Today in Korean history | Yonhap News Agency
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Today in Korean history

All News 14:01 May 08, 2024

May 9

1928 -- Japanese colonial authorities suspend publication of the Chosun Ilbo newspaper for running an editorial critical of Japan's military advancement into the Chinese province of Shandong. The move, which marked the fourth suspension of a Korean newspaper by Japanese authorities, lasted 133 days.

1942 -- Japan adopts a resolution giving power to its colonial government in Korea to draft Koreans into service for the Empire of Japan's war efforts.

1973 -- South and North Korean Red Cross representatives meet in Seoul, the fourth such meeting aimed at helping reunite separated family members from both sides.

1990 -- The ruling Democratic Liberal Party elects President Roh Tae-woo as its chairman, touching off widespread anti-government street protests in Seoul.

2005 -- Two descendants of the Japanese assassins who murdered Korea's last queen, Empress Myeongseong, in 1895 visit Seoul to make an apology for their ancestors' crime.

2006 -- South Korean Unification Minister Lee Jong-seok visits the joint Korean industrial complex in Kaesong and says Seoul will continue its joint project with Pyongyang despite difficulties.

2007 -- South Korea and the European Union agree to abolish more than 95 percent of each other's tariffs on goods in their first round of free trade talks.

2008 -- South Koreans hold candlelight vigils nationwide in the biggest protest yet against the upcoming U.S. beef imports, amid concerns of mad cow disease.

2011 -- South Korean President Lee Myung-bak says he is willing to invite North Korean leader Kim Jong-il to Seoul for an international nuclear summit in 2012 with U.S. President Barack Obama and dozens of world leaders if Pyongyang makes a firm commitment to give up its atomic programs.

2014 -- The Mokpo branch of Gwangju District Court issues an arrest warrant for Kim Han-sik, the head of the operator of the Sewol, a ferry that sank off South Korea's southwest coast in April 2014. The court cited concerns that he may try to flee or destroy evidence. Charges against Kim included manslaughter and violating the act on vessel safety.

2016 -- North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is elected the chairman of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) at its rare party congress, the North's state broadcaster says, a move aimed at bolstering the leader's monolithic power. Wrapping up the four-day congress of the WPK, North Korea announced its leader was bestowed with a new title of the WPK's chairmanship.

2017 -- Exit polls show Moon Jae-in of the liberal Democratic Party won South Korea's presidential election.

2018 -- South Korean President Moon Jae-in makes his first trip to Tokyo since taking office and holds a trilateral summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, during which the leaders vowed joint efforts for the peaceful resolution of North Korea's nuclear issues.

2019 -- North Korea test-fires what appears to be two short-range missiles from Kusong in its northwest into the East Sea, in yet another low-intensity provocation that coincides with a visit to South Korea by the U.S. top nuclear envoy, Stephen Biegun, amid stalled denuclearization talks between Washington and Pyongyang.

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