8 Best Free Web Hosting Services for Malaysia in 2024
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8 Best Free Web Hosting Services for Malaysia in 2024

Anyone who’s ever wanted to start a website will definitely want to get free web hosting. After all, nobody likes to pay for things, even more so when you don’t even know if your website is going to be profitable or not, so free’s the way to go, right?

Well, right and… not so right.

Top 8 Free Web Hosting Services For Malaysian

  1. Hostinger
  2. Weebly
  3. 000Webhost
  4. Wix
  5. InfinityFree
  6. Awardspace
  7. Freehostia
  8. Freehosting

There’s nothing wrong with getting free web hosting for your website, and it definitely has its perks, but it certainly comes with limitations as well.

It’s a really great way to establish an internet presence without coming up with any cash upfront, but getting free web hosting might also result in unpleasant results for your website.


We use an exchange rate of 1 USD to 4.1 MYR for all prices listed.

Our very first, most favourite priced-so-low-it’s-practically-free web hosting would be Hostinger.

Yes, we know this list is supposed to be applied to free web hosting services, but Hostinger’s prices are only RM2.99 a month, which is practically free guys! Seriously, what else can you buy for RM2.99 a month these days?

Hostinger’s services are top-notch, fast, and reliable, rivalling some of the web hosting giants in the industry. As a matter of fact, we ran some tests and Hostinger actually outperforms some of them in terms of speed!

They’ve built 6 datacenters all across the globe to ensure that their speeds stay consistent no matter where your customers might be. We’ve actually set up 3 test sites with Hostinger (Singapore, Netherlands, and USA) to see how they fare globally, and all of them consistently return average speeds that are below 180ms!

That’s shockingly fast for something that costs a paltry RM2.99 a month, don’t you think?

Aside from speed, what made Hostinger our favourite (almost) free web hosting is their 99% uptime guarantee. This assures us that whatever sites we decide to host with them will practically never go down, or Hostinger will return 5% of our monthly fees to us.

With a chockful of features and an easy to use HPanel (their very own version of cPanel) Hostinger easily beats out the rest of the competition, while giving premium web hosting companies a good run for their money. Read our full review on Hostinger here.

What is lacking with Hostinger?

  • No free domain
  • No free backup
  • Not exactly free
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You probably have heard of Weebly even if you don’t exactly know what it does. They’ve made a name for themselves by being one of the most user-friendly platforms for people without any sort of programming knowledge to create their own websites, for free.

Honestly, they’re pretty damn good at what they do.

Weebly’s website builder is obviously the star of the show here, featuring a very user-friendly drag and drop interface and thousands of templates for you to pick from, to create the website of your dreams.

The features available with the free account aren’t half bad either. You’re given a storage space of 500MB, and while that isn’t a lot, it’s enough to get your free website up and going.

You’ll get to enjoy unlimited bandwidth, so you won’t have to worry about an influx of visitors causing your site to go down just in case your content somehow becomes the flavour of the week in viraltown.

They also throw in free SSL for that extra security, free search engine optimization so your content is easily discoverable, and a free Weebly branded subdomain… not the best but hey, at least you won’t have to pay for a domain name, right?

One thing to take note of – the free account doesn’t come with phone support or any sort of e-commerce features. If you need to use the latter, you’ll have no choice but to upgrade but if the former concerns you, don’t fret – you’ll have support via email and live chat.

With fantastic performance and quite a fair bit of features with their free account, it’s no surprise that Weebly is up here in this list. Read our full review on Weebly here.

What is lacking with Weebly?

  • Limited storage
  • No phone support
  • No e-commerce system
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Powered by Hostinger, 000Webhost.com is next on this list of best free web hosting services.

They’ve been around for well over a decade, and they’ve established themselves as one of the top free web hosting companies around for people that want to learn how to build their very own sites.

000Webhost.com is 100% free forever, so you won’t have to worry about your site getting pulled after a certain amount of time.

For a free web hosting service, 000Webhost.com comes packed with a surprising number of features.

You’re given 1GB of storage space, 10GB of bandwidth, a free website builder, an automatic WordPress installer that’ll help you get started within minutes, and best of all, 2 active websites, each with their own dedicated resources!

The free website builder is simple to use, easy to learn, and comes with plenty of templates to make a sick looking professional website. You won’t even need to learn a single line of code.

The only downside to 000Webhost.com is that some people report terrible downtimes, but hey, it’s free. You can’t expect to have your cake and eat it too, right?

Personally, since 000Webhost.com is already powered by Hostinger, I would naturally prefer to get web hosting from them since the entry price is so low. But if you really don’t want to fork out any cash whatsoever, 000Webhosting.com is an excellent choice.

What is lacking with 000Webhost?

  • Might have downtimes
  • Server speed may be slow
  • No backup
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Wix is another one of those web hosting companies that are really popular, even among those that aren’t in the know.

Honestly, Wix doesn’t offer much in terms of free features, but what they lack in that department, they more than make up for in terms of their usability.

When one of my friends first started experimenting with building websites, he went straight to Wix just to see what he could produce in a limited amount of time with no coding knowledge whatsoever.

What he managed to produce was very impressive, professional-looking and slick. All he needed to do was to pick a base from Wix’s remarkable list of templates, and customize accordingly to what he had in mind using their drag and drop interface.

If you’re looking for a free web hosting to host a small website, with a site builder than can easily produce polished websites, look no further. You really can’t go wrong with Wix. Read our full review on Wix here.

What is lacking with Wix?

  • Limited storage
  • Limited bandwidth
  • No free email account
  • Ads displayed on free account
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Despite being quite new compared to the rest of the players on this list, InfinityFree has managed to make quite an impact in the industry by offering a substantial amount of unlimited features

The Softculous script installer makes installing WordPress a breeze, with thousands of themes at your disposal to create a stunning looking site.

Appearances aside, what impressed us enough about InfinityFree is the amount of features available without forcing us to display ads on our sites.

With them, you’ll get to enjoy unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, 10 free email accounts, with 99.9% uptime (I noticed they never said anything about a guarantee). Did i mention that all these are FREE without having to display ads?

There’s also the fact that they offer free SSL security, over 400 MySQL databases, free subdomains and PHP7.3 for that sweet loading performance, makes InifinityFree an excellent free web hosting choice.

What is lacking with InfinityFree?

  • Only forum based support
  • Ambiguous TOS on unlimited features
  • Limited server power
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The one thing that makes this list so difficult to compile is the amount of quality free web hosting services out there. The quality out there is really quite staggering!

We are happy to include Awardspace into this list, and rightly so. This small little web hosting company’s free account gives the user plenty of perks to get their feet wet into the business of building websites.

Awardspace offers you the same kind of benefits most respectable free web hosts can afford to offer, but they manage to one-up the competition by offering 1 free domain and 3 free subdomains, effectively allowing their users up to 4 free websites per account!

With their 1-click installer, you’re able to get WordPress or Joomla running easily, getting your website up and ready for the world to see in a matter of minutes.

Aside from that, Awardspace also provides 24/7 customer support, even with the free account. The platform is also ad-free, so you won’t have to worry about intrusive ads showing up on your websites!

What is lacking with Awardspace?

  • Limited bandwidth
  • Site load speed might be slow
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If you’re just looking to get a simple website started and you don’t care much about features, you can’t really go wrong with a free web hosting service like Freehostia.

It’s stable with a 99.9% uptime rate, easy to use with their 1-click installer (to get WordPress, Joomla or your favourite CMS up and running in no time at all), quick to set up with a free website builder that comes with gorgeous templates (so you can build gorgeous looking websites) and gives you 3 free email accounts.

Additionally, Freehostia allows you to host up to 5 domains with 1 free account, so that’s pretty damn awesome! It’s a bit of a bummer that you’ll have to purchase your own domain name because Freehostia doesn’t provide you with any.

You’ll get to rock and roll with 6GB of bandwidth, 250MB of storage space and 24/7 customer support, so that’s not too shabby!

The only thing I find to be an issue is that the resources given to you is per account, so that means the 5 domains you can host will be sharing that 6GB bandwidth and 250MB storage… which kind of defeats the purpose of being able to host 5 domains to begin with.

Nevertheless, Freehostia is still pretty damn good for a free service. Just keep the limitations in mind if you decide to host with them!

What is lacking with Freehostia?

  • Limited storage
  • No free domain
  • 5 domains share resources
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Freehosting is our least favourite free web hosting service on this list, but their services are deserving enough for them to be on this list.

They’re quite straightforward about what their free web hosting accounts can and can’t do, and they’re not shy about it all. They’ll provide users of their free accounts no-frills web hosting, with unmetered bandwidth for as long as the user wants, provided the user sticks with Freehosting’s TOS.

As a user of their free account, you’ll get to enjoy 10GB of storage for your website, unmetered bandwidth (as discussed earlier), an automatic script installer to save time on CMS installations, a free website builder and 1 free email account.

Keep in mind though that when you host with Freehosting, it’s best not to break their TOS as they’re notorious for deleting sites without warning. The project you’ve been working so hard on might just disappear overnight if you accidentally venture beyond their terms.

Another thing we don’t quite like about Freehosting is that their server speeds are inconsistent, at least with the free account. A few friends that use their services have complained that their site loading speed is one of the worst they’ve ever encountered.

Freehosting has its perks, but it also has its drawbacks. As long as you’re aware of what those drawbacks are, you should be able to continue enjoying those perks without any major setbacks.

What is lacking with Freehosting?

  • No free SSL
  • No free domain
  • Inconsistent server speed
  • TOS breach may result in website termination
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The Inner Workings Of Web Hosting Companies

Whenever you type down www.whatever.com into your little internet browser or your phone, you’re actually sending information via a complicated network of cables to a physical computer, aptly called a server, which resides in a physical location.

That server then sends the data required back to your computer or mobile device, so it’s able to display the website you’re looking for.

Buying a server costs quite a fair bit of money. Maintaining it isn’t cheap, not to mention having to rent the physical space to store that server in, pay Internet Provider bills, electricity, and whatnot.

Long story short, server maintenance fees are not cheap, and that’s why quality web hosting companies charge a premium price for their services.

So how on earth do some companies manage to provide these services for free?

Now we’re asking the right questions.

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How Web Hosting Companies Keep Their Services Free

Web hosting companies need to find a way to pay off their bills and keep the lights on at home. While there are many strategies and methods a company can use to keep its services free, some of it is acceptable, some unethical, and some downright deplorable.

Here are a few things most free web hosting companies do to cover their costs.

  • Ads On your website One of the ways for them to get some income while providing you with free services is to place ads on your website. These ads can be their own ads or third-party ads. You generally won’t have control over what kind of ads will be on display no your website if you opt for free web hosting. After all, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.
  • Limited features Another thing these companies can do, is to offer you just enough features to get your website going, but not enough to actually produce any decent results. This forces you to upgrade to their paid service or purchase additional features “at a low-low price that anyone can afford!”

    For example, they might throttle the bandwidth of your website, causing your site to seize up when you exceed something like 100 visitors. For you to get your site online again, you’ll have no choice but to upgrade, which automatically turns you into a paid subscriber.
  • Really slow speed Your site could also be seriously slow. After all, you’re not paying them anything. They don’t owe it to you to allocate resources for your website. They’d be much better off giving those resources to their paying customers.
  • No custom domain names You most likely won’t be able to to get a custom domain name either. With free web hosting services, it’s most likely you’re restricted to yourname.freewebhostingservice.com, which isn’t exactly the ideal example of professionalism.

Anyway, even with all these drawbacks, free web hosting services do have their advantages. They’re fantastic for people that are just starting out, hobbyists, and It’s a great way to get your site up and running in no time.

I’ve rambled on enough, so let’s dive into the point of this entire article.

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Verdict: Which One Should You Go For?


* Price is based on a 48-month subscription rate.

Free web hosting services does have its merits, not gonna lie. It’s especially good for people who are just starting out and experimenting with website building for their business because let’s face it – nobody likes paying for stuff.

However, nothing good is free and nothing free is good, although in this case, some of the free web hosting services here are actually pretty decent. Anyway, my point is that free web hosting services has limitations, and those limitations might come in the form of forced ads, throttled features, slow server speeds, forced domain names, just to name a few.

They’re great for testing purposes, but if you want to get serious about your website, then free services just aren’t going to cut it.

Personally, I’d rather pick a professional paid service that has all the perks of premium web hosting at a very low price like Hostinger. As a matter of fact, we’ve got a few test sites hosted with them, and so far we’ve got nothing but praises for their service.

Server speeds are ridiculously fast globally, uptime results never dip past 99% and their excellent support team are just a pleasure to deal with.

Between paying RM2.99 a month for reliable service or getting unsatisfactory service for free, I’d definitely go the former, hands down especially if I’m serious about the website.

We hope you found this article useful! If you have any questions regarding any of the services listed here, don’t be afraid to drop us an email!

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