7th Heaven (song) | 7th Heaven | Fandom
7th Heaven

7th Heaven is the opening theme song for the WB Network Television's most popular television series of the same name. The song was co-written by Dan Foliart and Steve Plunkett (being performed solely by Plunkett) and was used throughout the entirety of the series 11 year run.

7th Heaven is often considered one of the best opening title themes in television history, second only to Paula Cole's I Don't Wanna Wait, which served as the opening theme to another of WB's most acclaimed series — Dawson's Creek.


7th Heaven;

When I see their happy faces smilin' back at me;

7th Heaven;

I know there's no greater feelin' than the love of family;

Where can you go — when the World don't treat you right?

The answer is home — that's the one place that you'll find;

7th Heaven;

Oooooooh, 7th Heaven;

7th Heaven

(Foliart, Plunkett)


In the season 5 episode One Hundred an alternative version of the song can be heard during a party at the Camden house, performed by Eric's old stoner high school band The Flower & Vegetable Show.
