The Meaning Behind The Song: Asc. Scorpio by Oracle Sisters - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Asc. Scorpio by Oracle Sisters


The Meaning Behind The Song: Asc. Scorpio by Oracle Sisters

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre
Asc. Scorpio Oracle Sisters Lewis Lazar & Christopher Willatt Paris I (2020) March 12, 2020 Rock

Asc. Scorpio, the debut single by Oracle Sisters, is a captivating rock song that leaves listeners longing for more. With its hauntingly beautiful melody and thought-provoking lyrics, this song carries a deeper meaning that resonates with many.

The chorus, “Hum along, cat got its cream, You got it wrong, it’s not as it seems, You’re Ascendant Scorpio,” sets the stage for self-reflection and introspection. The reference to being “Ascendant Scorpio” suggests a depth of emotion and intensity in the protagonist’s personality. While Scorpios are often associated with secrecy and passion, being “Ascendant Scorpio” amplifies these qualities and invites exploration of one’s inner self.

The verses further delve into the enigmatic nature of the song. The opening line, “An elephant in hunger, a power grid, and thunder,” hints at the presence of something greater and more powerful, possibly symbolizing overwhelming emotions or a transformative experience. The subsequent line, “A child in a crib, in a rocking chair, Sister says ‘nightmares are gone’,” introduces a contrast between innocence and reassurance, suggesting a potential release from past fears or worries.

As the chorus repeats, the listener is encouraged to reflect on the misconceptions they might hold and to challenge them. The lyrics playfully state, “Hum along, I heard a scream, You got it wrong, It’s not as it seems, You’re Ascendant Scorpio.” Here, the mention of a scream juxtaposed with the notion of being “Ascendant Scorpio” adds depth to our understanding of the song. It signifies the inner struggles and conflicts that exist within all of us, emphasizing the need to confront these battles head-on.

The second verse adds further layers to the meaning of the song. The line, “An element of blunder, a tenement, which number?” raises questions about the mistakes we make and the consequences they may have. The repetition of the phrase “Man, it’s been so goddamn long” suggests a longing for connection and a reflection on the passage of time. This introspection invites the listener to reflect on their own experiences and personal growth.

Personally, Asc. Scorpio holds a special place in my heart. The ethereal quality of the song, combined with its introspective lyrics, takes me on a journey of self-discovery every time I listen to it. It reminds me to embrace my own complexity, acknowledging both the light and dark aspects of my personality.

As someone who has always been fascinated by astrology, the reference to being “Ascendant Scorpio” adds an extra layer of intrigue to the song. It makes me wonder what it means to have a Scorpio Rising and how it influences one’s character and life path.

Furthermore, the captivating melody and the vocal harmonies in this song captivate me from the first note. It’s a song that begs to be listened to on repeat, each time revealing new nuances and emotions.

Asc. Scorpio by Oracle Sisters is a song that encourages self-reflection and invites listeners to explore their deeper selves. Its hauntingly beautiful melody and thought-provoking lyrics make it a truly remarkable and unforgettable listening experience. So, sit back, close your eyes, and let the sounds of Asc. Scorpio take you on a journey of self-discovery.

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