PDF to Google Docs - Convert PDF to Google Doc

Convert PDF to Google Docs

Instantly convert images and PDFs to Google Docs online


Over 1 billion requests processed and counting

Add PDF Files

Select files from your computer, or just drag and drop into the upload box.

Convert PDF to Google Docs

Click ‘Convert to Google Docs’ to convert your PDF file to a Google Doc file.

Open Google Docs

Open your editable Google Doc filewithin seconds.

PDF file (.PDF)

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a versatile document format that allows the exchange of electronic documents across various operating systems, applications, software, or hardware. This universality ensures consistent viewing and printing of documents, cementing PDF as a standard for disseminating information. Each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of its content, including text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to display it. This content is placed on a 2D coordinate plane, offering precise control over layout and typography. They can be encrypted, password-protected, and watermarked, ensuring that sensitive information is safeguarded. Also, they allow for digital signatures, enabling authenticity and integrity checks for official documents. With their robust features, PDFs cater to a wide range of needs, from simple text documents to interactive forms and detailed graphics, making them a reliable choice for information sharing and storage.

Google Docs

The Google Docs file format, commonly known as Google Docs, is a web-based document processing platform developed by Google. Unlike traditional word processing formats like Microsoft Word, Google Docs operates entirely in the cloud, allowing users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents online using a standard web browser.Google Docs files are stored in Google Drive and have the ".docx" extension. They are automatically saved as users make changes, eliminating the need for manual saves. This cloud-based format enables seamless collaboration among multiple users in real-time, as they can edit the same document simultaneously and see changes instantly.One of the notable features of Google Docs is its version history, which allows users to track changes, revert to previous document states, and review edits made by collaborators. Additionally, Google Docs integrates with other Google Workspace apps, such as Google Sheets and Google Slides, to provide a comprehensive productivity suite for both personal and professional use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my data secure with Nanonets PDF to Google Docs Tool?
Is this PDF to Google Docs tool free to use?

Ready to get started?

We have ready to use PDF to Google Sheets converters for the most common document types. Create and set up your own custom PDF to Google Sheets model in a few clicks.
10M+ processed
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8M+ processed
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Purchase Orders
11,22,400 processed
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Real Estate Docs
5M+ processed
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Bank Statements
5M+ processed
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Bill of Lading
4M+ processed
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Tables / SKU
3M+ processed
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Per Defalvadigital engine
digital engine

We are impressed with the intelligence in the product when it comes to data extraction. This opens up for many new areas where we can help our customers, like detection of fraud. We have been having a tight and transparent dialogue with Nanonets. Our customers are very pleased with the product as well as the technical support we together with Nanonets have been able to provide.

Per Defalva

Founder, DigitalEngine (Sweden), ex-CIO PwC Sweden

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How we compare

Why Nanonets PDF to Google Sheets is Better

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Traditional OCR Tools
Data Formatting
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High savings
Nil or low training data
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grey cross
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High training data
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High training data
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Receive documents from multiple channels
Amount of training data needed
Self-learning AI
No Template setup required
IT / API friendly
Multiple export options
Cost and Time Savings

Security certifications

Security is a priority at Nanonets

World Class Training and Support
Highest security standards
99.95% Uptime
Strict Privacy Policies

High performer Spring 2021 by G2 Crowd

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