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This non alcoholic mimosa is bubbly and refreshing: the perfect virgin drink for kids or people avoiding alcohol!

Non Alcoholic Mimosa
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Here’s a great mocktail trick that works for people of all ages: the Non Alcoholic Mimosa! This drink is so simple to put together, and it’s totally customizable for kids or people avoiding alcohol. You can make this virgin drink at the same time as the classic Mimosa, and it works for a crowd! It tastes surprisingly balanced: citrusy and bubbly with a hint of ginger on the finish. What’s the key to a delicious non alcoholic mimosa? Our 4-year-old Larson loved this drink and even did a demo on Instagram to show you.

What’s in a non alcoholic mimosa?

The mimosa is a classic 2-ingredient cocktail likely invented in the 1920’s at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. The drink is on the list of International Bartender Association’s IBA official cocktails, meaning there’s an “official” definition of the mimosa: orange juice and champagne. How to make a non alcoholic mimosa? Swap ginger ale for champagne. Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

  • Orange juice:
  • Ginger ale

Pour them together, and you’ll be amazed that the flavor mimics a mimosa without being too literal. The hint of ginger on the finish gives it an interesting flair. It’s quick and easy to find both of these ingredients in your local grocery!

Non alcoholic mimosa

Best orange juice for a mimosa

When it comes to a non alcoholic mimosa, what’s best for the orange juice component?

  • Fresh juice always tastes best, but you might not be able to squeeze fresh juice for a crowd.
  • Bottled fresh juice with no pulp is the best: and make sure it has no added sugar!
  • Avoid orange juice from concentrate if you can: it doesn’t have the right flavor or texture.

Top brands of ginger ale

What about the ginger ale for a non alcoholic mimosa? Since it’s not a ginger ale cocktail that’s mixing with high-quality liquor, it’s ok to settle for a mid-range ginger ale. (Kids might not know the difference!) But if you’re wondering our favorites, here are some we’d recommend:

  • Q Ginger Ale: Our top choice! We like that it comes in small cans so you only have to use a little at a time. It’s also our top brand of ginger beer.
  • Fever Tree Ginger Ale: Fever Tree is made with real ginger and has no artificial sweeteners.
  • More Ginger Ale Brands: Here’s a list of more top brands.
Ginger ale

Other bubbly mixers for a non alcoholic mimosa

There are a few other ideas to mix into a virgin mimosa if you prefer! You can use any bubbly sort of mixer. Here are a few we’d recommend:

  • Sparkling apple cider
  • Sparkling lemonade (make it homemade!)
  • Non-alcoholic sparkling wine

More mocktail recipes

Love to serve mocktails along with your cocktails? Or just prefer virgin drinks in general? Here are some other great mocktail recipes we love:

Non alcoholic mimosa

When to serve this non alcoholic mimosa recipe

A non alcoholic mimosa is a great kiddie cocktail or for serving for people avoiding alcohol! It’s great as a:

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Non Alcoholic Mimosa

Easy Non Alcoholic Mimosa

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5 from 2 reviews

  • Author: Sonja Overhiser
  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 minutes
  • Total Time: 2 minutes
  • Yield: 1 drink 1x


This non alcoholic mimosa is bubbly and refreshing: the perfect virgin drink for kids or people avoiding alcohol!


  • 4 ounces (½ cup) ginger ale
  • 2 ounces (¼ cup) fresh orange juice, chilled*


  1. Tilt the champagne flute and pour in the ginger ale.
  2. Top off with orange juice.
  • Category: Drink
  • Method: Poured
  • Cuisine: Cocktails
  • Diet: Vegan

About the authors

Sonja & Alex

Hi, we’re Alex and Sonja Overhiser, married cookbook authors, food bloggers, and recipe developers. We founded A Couple Cooks to share fresh, seasonal recipes for memorable kitchen moments! Our recipes are made by two real people and work every time.

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  1. Joshua says:

    You have amazing combo

  2. Cathy Viviano says:

    Yesss! One of the best non alcoholic drink recipes I’ve ever seen😁

  3. Ariana Grande says:

    Super goooood with champagne