Hotel D'Annunzio in Lido di Jesolo |
7 nights

Hotel D'Annunzio

In Lido di Jesolo, Venetian Riviera, Italy

What's this?

Official Rating Free Wifi

The family-run Hotel D’Annunzio offers a beach and city holiday in one – it’s less than five minutes’ walk away from the beach and around an hour and a half from Venice.

One of the best things about the Hotel D’Annunzio is the location – it’s close to a beach and waterpark, and just over 90 minutes from Venice.

The Hotel D’Annunzio ticks off a suntrap pool and an Italian restaurant-bar that edges a peaceful piazza.

Holidays here come with 24/7 support on the TUI app and by phone. You won't have a TUI rep visiting your hotel, but can still get in touch around the clock. Find out more about our service while you're away.

  • Rooms: 50
  • Buildings: 1
  • Floors: 5
  • Lifts: 1

Your board basis

Bed and Breakfast

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Evening Meal
  • Drinks
  • Snacks

Buffet breakfast.

Half Board

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Evening Meal
  • Drinks
  • Snacks

Continental buffet breakfast and waiter service dinner.

Average Weather in Lido di Jesolo

Special Assistance

This hotel hasn’t been surveyed for its accessibility yet, but we’re working on it.

We realise everyone’s needs are different, so it’s best to get in touch with our Assisted Travel team if you’ve got any questions, on 0800 145 6920. The team are available from 9am to 7pm on weekdays, 9am to 5pm on Saturday and 10am to 5pm on Sunday.

We’ve partnered with AccessAble to create Detailed Access Guides. View our other hotels Detailed Access Guides.

Also, if you or someone you’re travelling with requires assistance at the airport, or on your flight, please let us know as soon as possible once you’ve booked your holiday. You can give the Assisted Travel team a call to arrange this.

Looking for more info? Head to our Accessible Holidays page.

Calls from UK landlines cost the standard rate but calls from mobiles may be higher. Please check with your network provider.

Items marked with * incur extra charges which are payable locally