The Meaning Behind The Song: Love Kernels by Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Love Kernels by Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast


The Meaning Behind The Song: Love Kernels by Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast

Below is a table featuring details about the song:

Title Love Kernels
Artist Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast
Writer/Composer Rachel Bloom, Adam Schlesinger & Jack Dolgen
Album Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Original Television Soundtrack): Season 2 (2017)
Release Date October 17, 2016

The song “Love Kernels” by the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast, from the album “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Original Television Soundtrack): Season 2,” is an upbeat and catchy tune that explores the insecurities and desires within a romantic relationship. The lyrics depict the protagonist’s yearning for love and validation through small gestures and compliments from her partner, which she refers to as “love kernels.”

The song begins with a spoken conversation between Rebecca and Josh, where Rebecca explains that she finds solace and sustenance in the little compliments she receives from Josh. These compliments are like small crumbs that she saves and cherishes, ultimately making up a bowl of popcorn, which represents their love.

Rebecca goes on to analyze various scenarios where Josh’s words and actions are interpreted as expressions of love. For example, when Josh mentions wanting to go to Colorado, Rebecca believes it signifies his thoughts about a future together. Similarly, a late-night text from him implies that she was on his mind even in his dreams. These seemingly ordinary interactions hold great significance for Rebecca, who interprets them as proof of Josh’s affection.

Throughout the song, Rebecca uses playful metaphors to illustrate her craving for love and validation. She likens herself to a hamster in a cage, slurping up every love droplet she receives. Each droplet is seen as a letter in their love story, and when mixed with her tears, it becomes a glass of water, symbolizing her thirst for love.

The chorus emphasizes Rebecca’s patience and willingness to wait for these small expressions of love to accumulate into something more substantial. She compares it to a river that needs a dam and imagines kernels of love raining down like candy on Shaquille O’Neal in the movie “Kazaam.”

The bridge of the song introduces a humorous exchange between Rebecca and Josh, highlighting the absurdity of her desperate search for love kernels in mundane situations. She comically accepts trivial observations from Josh as signs of affection, showcasing her deep desire for any form of love or attention.

The music video for “Love Kernels” is heavily influenced by Beyoncé’s “Lemonade,” featuring black and white visuals and a female entourage. This visual aesthetic adds to the fantasy element of the song and further connects it to themes of insecurity and complexities within relationships, much like Beyoncé’s song “Love Drought.”

Personally, “Love Kernels” resonates with me on a deeper level. The lyrics capture the vulnerability and insecurities we often feel in relationships, especially when it comes to seeking validation and signs of love from our partners. It speaks to the universal desire for affection and recognition, even in the smallest of gestures.

Like Rebecca, I have found myself clinging to every compliment or kind word, storing them in my heart as a source of validation during times of doubt. This song reminds me to appreciate the little love kernels in my own life and to recognize their significance, even if they may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Overall, “Love Kernels” by the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast is a whimsical yet relatable exploration of the insecurities and desires within romantic relationships. It reminds us to cherish and appreciate the small gestures of love and validation we receive, as they can mean the world to us in times of doubt.

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