Napoleon Dynamite star Jon Heder wants a darker sequel to the 2004 cult comedy that picks up with the characters in real time. Appearing at Pittsburgh's Steel City Con, Heder pitched an overall idea for Napoleon Dynamite 2, which would find the title character living a dull life and no longer doing whatever he feels like he wants to do. Gosh!

"In my personal opinion, if there was a Napoleon sequel, it would have to be real time. We wouldn't do, 'It's senior year, and it's a bunch of 40-year-olds pretending they're still in high school.’ If it was coming from me — I don't know how much they're going to listen to me — but prepare yourselves, it's gonna be dark."

That darkness would come from hitting middle-age, not using any of your good skills (like nunchuck skills...bow hunting hacking skills) and struggling to live up to the responsibilities he now has.

"Part of the charm of Napoleon is the innocence of youth. They're in high school, they don't have any real responsibility or accountability too much, it's all coming of age. Napoleon today would be: he's entered the workforce, he's got responsibility, he's paying for maybe one or two alimonies, child support for one of them."

Of course, Napoleon Dynamite 2 would find the endearing nerd fighting to get out of the darkness and into the light, winning back Deb among other, more ludicrous things.

"But it's great because it also gives our hero a very low place to start and he's got to win back Deb, maybe, and he's got to save Uncle Rico from prison, and Kip is actually roided-out from cage fighting. So Napoleon and Kip are getting there and Kip is tearing people up. I don't know, there's something there."

Heder is absolutely right, there is certainly something there. And it sounds freakin' sweet.

RELATED: Jon Heder Says He Won't Do Napoleon Dynamite 2 Without Director Jared Hess

Jon Heder Thinks a Napoleon Dynamite Sequel is Inevitable

Main characters of Napoleon Dynamite
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Released in 2004, Napoleon Dynamite follows the titular Napoleon, a socially awkward teenager living with his grandmother and older brother in Preston, Idaho, who gets caught up in his dysfunctional family's misadventures while trying to help a friend win the class presidency. Written by Jared and Jerusha Hess and directed by Jared, the movie has since garnered a passionate cult following thanks to its quirky viewpoint and endlessly quotable dialogue.

The saga was continued with an animated series in 2010, but with Napoleon Dynamite now falling under the Disney banner following the acquisition of Fox, Heder thinks it’s inevitable that a live action sequel will happen eventually.

"I don't think the book of Napoleon is closed forever. I honestly think there's gonna be something — whether it's a sequel, or a TV show, or another animated [show]...Now that Fox properties are owned by Disney, we know how Disney feels about cashing in on everything that's ever been made," Heder said. "So you never know. Maybe we'll be back. I honestly don't think it's dead. There's gotta be something."

Of course, as Heder points out, avoiding the pitfalls met by the likes of Dumb and Dumber To and Bad Santa 2 will be a mighty challenge. Do you think a sequel to Napoleon Dynamite could work? Or should Napoleon, Pedro, and Deb be left alone?