The Meaning Behind The Song: Feel by Robbie Williams - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Feel by Robbie Williams

The Meaning Behind The Song: Feel by Robbie Williams

Robbie Williams is a singer, songwriter, and entertainer who is known for his catchy tunes and energetic performances. One of his most popular songs is “Feel,” which was released in 2002. The song has a special meaning for both Williams and his fans, as it touches on the struggles of life and the importance of finding inner strength. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the meaning behind the song “Feel.”

The Lyrics of “Feel”

The song “Feel” begins with the lyrics, “I wanna feel the breeze in my hair, / I wanna go where the sun is warm and shining.” These lines suggest a longing for freedom and escape from the mundane aspects of daily life. The rest of the lyrics focus on the singer’s desire to connect with others and find a sense of purpose.

The chorus of the song is perhaps the most memorable part, as it repeats the line, “I just wanna feel real love in the home that I live in.” This line has resonated with many people who feel that they lack a sense of connection or belonging in their lives.

The Inspiration for “Feel”

Robbie Williams has spoken in interviews about the inspiration behind “Feel.” He has described the song as being about “the feeling of isolation and loneliness.” Williams has struggled with addiction and mental health issues throughout his life, and he has often turned to music as a way to express his emotions.

In an interview with the BBC, Williams spoke about how “Feel” came about. He said, “I was writing an album and I came to the studio with an attitude of, ‘I don’t have anything to write today.’ And this song pretty much wrote itself. It was just me, a guitar, and a bottle of wine. I got to the chorus and it felt like it was something that people needed to hear.”

The Music Video for “Feel”

The music video for “Feel” is also notable for its artistic style. It was directed by Vaughan Arnell and features Williams walking through various landscapes, including a desert and a forest. The video incorporates surreal elements, such as a giant hand reaching out of the ground. The ending of the video, which shows Williams floating above the ground, has been interpreted as a symbol of his desire for escape.

Frequently Asked Questions About “Feel”

1. What was the commercial success of “Feel”?

“Feel” was a commercial success, reaching the top of the charts in multiple countries, including the UK, Germany, and Spain. The song has sold over 800,000 copies in the UK alone.

2. What is the meaning of the line, “I just wanna feel real love in the home that I live in”?

The line “I just wanna feel real love in the home that I live in” is about the desire for connection and intimacy in one’s life. The singer is expressing a longing for a place where he feels loved and accepted.

3. What mental health issues has Robbie Williams struggled with?

Robbie Williams has struggled with depression, anxiety, and addiction throughout his life. He has been open about his struggles with substance abuse and has sought treatment for his mental health issues.

4. What is the significance of the surreal elements in the music video?

The surreal elements in the music video, such as the giant hand and the floating ending, are open to interpretation. Some viewers may see them as representations of the singer’s desire for escape or as symbols of the inner turmoil he has experienced.

5. How has “Feel” been received by fans?

“Feel” has been received positively by many fans and has become one of Robbie Williams’ most popular songs. The lyrics and melody have resonated with listeners who have experienced feelings of isolation or disconnection in their own lives.

6. What impact has “Feel” had on Robbie Williams’ career?

“Feel” has been a significant song in Robbie Williams’ career, helping to cement his status as a successful solo artist. The song has also been credited with inspiring other musicians to be more vulnerable and introspective in their own work.

7. Who wrote the music and lyrics for “Feel”?

Robbie Williams co-wrote “Feel” with Guy Chambers, who has collaborated with Williams on many of his most popular songs.

8. What themes does “Feel” explore?

“Feel” explores themes of loneliness, isolation, and the search for connection and meaning in life. The song encourages listeners to be open and vulnerable, to seek out the love and support they need to thrive.

9. How has Robbie Williams’ personal life influenced his music?

Robbie Williams’ personal life has had a significant influence on his music. He has often used his experiences with addiction and mental health issues as material for his songs, and his willingness to be vulnerable and honest has been a key factor in his success.

10. What other songs has Robbie Williams written about mental health?

Robbie Williams has written several songs about mental health, including “Strong,” “Angels,” and “Better Man.” These songs have resonated with fans who have experienced similar struggles and have helped to raise awareness about mental health issues.

11. What has Robbie Williams said about the meaning of “Feel”?

Robbie Williams has described “Feel” as being about the “feeling of isolation and loneliness.” He has also spoken about the importance of vulnerability and connection in his own life and in his music.

12. How has “Feel” been covered or remixed by other artists?

“Feel” has been covered or remixed by several other artists, including James Blunt, Mika, and Justin Timberlake. These versions of the song have given it new life and exposed it to new audiences.

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