Real Estate Help

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The Real Estate Search page displays more detailed information about a selected parcel. It also provides more ways to search for parcels. The basic search parameters are Owner Last Name, Owner First Name, Account Number, Parcel Number, Tax Year, and Property Address. The advanced search parameters are Land Size Range, Land Type and Zoning Type. Only one search parameter, other than Tax Year, is required. Further description of each search parameter is provided below.

Search parameters:
  Owner Last Name - property owner's last name
  Owner First Name - property owner's first name
  Parcel# - parcel number
  Tax Year - tax year; default is current tax year
  Property Address - property address for the property being searched
    House# is the house number
    Unit# is a number assigned to a unit on the property. example: apartment unit number
    Direction is the Street address direction; choose one from the drop-down list provided
    Street Name is the Street address street name
    Type is the street type; choose one from the drop-down list provided
    Suffix is the street suffix. example: Plaza Rd Ext, where Ext is the suffix
    Municipality is the city/town for the property address; choose one from the drop-down list provided
  Land Size Range -
  Land Type - select a land type from the drop down list provided
  Zoning Type - select a zoning type from the drop down list provided

The results for each search are presented in the Search Results section. The same data items are displayed for each parcel found and returned (Parcel #, number of Buildings associated with the parcel, Property Address, Account #, first Owner's Name, second Owner's Name, land Units and land Type, Legal Description). Click on a Parcel # to view more detailed information about a parcel.

After clicking a Parcel #, the Selected Parcel Info section is displayed. Within this section, general parcel information is presented (Parcel #, Account #, both Owner Names, Exempt info, Neighborhood info, Legal Description, Land Units and Type, Building Value, Outbuilding Value, Land Value, Parcel Value Total, Deferred Value and Taxable Value).

Along with the Selected Parcel Info section, several tabbed sections are displayed to provide even more detailed parcel information by category. For example, a Land tab may exist to provide more detailed information about the parcel's land.