

In 2001, Stuart Adamson tragically took his own life, leaving behind a legacy of music that continues to inspire people worldwide. In 2018, the Scottish Music Hall of Fame inducted Big Country in recognition of their contributions to the Scottish music scene.

The Final Word

“In A Big Country” is more than just a song; it’s an ode to Scotland and everything that makes it special. Stuart Adamson’s love for his homeland and his people shines through every note of the song. For anyone who has ever experienced the beauty of Scotland’s landscapes, the song is a reminder of what we stand to lose if we don’t take care of our planet.

As the world faces unprecedented challenges, “In A Big Country” remains a beacon of hope. Its message of resilience and determination is as relevant today as it was back in the 80s. For anyone looking for inspiration to overcome adversity, it’s the perfect anthem.

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