Christian II of Denmark Biography | Pantheon


Christian II of Denmark

1481 - 1559

Photo of Christian II of Denmark

Icon of person Christian II of Denmark

Christian II (1 July 1481 – 25 January 1559) was a Scandinavian monarch under the Kalmar Union who reigned as King of Denmark and Norway, from 1513 until 1523, and Sweden from 1520 until 1521. From 1513 to 1523, he was concurrently Duke of Schleswig and Holstein in joint rule with his uncle Frederick. As king, Christian tried to maintain the Kalmar Union between the Scandinavian countries which brought him to war with Sweden, lasting between 1518 and 1523. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Christian II of Denmark has received more than 810,786 page views. His biography is available in 51 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 50 in 2019). Christian II of Denmark is the 660th most popular politician (down from 634th in 2019), the 25th most popular biography from Denmark (down from 21st in 2019) and the 14th most popular Danish Politician.

Christian II of Denmark is most famous for being the king of Denmark and Norway from 1513 to 1523. He was born in 1481 and died in 1559.

Memorability Metrics

  • 810k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 71.93

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 51

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 8.98

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.96

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)

Page views of Christian II of Denmarks by language

Over the past year Christian II of Denmark has had the most page views in the with 129,213 views, followed by Swedish (63,111), and Danish (30,154). In terms of yearly growth of page views the top 3 wikpedia editions are Mirandese (1,252.38%), Latin (59.09%), and Afrikaans (51.33%)


Among politicians, Christian II of Denmark ranks 660 out of 19,576Before him are Béla IV of Hungary, Alexander Van der Bellen, Jadwiga of Poland, Ptolemy XII Auletes, Darius II, and Charles IV of Spain. After him are Maxentius, Ahab, Nizam al-Mulk, Philip the Good, Catiline, and Moctezuma II.

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Among people born in 1481, Christian II of Denmark ranks 1After him are Baldassare Peruzzi, Gioffre Borgia, Benvenuto Tisi, Casimir, Margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach, Franz von Sickingen, Ashikaga Yoshizumi, and Mateo Flecha. Among people deceased in 1559, Christian II of Denmark ranks 3Before him are Henry II of France, and Pope Paul IV. After him are Christian III of Denmark, Beyhan Sultan, Isabella Jagiellon, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Ercole II d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, Frances Grey, Duchess of Suffolk, William I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg, Benvenuto Tisi, and Robert Estienne.

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In Denmark

Among people born in Denmark, Christian II of Denmark ranks 25 out of 1,032Before him are Karl Adolph Gjellerup (1857), Christian IV of Denmark (1577), Sweyn Forkbeard (960), Christian X of Denmark (1870), Sigrid Undset (1882), and Frederick VIII of Denmark (1843). After him are Alexandra of Denmark (1844), Johannes V. Jensen (1873), Queen Anne-Marie of Greece (1946), Christian VIII of Denmark (1786), Henrik Pontoppidan (1857), and Frederick V of Denmark (1723).

Among POLITICIANS In Denmark

Among politicians born in Denmark, Christian II of Denmark ranks 14Before him are Margaret I of Denmark (1353), George I of Greece (1845), Christian IV of Denmark (1577), Sweyn Forkbeard (960), Christian X of Denmark (1870), and Frederick VIII of Denmark (1843). After him are Alexandra of Denmark (1844), Christian VIII of Denmark (1786), Frederick V of Denmark (1723), Frederick VI of Denmark (1768), Frederick III of Denmark (1609), and Valdemar II of Denmark (1170).