Lady Gaga Opens Up About Her Sexuality | News | MTV

Lady Gaga Opens Up About Her Sexuality

Singer tells 'Rolling Stone' that men are 'all intimidated by' her bisexuality.

With two #1 hit singles, a platinum album and a perfectly peculiar, totally original persona that has people calling her the new pop princess, [artist id="3061469"]Lady Gaga[/artist] is having a pretty good year. Now she's made the cover of Rolling Stone's annual Hot List issue, and in an intimate interview with the magazine Gaga opened up about her image, her relationship with her parents and the fact that her bisexuality has been an ongoing problem in her relationships with men.

"The fact that I'm into women, they're all intimidated by it," she told the magazine. "It makes them uncomfortable. They're like, 'I don't need to have a threesome, I'm happy with just you.' "

After a devastating breakup with the love of her life -- "I was his Sandy and he was my Danny," she said, referring to the "Grease" characters -- she started approaching relationships with a different set of priorities. "[My current boyfriend] means a lot to me, but [article id="1610702"]my music[/article]'s not going to wake up tomorrow morning and tell me it doesn't love me anymore," she explained. "So I'm content with being alone. I choose to have someone in my life when I can."

Gaga also explained the true meaning behind her diva-like persona. "I've always been Gaga," she said. "It's just that all the years of schooling and being in a Catholic environment and living in a place where we were kind of told what was the right way to be, I suppressed all those eccentricities about myself so I could fit in. Once I was free, I was able to be myself. I pulled her out of me, and I found that all of the things about myself that I so desperately tried to suppress for so many years were the very things that all my art and music friends thought were so lovely about me, so I embraced them."

At first her father protested these changes in his daughter and they stopped speaking for a period (they've since reconciled). But her mother always stood by her side. "She'd tell me, 'Little baby girl, you can be whatever you want, and you are beautiful and you are talented and you could rule the world,' " Gaga said.

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