Studio Tisch is a continuing education initiative of the Graduate Acting Alumni Association (GAAA), generously hosted by New York University Tisch School of the Arts.

It’s an artistic home for NYU MFA actors to develop new plays, musicals, performance pieces, devised pieces, podcasts, and film. This year, we will run from June 17th to July 28th!

What does Studio Tisch offer NYU MFA actors?

Participants of Studio Tisch are alumni of New York University Tisch School of the Arts’ Graduate Acting Masters of Fine Arts Program.

As actors, NYU Graduate Acting alumni work in Theatre, Film and TV. You can’t swing a cat on Broadway or on Netflix and not tickle an NYU Grad Actor. However, many NYU Graduate Acting alumni also continue to work across other artistic disciplines, becoming writers, directors, producers and creators.

At Studio Tisch, we celebrate process over product. We encourage our alumni to take risk and create something, perhaps even in a new medium they haven’t tried before. We provide opportunities for alumni to collaborate and sustain our strong community. Read more about our mission here.

Studio Tisch runs from June 20th — July 24th 2023

Building Policy

Please read carefully, as protocols on access to the building have changed. Graduate Acting Alumni and participants in their projects are allowed into 721 Broadway under the following strict admission policy.


Grad Acting alumni are pre-approved for entry into the building. If you have non-alumni participants, for example, a stage manager, we will organise their pre-approval into the building during your project. Participants must be on the list and show ID to be admitted to the building.