The Harmonogram | Karol Adamiecki 1896

The Harmonogram

Karol Adamiecki 1896

Karol Adamiecki (1866-1933) developed a methodology for "work harmonization" that was based on graphical analysis. The graphical charts used in this method have become known as "Harmonograms", and pre-date the similar chart work of the better-known Henry Gantt by more than ten years, and aspects of the Critical Path Method by 60 years. Activities and their durations were represented by the position and length of paper strips. In the header of the strips the name and list of preceding activities were given.

Karol Adamiecki
Karol Adamiecki

The Polish economist and engineer emphasised the importance of creating harmonious teams, practical scheduling, and compatible, measurable means of production. It is claimed that companies implementing his method saw productivity increases of up to 400%.