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Princess Jellyfish

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26 Reviews
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Tsukimi and her wallflower friends are hopeless nerds with bizarre hobbies. Their crippling social anxieties keep them from setting foot outside the all-girl apartment complex they inhabit, but a late night jellyfish rescue mission and the arrival of a “Stylish Girl” are about to turn their lives upside down!

Fuji Creative Corporation
Japanese, English
English, Deutsch
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(3 reviews)09 August 2018
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Wonderful, but I need more!

My only complaint is that there are no more episodes. The music, premise, and voice acting are wonderful. The characters really come alive in the anime, though I do recommend the manga simply because there are simply not enough episodes! If you like funny, heartfelt, or even sad slice-of-life about being true to yourself, coming out of your shell, and maybe even falling in love, then watch Princess Jellyfish with its cast of awkward and relatable characters!

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(2 reviews)10 August 2018
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Everyone can be a princess <3

Princess Jellyfish is one of the few series (from both Eastern or Western media) that is very close to my heart. Since I've read the manga, I will try to only keep the review for the anime, however I would highly recommend the manga since it's a superb series and continues the story much further than where the anime ends. The plot revolves around Tsukimi Kurashita, a jellyfish fanatic NEET that lives in a house with four other NEET women with their own obsessions and help their landlord draw yaoi manga in order to make due. The house rules is to never let a man inside. So, of course, that is exactly what happens. Tsukimi meets a beautiful woman and has her come over the house since the stranger helped her save her favorite jellyfish. Turns out that the beautiful woman is actually a beautiful man and trouble ensues. The series is very much a "coming out of your shell" anime and it does it very well in my opinion. It's nothing new where we see the "fat, ugly girl" realize her beauty and become more confident in herself. Though the difference between those is that the girl always has to go through a major physical change to become beautiful, such as losing weight, changing personality, etc. Princess Jellyfish doesn't bring you down that road, instead sharing the message that the "princess you have is inside you". Though I'm not a big fan of these cheesy kind of messages, I found the series to be incredibly heartwarming and even found myself empathizing immensely with Tsukimi's character. To put it much shorter, it's basically about a couple of nerds that learn to love themselves and I love the author Higashimura for that. I know this isn't about the anime but when I finished the manga I cried little baby tears because I just love this series so much. So please, read and watch the series, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

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(134 reviews)10 August 2018
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A cute story with great eccentric characters.

A cute story about a group of otaku living together as roommates. It's a tale of exploring friendship, relationships, and finding a place in society from the perspective of those who aren't considered "normal". In addition to being cute, it's also amusing and entertaining. Definitely worth watching.

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(2 reviews)06 September 2018
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i love this anime!!!

my only complaint is where the HELL is season 2!!! you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll enjoy the ride for sure... they touch on so many things in such a short 11 episodes you're bound to relate to a character at some point. i might just go read the manga to see what's happened since the anime stopped!

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(120 reviews)09 August 2018
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This ia a wonderful story, a charming slice of life comedy

Of a shy. disheveled, otaku girl,Tsukimi , who loves jellyfish and a fashionable, crossdressing male, Kuranosuke. Through many trials, their relationship survives and thrives. It is set in some all-girl apartments, filled with the rejects of society,Tsukimi's friends, who are all otaku nerds with crippling social anxiety. The interaction of Kuranosuke with these girls makes for many a hilarious situation. This is a charming story of their evolving friendship. You'll love it.