Viktualienmarkt: A top sight in Munich -

Viktualienmarkt: shopping, food, beer garden and souvenirs

Viktualienmarkt: A top sight in Munich

If you are visiting Munich, you have to stop by Viktualienmarkt in the center of the city to see the unique market has to offer:

Adresse und Öffnungszeiten

Viktualienmarkt , 80331 München

Opening hours

  • Mo 08:00 - 20:00
  • Tu 08:00 - 20:00
  • We 08:00 - 20:00
  • Th 08:00 - 20:00
  • Fr 08:00 - 20:00
  • Sa 08:00 - 20:00
  • Su closed


Sommer auf dem Münchner Viktualienmarkt
trabantos /

Schönheitskur für den Viktualienmarkt: Neues Mobiliar und mehr Grün

Der Viktualienmarkt ist im Sommer verschönert worden, um die Aufenthaltsqualität zu verbessern. Folgende Maßnahmen wurden oder werden noch durchgeführt:

  • Neu sind 20 Pflanzentröge, die saisonal, bunt und bienenfreundlich bepflanzt und gepflegt werden, außerdem spenden sechs Dachplatanen Schatten.
  • Acht nachhaltige, bunte Bänke, 40 Stühle sowie 40 Hocker aus Holz und Metall sowie zusätzlich zwei große geschwungene Holzbänke und 100 Stühle aus dem städtischen Mobiliar wurden aufgestellt.
  • 20 zusätzliche Fahrradständer wurden an zwei Markteingängen (Richtung Rosental und Frauenstraße) postiert.
  • Vier von fünf neuen LED-Schaukästen für Viktualienmarkt-Übersichtspläne sind bereits eingerichtet.
  • Über den Markt verteilt – mit Schwerpunkt in der Abteilung II – werden insgesamt zehn Solarleuchten mit integrierten Pflanztrögen aufgestellt; eine davon steht bereits.
  • Die Abteilung VI wurde zusätzlich mit bunten Lichterketten ausgestattet.

Mehr zu den Verschönerungen

Michael Hofmann
Neue Platanen, Blumen und Sitzgelegenheiten am Viktualienmarkt

The most important information at a glance

  • The Viktualienmarkt is one of the top sight s in the center of Munich
  • Not only can you buy fresh goods like fruits and vegetables here, but also eat excellent food
  • Worth seeing are the Maypole in the middle of the market, as well as the statues and fountains
  • For souvenirs, the Viktualienmarkt also offers some of the most ideal for your pleasure
  • Getting to the market is pretty easy, as once you reach Marienplatz with the S-bahn or tram, it's only a walk away.

Opening hours

When is the Viktualienmarkt open? Generally: Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (with exceptions for florists, restaurateurs and bakers). On Mondays, some stalls are closed.

Food, beer garden and souvenirs

Anette Göttlicher

Whether coffee from the coffee roastery, a soup from the Munich soup kitchen or one of the refined creations of the Caspar Plautz team - no one has to go hungry at the Viktualienmarkt. Especially for a snack in between sightseeing, the Viktualienmarkt is a tip. The beer garden is also extremely popular and perfect if you want to strike up a conversation with Munich locals.

The Viktualienmarkt is also a good place to buy souvenirs: from natural combs and shaving brushes to wooden kitchen accessories, lovingly designed Munich souvenirs and the finest patisserie - at the Viktualienmarkt you can find things that are only

Fountains at the Viktualienmarkt

Weihnachtlich geschmückter Karl-Valentin-Brunnen auf dem Viktualienmarkt
Anette Göttlicher

While you're looking for the refreshment of your choice, take a look at the fountain monuments scattered around the market! Six Munich personalities can be found here:

  • Karl Valentin
  • Liesl Karlstadt
  • Ida Schumacher
  • Roider Jackl
  • Elise Aulinger
  • White Ferdl

What there is to see around the market

Die Kirche St. Peter mit Altem Peter von Außen
Katy Spichal
Alter Peter

While you're looking for the refreshment of your choice, take a look at the fountain monuments scattered around the market! Six Munich personalities can be met here: The legendary Karl Valentin, Liesl Karlstadt, Ida Schumacher, Roider Jackl, Elise Aulinger and Weiß Ferdl.

A great overview of the market is offered by the viewing platform on the Alter Peter.  It is also worthwhile to take a look inside Munich's oldest mentioned parish church.

The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit at Viktualienmarkt is also one of Munich's oldest churches. And the historic Old Town Hall and the world-famous Marienplatz with its carillon are not far away from the market.

Maypole at the Viktualienmarkt in Munich

Maibaum auf'm Viktualienmarkt
Michael Hofmann

The landmark of the Viktualienmarkt, visible from afar, is the huge maypole, which is erected there every few years. The blue and white pole was raised for the first time on May 4, 1962 in the heart of the market square. Incidentally, at the suggestion of the then mayor Albert Bayerle with the well-known saying: "If we are already a village, then we also need a maypole". Today, the maypole is a popular meeting place on the Viktualienmarkt due to its good visibility.

Celebrating at the Viktualienmarkt

  • On Shrove Tuesday, the ladies from the stalls show rehearsed dances in beautiful costumes at the dance of the market women.
  • At the fountain festival on the first Friday in August, the figural fountains are decorated with colorful flowers, and there are free performances and music.
  • During Advent, the stalls are decorated with lights at the "Winterzauber". Crepes and mulled wine provide the right atmosphere.

Where did the Viktualienmarkt get its name?

The name of the Viktualienmarkt dates back to the 19th century and comes from the word "Viktualien", which was then used as a synonym for food. It has its origin in the Latin word "victus", which means "food". At that time, it was fashionable in the German-speaking world to Latinize German words. Before that, the place was usually simply called the marketplace. By the way, the Viktualienmarkt in the old town should not be confused with the Pasinger Viktualienmarkt, which is located in the district of the same name in the west of Munich.

History of the Viktualienmarkt

Marktstände auf dem Viktualienmarkt

When the city's food market grew too large for the Marienplatz central square, King Maximilian I issued a decree in 1807 to have it moved a few meters towards the south-east. It was erected at the square between Heiliggeist-Kirche and Frauenstrasse. Charity buildings that once belonged to the church were demolished to make way for the market square or "Marktplatz", which later became known as "Viktualienmarkt" or Victuals market.

In 1823, the market got larger again, and over the years a number of market halls were added. Schrannenhalle, the precursor to today's "Großmarkthalle" or Great Market Hall, burnt down in 1932 and was reopened in 2005. A butchers' hall, fish hall, pavilions for bakeries and fruit vendors, stands for fowl and venison, and flower shops were added.

After World War II, the market place was revived by the city administration and the citizens of Munich enriched it with memorial wells for folk singers and comedians such as Karl Valentin, Weiß Ferdl and Liesl Karlstadt. It's worthy to note that water has always played an important role on the market square. In fact, 7 brooks, which were connected to the river Isar, flowed across the square years ago.

M-WLAN - Free WiFi in Munich

M-WLAN HotspotThe free M-WLAN service is available at numerous locations in Munich, allowing users to surf the Internet free of charge.


M-WLAN is a free service offered by the city together with Stadtwerke München as the technical partner. and M-net act as sponsors.

At a glance

Viktualienmarkt: A top sight in Munich

80331 München

Opening hours

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08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00