Welcome to Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Ruhr-Universit..t Bochum | menschlich - weltoffen - leistungsstark


Insights and indepth

A sensor identifies misfolded protein biomarkers in the blood. This offers a chance to detect Alzheimer's disease before any symptoms occur. Researchers intend to bring it to market maturity.

The way aggressive behaviour develops is still poorly understood. Researchers have now discovered a crucial piece of the jigsaw.

The biomolecule that is damaged by the disease diphtheria is also found in plants. And it can be influenced by environmental stress.

This means that encryption methods developed in Bochum, which even quantum computers cannot crack, will become standard in the USA.


Diversity and networks

As part of its Excellence Strategy, the German Research Foundation currently supports the Clusters of Excellence RESOLV and CaSa at RUB – in the fields of solvation science and IT security.

With its research buildings, RUB is one of the leading lights in North Rhine-Westphalia. The buildings provide optimal infrastructure for research. The ZEMOS research building houses the Center for Solvation Science on RUB campus. The ProDi research building is located near the Gesundheitscampus entrance and will be housing protein diagnostics. The Federal Government and the State of NRW are funding additional research buildings, namely ZGH, ZESS and THINK.


Inderdisciplinary and individual

You have applied for a degree programme? In case you received notification of admission, you must accept your university place in the admissions information portal in due time.

You want to study at RUB? You can find an overview of our wide range of subjects and initial information on the degree programmes in our Study Portal.

About us

Portrait and goals

A centre for science, technology and start-ups is being established on the former Opel premises: Mark 51°7. Academia meets business in the new location – and together they take a stand for successful structural transformation in the Ruhr region.

International education and research and a university that is open to the world: at RUB the world is at home – and the distances to other countries are short.

The UA Ruhr is an alliance between Ruhr University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, and the University of Duisburg-Essen, the three largest universities in Germany’s thriving Ruhr area. Each of our institutions has a strong tradition of breaking down walls between disciplines. We believe in the benefits of collaboration on all levels of scholarship and research, which is one of the reasons we came together in this unique university alliance.

All partners in the network Univercity aim to increase the profile of Bochum as a city of science and education and provide opportunities for students at all universities in the city.

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