
  • Fletcher undergoes a comedic transformation, incapable of lying, which leads to awkward but honest interactions with others.
  • The film balances slapstick humor with heartwarming moments, emphasizing the importance of Fletcher's relationship with his son.
  • Fletcher's journey of self-discovery culminates in a new perspective on life, prioritizing family over work and learning the value of honesty.

Liar Liar is one of Jim Carrey’s best movies, full of physical comedy and hilarious quotes. Starring Carrey as the lead, Fletcher Reede, Liar Liar shows him failing to find a balance between his work life as a lawyer and time spent with his son, Max. Fletcher frequently lies to others, but changes after Max wishes his father was unable to lie for one day. What follows for Fletcher is a challenging 24 hours in which he uncontrollably blurts his true feelings toward others, making his day in court extremely testing.

Fletcher's struggle with telling the truth is translated through strained facial movements and exaggerated bodily reactions. With as much humor as there is in Liar Liar, due to Carrey's signature slapstick style of comedy, there is also a heartfelt story about the father-and-son relationship between Fletcher and Max. Of all the people Fletcher lies to on a daily basis, the person most affected by his dishonesty is his son. The best quotes from Liar Liar, while they're all humorous on the surface, manage to capture both the silliness and love in the film's story.

Jim Carrey's $302 Million Comedy Hit Has A Genius Cameo From A Totally Different Jim Carrey Character

Jim Carrey's 1997 hit, Liar Liar, sees the actor playing a truth-telling lawyer. However, he also stars as a different character, one from his past.

10 "That's Just Something Ugly People Say."

Fletcher Confronts Max About His Wish

Once Fletcher discovers that Max's birthday wish has come true, he heads to his school to confront him about it. Before understanding the impact his lies have on his son, Fletcher is begging for Max to undo his wish from the night before. Attempting to pin his situation from a point of view a child would understand, Fletcher explains the times in life when adults need to lie.

As an example, Fletcher talks about the appearance of Max's mother during her pregnancy and how he told little lies to ensure she felt better about herself. When Max points out the lack of reason behind such a lie, considering he's been told by others that beauty lies within the individual, Fletcher says, "That's just something ugly people say." Fletcher's response is comical as he's trying his best to dismiss any rebuttal thrown at him by his son in hopes that he'll understand the difficulty he's having by telling the truth.

9 "I Think I'm Fired. Isn't That Great?"

Fletcher Is Bailed Out Of Jail

In the final act of Liar Liar, Fletcher has a moment of clarity in the courtroom, but because of his agitated comments towards the judge, he is arrested for contempt of court. Luckily, Fletcher's former secretary Greta learns of his situation and bails him out. As they are catching up with one another, Greta mentions how she heard of his actions in the courtroom, to which Fletcher happily responds, "I think I'm fired. Isn't that great?"

The lack of care for his job is a stark contrast to the man he was at the beginning of Liar Liar, prioritizing his work over others. Fletcher's changed attitude only comes after realizing the importance of his relationship with Max and seeing a similar familial split mirrored in the outcome of his client's case. As he watches his client's children being taken away from their father, Fletcher concludes what's most important in his life. Following his bail, he rushes to the airport in an attempt to stop Max from leaving for Boston.

8 "Sometimes Grownups Need To Lie."

Fletcher Visits Max At School