The Meaning Behind The Song: Sawgrass by Josh Ritter - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Sawgrass by Josh Ritter


The Meaning Behind The Song: Sawgrass by Josh Ritter

Details of the Song

Title: Sawgrass
Artist: Josh Ritter
Writer/Composer: Josh Ritter
Album: Spectral Lines (2023)
Release Date: January 24, 2023
Genre: Rock
Producer: Sam Kassirer

The Lyrics of Sawgrass

I’ve been told there’s a star for each dreamer to wish to
And no matter how far you may go she is with you
Trust me she’s out there it’ll just take some time
And if she’s one in a billion she’ll be easy to find

I’ve been told there’s a place high up and out of the window
Through the blue all the way to the end of the rainbow
But if Heaven is waiting then Heaven can wait
And if she’s one in a billion tell them I’m coming late

I’ve been told there’s a feeling that arrives out of nowhere
No it won’t come a stealing when you first see her face somewhere
And you’ll know her at first sight and she’ll know you too
‘Cause she’s one in a billion but then so are you
And you’ll know her at first sight and she’ll know you too
‘Cause she’s one in a billion but then so are you
So are you, so are you

The Meaning Behind the Song

Josh Ritter’s “Sawgrass” is a song that beautifully captures the hope and longing for a special connection in life. The lyrics speak of dreams, destiny, and the belief that somewhere out there, there is an extraordinary person waiting to be found.

With phrases like “I’ve been told there’s a star for each dreamer to wish to” and “she’s one in a billion but then so are you,” Ritter expresses the idea that true love and deep connections are rare, but they exist for each individual. He highlights the notion that in a world of billions, two souls can find each other and create something unique.

Personally, I resonate with the sentiment behind “Sawgrass” as it reminds me of the magical idea of soulmates. The song suggests that finding this person may not happen effortlessly, but with patience and time, the right connection will come into our lives.

While the song primarily talks about finding love, it also touches on the concept of heaven. Ritter questions whether heaven is waiting for us, or if we can delay its arrival by finding our one in a billion. It adds a layer of mystery and philosophical thinking to the song, leaving listeners to ponder the significance of finding true love.

Furthermore, the upbeat rock melody of “Sawgrass” further enhances the message of hope and optimism. The energetic instrumentals and Ritter’s passionate vocals create a sense of excitement and possibility, making it an uplifting and catchy tune.

Ultimately, “Sawgrass” serves as a reminder that there is someone out there meant for each of us, someone who will recognize us and understand us on a profound level. It encourages us to keep believing in love and to have faith that the right person will come into our lives when the time is right.

As I listen to “Sawgrass,” I am reminded of the thrill and anticipation of searching for love. It brings to mind moments of hope, heartbreak, and the joy of finally finding that one person who makes everything fall into place. This song captures the universal longing for connection and the belief that true love is worth waiting for.

So, let Josh Ritter’s “Sawgrass” be a soundtrack for your own journey of finding love and discovering that one in a billion person who will make your heart skip a beat.

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