Not Faraway From Fantastic ... | Tigers, Lions & Bears. Music, Words & Squares.

From somewhere between London, Melbourne and Sao Paulo, LUNGS have formed and offer something delightful in their latest demo, Faraway. The duo, made up of McLord Magrao and Suzie Blake offer a range of demos on SoundCloud, but this is the most poignant one and something TLB had to share.
Though very subtle, Faraway offers a distinct take on what we'd call music today. The riff is very psychedelic, even to the point that you'd suspect The Horrors were behind it, though, it seems out-shone by the vocal of Suzie ... she is melancholic, untreated and raw and, despite it not being one of the greatest technical vocals you'll have ever heard, it seems to break through the colourful barrier placed by the music to seep in a completely different tone.
The drumbeat in the song really allows for some form of movement from the listener. It is bright, strong and has a real relevance against the backdrop riff ... though, it could be a concern that this is all overcast when the vocal comes into play - especially towards the end.
Suzie takes centre stage towards the end as she begins to fling her lungs across the table in what is a display of desperation, misery and undoubtedly brilliant performance skills.
There's a variety of talents on show in this beautiful little demo and, the final piece is sure to be a truly incredible piece of work. If they are to keep to one line of making music, this would be it!!

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