farewell but not goodbye | English examples in context | Ludwig
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Sentence examples for farewell but not goodbye from inspiring English sources

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The phrase "farewell but not goodbye" is correct and can be used in written English. It is typically used to express a temporary goodbye or to convey the idea that the speaker hopes to see the person again in the future. Example: "As I prepare to leave for college, I bid my friends farewell but not goodbye. I know we will keep in touch and our friendship will remain strong despite the distance."

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Robson's autobiography, entitled Bobby Robson: Farewell but not Goodbye was released in 2005.

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HOUSTON: HAIL AND FAREWELL -- After 27 years the Houston Ballet will say au revoir (but not goodbye) to its artistic director, Ben Stevenson (left), with a gala performance on Sunday.

"We're saying goodbye, but not goodbye — goodbye for now," said Hallie Foote, who plays the covetous daughter Mary Jo in "Dividing the Estate," and is the playwright's daughter.

The title is based on one of his quotes upon leaving the England job in 1990: "I'm here to say goodbye maybe not goodbye but farewell".

"There was a lot of emotion when you're saying goodbye, but it's not goodbye forever.

"It's goodbye to Adams Park but hopefully it's not goodbye to our supporters.

Not Goodbye, But See You Later.

It's the end of an era but not quite goodbye for Hefner.

But it wasn't goodbye for long.

So, Reach is very much a farewell, and not merely a goodbye, from the team that pretty much single-handedly brought online multi-player into our living rooms.

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