
New Sermon Series: Inviting Jesus to Therapy

The World Health Organization (WHO) is one of the leading secular voices guiding the ongoing conversation on mental health. WHO defines mental health as a state of well-being that changes along with an individual’s general abilities, coping skills, and capacity for contributing to his or her community. This definition helps us understand the ways our mental health can change along with our environment— whether we’re receiving help from a therapist or not. But what WHO’s definition doesn’t do is help us understand healthy ways to think about ourselves in relationship with God or in relationship with other people as our mental health ebbs and flows.


During this sermon series, we’re going to imagine that we’ve invited Jesus– the Word of God made flesh– into the conversation about our mental health. Whether you’re someone who is actively involved in therapy or not, this sermon series will provide a space for us to explore the loving and compassionate wisdom of God as we steward our mental health alongside our spirituality.

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