The gleaner, mercredi 31 mars 1976 | BAnQ numérique
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The gleaner, mercredi 31 mars 1976


mercredi 31 mars 1976

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Huntingdon :The Huntingdon Gleaner Inc.,1957-1996

mercredi 31 mars 1976, Journaux, Huntingdon :The Huntingdon Gleaner Inc.,1957-1996
[" iL » Ottawa listening-textiles outlook brightens Textile Board at C.& ALAN RANDAL of The Gleaner In the wake of a visit to Huntingdon by the Canadian Textile and Ciothing Board from Ottawa, Neil Longlade, president of Cleyn & Tinker Ltd, said this week his company viewed the future with more optimism \u2018\u2018with regard to relationships between Ottawa (government) and ourselves.\u201d Key point at the moment in these relationships are the textile industry\u2019s representations for an increased share of the domestic market (from 50 to 75 per cent) via import quota protection against imports.\u201cWe feel at this point that the people in Ottawa are doing more listening to us,\u201d Longlade told The Gleaner Monday after the board's visit, ' The Textile and Clothing Board members, under Chairman Gordon Bennett, came to Huntingdon last Wednesday and took an extensive tour of the C & T plants to see the industry at work and to hear problems explained by management.Members are Emile Carrier, Jacques St.Laurent and Maurice Oliver.Get-to-know The visit was at Longlade\u2019s request.It is part of a get-to-know tour of the textile and clothing industry which is continuing in other centres.And from the Cand T point of view the visit was part of a two-way exchange of views so that the Ottawa outlook on the worsted industry could become known here at first hand.Said Longlade: \u2018\u201cCleyn & Tinker has set up a Capital Assets Committee to draw up a three-year plan for modernization and naturally, before finalizing plans, we are anxious to know where Ottawa stands, vis-a-vis supporting the domestic industry.\u201d He added: \u2018I feel the members of the Textile and Clothing Board left Huntingdon impressed with the Cleyn and Tinker operations here.\u201d The board saw or heard about every phase of the C & T worsted operation which in Huntingdon employs some 650 people from the town and area.It is a segment of one of the most efficient and innovative of Canadian industrieg but also among the most hard pressed of industries because of lack of protection against imports.The Textile and Clothing Board, part of what is known in the trade as the Canadian Textiles responsible to the federal Department of Trade and Commerce.Îts function is to research complaints and suggestions from the industry and make representations to the department for action.\u201cIn some cases the board's recommendations have been acted upon and in some cases not,\u201d said Longlade.He added that this was somewhat different than in the United States where there is a similar board and when it makes recommendation it is almost a foregone conclusion that it will be adopted by government, See TEXTILE Page 4 * \u20ac ; wo Fo x TR e+ fd ps b 25 A) hé ++ \u20ac ; Sa.TN a .1 = ; Ok {4 \\ 4, f \\, CL 3 oy 112th YEAR HUNTINGDON, Que.Wednesday, March 31, 1976.18 pages THE LEADING ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE CHATEAUGUAY VALLEY 25 cents OF ALL KINDS PRINTING (Free estimates) THE GLEANER TEL.264-5364 Parti Québécois leader Réne Levesque exchanges pleasantries with local PQ nominee Gerald Pin- sonneault [right] at PQ rally and sugaring-off party in St.Antoine last Saturday.Huntingdon \u2018takeable\u2019 says PQ's Lévesque by CYRIL ALARY of The Gleaner Rene Levesque, Parti Quebecois leader, combined an outing into the countryside of the Chateauguay Valley last Saturday with some politicking at St.Antoine Abbe and a sampling of the delights of a sugaring-off party when the maple syrup season is in full swing.A crowd of some 750 attended the affair which encompassed a visit to the sugar bush and sugar shanty of Armel Yelle in the woods along Syrup season spotty to date The maple syrup season in the Chateauguay Valley has been a spotty one so far, with Monday the best day to date.With clear skies and crisp were boiling busily all day and into the evening.\u201cThis is the best day we've had - it smells really good right now.\u201d Mrs.Ray Arthur of Rte.202 Hin- chinbrooke told The Gleaner Monday afternoon.She reported that the sap was not very sweet however, running at about three per cent.This means that it was taking about 70 gallons of sap to yield a gallon of syrup.The Canadian Textile and Clothing Board was in Huntingdon last week to visit the Cleyn & Tinker mill complex, see how it works and listen to problems.Left to right: E.M.Paul, president of Leach The Arthurs have boiled on a total of about eight days so far, and have their fingers crossed that the season will hang on for a while.\u201cIt's hard to say what the weather will do,\u2019 said Mrs.Arthur \u201cThe buds are starting to develop but we should be all right for a while yet.She reported that she hadn't heard anyone with high praise for the season for far.Coincident with the season's opening, Claude Tardif.executive director of the International Maple Syrup Institute said in a statement See SYRUP Page ¢ Route 201 about a mile from St.Antoine and a sit-down syrup season supper at the Joyeux Lurons Hall in the evening.The crowd was enthusiastic and so deeply packed around the hall that there was a line-up to get in and sample such things as new- made maple syrup.pancakes and other items that go with the season The affair was organized by the Huntingdon Riding Association of the Parti Quebecois.It was largely a get-to-know-you event, laced with a full savoring of the Valley countryside at sugaring time Levesque posed jor pictures in the sugar bush with local PQ candidate Gerald Pinsonneault and generally seemed to enjoy himself as he got acquainted with as many people as possible.Formalities were kept to a minimum.But in a brief after- dinner talk in the jam-packed hall Levesque said: \u201cFaced with a wsintegrating provincial government.the Parti Quebecois\u2019 chances of getting into See LEVESQUE Page 1 ° La WIN ' ,; | L Ka = Y \u2019 _- £ Ÿ ,[ : Ra eng > æ.\u2019 Th } 2 iy A 20 ,Ç .| oh .4 iy ig ! 4 ih *, : + ao { i x i = ot * 2 > ww i ¥ ci 4 tv ; By be.Na Textiles Ltd., Board members Emile Carrier.Jacques St.Laurent, Maurice Olivier and Gordon Bennett [chairman].Alex Tinker, chairman of Board of C.& T.and President Neil Longlade of C.& T.New brief to Quebec Local school control objective of boards by JUDY TAYLOR of the Gleaner The Protestant Regional School Board of Chateauguas Valley has approved a briet calling for decentralization of education with particular emphasis on preserving the English Protestant school svstem off the Island ot Montrea: Decentralization in this case meats lessening the over-riding control of the Provincial Education Ministry and giving locai school boards more discretion in handhng the cultural.administrative.and financial needs of the commumities they are supposed to serve The 20-page brief 1s the result of nearly 10 months research by local members.administrators, and parents\u2019 representatives con cerned with the repercussions on the off-island boards of a planned re-organization of Montreal school boards.\u201cAs in the case of our previous submission to the government on the COMMEL telementary education) report, we are a small.outlying bourd wanting direct input to the government\u201d said Leonard Emery.Principal of Beauharnois Elementary School He is one of the half-dozen mem bers of the subcommittee which prepared the brief entitled \u2018Restructuration of Quebec Education a Deccentralist s Plan\u201d Individual rights In pushing for decentralization, and the retention of confessional schools, the brief hopes to maintain the historical tradition ot the Protestant school in Quebec as a haven for cultural diversity and individual rights One of the seven recom mendations contained in the brief is that \u201cparents have the right to choose the language and or religion of instruction Like many other Enghsh educational groups in the province the Board supports the contention that the individual's language rights are guaranteed by the British North America Act of 1867.which provided for confessional schools for the Protestant minority in Quebec This point of view is opposed to the philosophy of the Quebec government's con troversial Bill 22, now being contested in the courts by the Protestant School boards The trend towards extreme centralization of education in the province, begun with the Parent Report in the 1960s.has been mitigated somewhat by the formation of School and Parent Committees and Teachers well as by the hills supporting confessional hoards hut, says the brief.further safeguards are needed such as sufficient representation of the English-speaking community in the Department of Education It also stresses the importance of time for educators and parents to learn to use existing facilities properly at a local level and to make their needs known to government A basic concept of good education is that decisions should be made as close to the children as possible: thus the need for autonomy of schools and school boards.Language guarantees \u201cThe closest approximation to a guarantee for both the English language and culture is the retention of confessional hoards.both Catholic and Protestant In 1976.with Bill 22 being tested in the courts.language and con fessionality become closely interwoven \u2018he brie states it defines the Protestant position as one of respect for individual rights which should be placed ahead of collective rights wherever possible A decentrahzed educational system is best suited to protect the rights of the individual Faced with a need to improve commumication between the various levels of admmistration (parents, teachers, school, school board».educators believe decisions should be made \u2018as close as possible tothe people affected\u201d School Board recommendations I a In the Ministry of Education, that the non francophone community have representation according to their population; bi That these government employees be located in the area with the highest non-francophone population, = .2 a) That the structure of confessional duality be maintained, hy That these confessional boards assume their responsibility tor second language instruction.3.That time be given for the whole educational community to comprehend and consolidate existing structures.4 That there be the establishment of a Regional Board for the non-francophone Catholic community in Montreal.5 That parents have the right to choose the language and or religion of instruction 6.That the Ministry of Education recommendation to set up décision making centers close to the users of the system be adopted.7 That there be an in-depth study of the whole school financing system to reflect the needs of autonomous boards.In The Valley Four cars wrecked in Sunday crash An accident just outside Hun tingdon on Sunday afternoon led to heavy damage to four new cars belonging to automobile dealer Roch Trepamer as a car driven by two Athelstan youths skidded into his car lot Driver James Mather, 19, and passenger Norman Jamieson, 18, were released following treat ment at the Huntingdon County Hospital for minor injuries.Their car missed the curve on the Ridge Road shortly after 4 pm and skidded 450 feet into the car lot Three over-90s mark birthdays Recent hirthdays celebrated by members of Ormstown's Steele family (formerly of Rockburn) reveals that three of this family are now In their 90s, a family record for longevity which may not te surpassed in the Chateauguay Valley or perhaps even Canada Heading the list is Mrs.Luna Bruce of the Walshaven Apart ments, Ormstown, who was 46 on Jan 1 and as long as she can remember she has been going to the Havelock Fair each autumn Champs Then there is Robert Steele of Kockburn who was 92 on Jan 17 and Mrs Margaret Alexander of Huntingdon who celebrated birthday No 90 on March 7.Their parents were William Steele and Margaret Williams Hard work.industrious habits and sensible living have contributed to their length of days.À recent visitor to Mrs Bruce found this energetic lady doing her ironing and also baking a loaf of homemade bread declared in minor hockey Champions were declared in all five divisions of the Huntingdon Minor Hockey league this past week as playoffs came to a close at the Kegional Arena The vinners \\toms-The Panthers.winning round-robin play in three straight games Top scorer- Michael Cocher Pee Wees Team Tin two straight games over Team 3 Bantam A-Team 5 in overtime with Alain Lalonde of losing Team 7 the top playoffs scorer by a single point Bantam B- (Red Wings in two straight games over the Bruins.» Midgets-Team 1 over Te?2 in two straight games.Top mndget playoff scorer was Gilles Usereau.{ Details page 7] Chateauguay Centre pays artist tribute On Wednesday.April 7, the Town of Chateiuguay Centre 1s holding a civic réception to inaugurate Wesselow Hall.a part of the City Hall complex.and at the same time honor Eeric internationally known artist and resident of Chutesuguus Wesselow Hall, known more formally as the city's Conference the remodelled chapel of a convent hought by the Town two years ago to be used as the City Hall.The convent was build at the beginning of the century.Time of the reception is 7.30 p.m.This means more autonomy for the school and the school board The brief states that local responsibilities should include control over curriculum, direc- on.and speed of development The committee envisions the setting up of non Francophone Catholie boards, where numbers permit, on the Island ot Montreal and in other locations.It sees education in the province divided into Catholic and Protestant parallel systems, with room for English speaking Catholic boards under the Catholic section strong over contains against The brief opinions See BOARD Page 3 Schools in cost squeeze Faced with a freeze on grants to education by the Provincial government next year, local school boards are planning to cut ex penses where possible.but there 1s the distinct possibility of a raise in school taxes to cover a deficit \u2018The Huntingdon Cathohe School Commission is faced with a predicted operating deficit for 1976-77 1n the area of $23,000, based on a predicted inflation rate of 8 per cent, and a drop of 114 1n student population Director General Alphonse Caron told The Gleaner this week that he was \u2018very depressed\u201d about the situation, and admitted the virtual impossibility of presenting a budget without any inadmissible expenses.By this he meant expenses not covered by a government grant Alternatives I'he alternatives would seem to be cutting the quality of service below the standard required by parents, or an increase in taxes, but no such move has been announced as yet Mrs.Helen Smith, Secretary of the Ormstown Protestant School Board, agreed that If expenses go up, and grants remain the same, we are obviously going to fall short, and the result may well be an increase in taxes.\u201d But, she said, the school board budget for the coming year has not yet been presented.and until that time, nothing definite can be predicted.Maple goods alert Consumers must be on the watch to distinguish imitation maple products from the real thing, warns the Quebec Department of Agriculture.As this year's maple season gets into full swing, imitations of all types of products have already been observed in the province on roadside stands, in public markets, and on store shelves, says the department.These products include syrup.taffy.hard and soft sugar, and candies of various sorts, containing ingredients which do not come from maple sap.Labels of all products should be read carefully.says the Agriculture Ministry. 2 \u2014 THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 31 1976 This = That » Town ROBINS - yes, many.Fact is, so many people have phoned telling us they've sighted their first '76 robin that we aren't positive who was the first in each community.but we do know that News Ed.Alan Randal saw one on his front lawn at Rockburn a week ago Sunday as he was recuperating from his bout with the tiu.TALKING ABOUT THE FLU still plenty around.And folks are still being very sick with it.A NEW TYPE - called swine flu - 1s expected to reach epidemic proportions on this continent later this year.AND ALL THE TALK - about mass innoculations against swine flu - keeps one wondering.One noted Canadian authority claims that proper diet and rest is one of the main safeguards against contracting the new disease.GLEANER READERS IN FLORIDA - can start to think about coming home now.Our snow is practically all gone.TRUTH IS - unless there's some in the woods - you and | mav miss our annual treat of taffy on snow WE'RE EXAGGERATING of course - because we know where there's a drift of the stuff that's still as high as the top of a car on the lakeshore not far from St.Anicet.SAP - has been running well ior a tew aays now.\u2018This early season run is producing first quality syrup.WE WERE IN TORONTO - for the weekend.Some snow around there on Saturday.same as here.And as usual, the stuff that comes from cow barns which we folks use as fertilizer on our fields and rose bushes was flving through the air.Especially on one radio station we tuned in.Every few minutes the announcer would proclaim '*This is a beauitful spring day.It may become a little windy this afternoon but it's 58 degrees now and the high will be 68.Well, gullible as usual, we believed him.And by early afternoon the rain was coming down in sheets, whipped by winds that blew huge trees down.And cold .well, L haven't worn longjohns in at least 35 years but if I'd had the price I would have bought a set.So much for the Queen City and its.FRIENDS OF MRS.GLADYS SELLAR former Huntingdonian who has been living in Toronto for the past four vears - will be pleased to learn that this fine lady is enjoying good health and leading a busy life.She's engaged in benevolent work.enjoys an active social life and the friendship of many new friends.She requested us to send \u2018love\u2019 or \u2018best regards\u2019 to so many in Hun- tingdon that quite frankly the only way is to say \u2018Hi\u2019 to all for her.Okay?SEE ADVT.- and don\u2019t forget Rene Foran's birthday party at the K of C Hall in Ourtown on Saturday, April 10.Rene promises *\u2018Music until the last music lover has gone home.\u201d MORE - René and his friends Billy Elliott of Nitro and Leslie Thornton of Huntingdon are going to Nashville.Tennesse, for Easter weekend.René expects Johnny Cash to meet him at the bus depot and he's really disappointed.Says he'd much rather have Loretta Lvnn.OF COURSE YOU'VE BOUGHT - your ticket for the Ormstown Curling Club smorgasbord.If you haven't I'm going to hold your hand while you cry vour eyes out.ORMSTOWN - meeting sponsored by the Canadian Cancer Society at Walshaven Community Centre at 8n m Monday, April 5.SAME NIGHT - that's Monday, Arpil 5 - A military Whist at the Legion Hall, Huntingdon, sponsored, and in aid of the Chateauguay Valley Association for the Mentally Retarded.PIKE - are up the creeks.Big ones, too.Oh well, better pike than some people we know.BY THIS TIME NEXT WEEK - hopefully we'll all be sporting nice, juicy blisters on our hands from raking last fall's leaves, branches, dead grass, Coke bottles etc.from our lawns.BE CAREFUL - with those grass fires.Our volunteer firemen here, there and everywhere just might lose their patience.And you could become their patients if you do silly things.WOLVES - not coyotes, dogs or hallucinations - are in OK USED CAR RII HEREIN RIMINI aT &8\\ À a \\ USED CAR CLEARANCE! / NEW 75 DEMONSTRATOR 75 OLDS 98 REGENCY FULLY EQUIPPED 74 ASTRE 74 VEGA STATION 74 OLDSMOBILE 98 74 VEGA 74 FORD TORINO H.T.73 SKYLARK 2 DR.H.T.73 LEMANS STATION 73 CHEVROLET, 4 DR.HT.73 OLDSMOBILE 4 DR.HT.73 FORD SEDAN 72 TOYOTA 72 CHEV.CAPRICE 4 DR.H.T.72 CUTLASS SEDAN 72 METEOR SEDAN 72 VEGA 71 MONTE CARLO 71 PINTO 71 FARGO 4 TON 70 CHEVELLE 2 DR.H.T.70 MONTE CARLO 70 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE 70 PLYMOUTH 2 DR.HUNTINGDON MOTORS (JIMMY SMYTHE, PROP.) 54 CHATEAUGUAY ST.264-5822 the area.Big ones, too.Gerry Faubert and others in the Dundee area have been seeing them regularly.And those fetlows know a wolf from any other animal.CB RADIOS - have become a big thing in our community.Ask Garth Stephen at his Simpsons-Sears order office if you don't believe us.How many have you sold lately.Garth\u201d THIS - order your maple syrup so» irom your favorite producer.Just could he that the stuff will be in short supply, we're told.ONE DAY - we're told we can\u2019t safely eat more than two pounds of fish caught in Quebec waters because of the mercury Next day they tell us we can eat all we want so long as the fish aren't taken from Lake St.Louis.Now who in hell would eat fish he'd caught in Lake St.Louis anyway\u201d It's one big cesspool and we who fish Lake St.Francis are plenty pleased that fish from there can't possibly get into Lake St Francis And they absolutely can\u2019t.can they\u201d ONE OF THESE NIGHTS SOON - there'll be bonfires along every creek and river in the area.Mobs will be out bullpoutin®, catfishin', bullheadin\ it what vou will.but they'll be cathing those ugly fish which are scaleless and taste so delicious by the bag full.All one really needs is any old pole.a bent pin, worms and a six-pack or a case of 24, depending on the size of your party.THE GREEN GREEN GRASS OF HOME - is starting to look that wav for some.Hear that the golf clubs at Hemmingford and Malone are starting to look good.AND POTHOLES - on some roads - are more terrifving than Jaws could ever hope to be.BACK FROM JAMAICA - where they enjoyed a most pleasant couple of woeks.Jim and Mrs.McCoy.and Mrs.Stewart and Donald and Mrs.Ferns.all of Huntingdon.AND FROM FLORIDA - Bill and Mrs.Goodall.DR.BEN is the name of Ourtown's newest dentist.Dr.Ben Elliott, Manager of the local B of M.He's not quite ready to hang out his shingle yet.Maybe he should be called an aspiring dentist in lieu of a practising tor qualified) one.And to be quite honest, T wouldn't let him even brush my pet hen's teeth.But we think vou should know why our banker is being called a dentist.SEEMS - that one of his staff lost a cap off a tooth in a but firm Mcintosh apple one day the past week.The poor dear was mortified.Imagine.trying to smile at customers with haif a tooth missing.And right where it would show the most, of course: But, Old Doc Ben to the rescue.With a tube of Krazy Glue! Believe it or not, it worked and everything turned out just fine.ALSO BACK FROM FLORIDA - Chas.and Mrs.Grant and their brother-in-law and sister.Mr.and Mrs.Harold (Mickey MacLean.FRIENDS OF MR.AND MRS.DAVID PEARL - of Chateaugay.N.Y.- will be sorry to learn that Dave has elected to move to Burlington, Vt.The family will be missed in Chateaugay where Dave has been active in business and community affairs and his wife has been invaluable in many ways at Chateaugay Central School.Mrs.Pearl Sr.will continue to operate Pearl's Department Store there but they are disposing of their successful subsidiary.National Fashions, in Malone.Dave has bought into a highly successful allied family business in Burlington owned by an uncle.He expects to move to Burlington on or about the end of June thereby allowing his children to finish their school year at Chateaugay Central.Burlington's win, Chateaugay's loss in our opinion.TALKING ABOUT CHATEAUGAY - friends of John D.tDoc)Sweet, D.V.M.- will be sorry to learn he's in the throes of fighting the flu bug.Not quite as exasperated as Doc, though.Seems he had to miss the annual Rotary Curling Bonspiel in Ourtown on Monday night won by Jimmy Mills Chateaugay rink.Doc's a devoted Rotarian and a keen curler.Dang it.somebody better hang that flu bug.BUCK UP BRIAN - I wouldn't want to be a herring choker in true roe either.FOR SALE 75 DODGE DART SPORT COUPE 74 CHRYSLER STATION 74 VOLKSWAGEN 73 PLYMOUTH FURY Il H.T.73 CHEVROLET BELAIR SED 73 PLYMOUTH SEBRING H.T.73 DODGE SEDAN 73 VEGA WAGON 72 CHRYSLER 2 DR.H.T.72 BUICK CENTURION H T 72 DODGE POLARA SED 72 DODGE DART SPORT COUPE 72 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 DOOR H.T.72 CORTINA SEDAN 71 TOYOTA 71 DODGE CHARGER 71 PLYMOUTH FURY 111 4 DR.H.T.71 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE STATION 71 VALIANT H.T.71 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM H.T.70 CHEVROLET SEDAN BELAIR 70 CHEVELLE MALIBU H.T.4 DR.69 BUICK, H.T.4 DR.69 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE H.T.69 DODGE POLARA H.T.69 PLYMOUTH STATIONWAGON TRUCKS 74 FORD, 4 WHEEL DRIVE PICK-UP 71 DODGE B-300 VAN 70 FARGO PICKUP 2 TON 68 FORD VAN C.J.KYLE LTD 264-5321 HUNTINGDON 4 Winter's fadeout last week left this crazy-quilt pattern in the woods fringing Route 202 near Rockburn where for a time many of the trees wore a collar of ice, inter's swansong + r It was caused by rain, thaw and then a deep chill which turned the top of the deep snow into an ice canopy.This broke and parts of it clung to the trees when spring finally melted the snow underneath.Flora Currie remembered Saturday March 27, was a happy day for Miss Flora Currie at the Preston Home in Howick.It was the 90th an- nmversary of her birth.Several dozen cards and letters came in the mail.A few friends called the previous day and Addie Roy a former neighbor called Saturday morning with a bouquet of pussy willows.Old neighbors from Fertile (reek Eva Whyte, a few years her senior.Eva Peddie.Louise Kerr, Thelma Brown, Agnes Brown and Hazel Peddie arrived later in the day bearing gifts and cards.Muriel Gibbs gave everyone a warm welcome and served tea with ice cream and a most delicious birthday cake made by Hazel Peddie.A pot of yellow mums from her neighbors added a touch of color.Miss Currie loves flowers and until recently she tended dozens of house plants at her farm home in Fertile Creek where she had spent all her years.Jessie Gebbie, another lady with a green thumb brought a hyacinthe at the ready-to-watch stage.Miss Isabel Muir.a dear friend and member of the same church for many years, was with Flora on this happy occasion and a few other friends happened to call at the same time.Miss Currie looked lovely - a very youthful 90 - and enjoyed chatting with everyone who signed her guest hook on this special RIDING * LESSONS * CLINICS * COURSES * HORSES BOARDED * RESIDENT WEEK-END RIDING Covey Hill Horse Centre COVEY HILL ROALD.HEMMINGFORD.QUE.Gleaner want ads work wonders Tel.: 514-247-2405 * PONY CLUB Write or phone for detailed outline BIG SALE AT FOR THE.BEST PRICES IN THE AREA WE HAVE ALL \u201876 MODELS OF T) LOOKING FOR À RELIABLE USED CAR?NO DOWN PAYMENT TERMS AVAILABLE CONTACT BILL GREIG 51 CHURCH ST.ORMSTOWN | TEL 8202221 OR 829-2237 ROCH TREPANIER AUTOMOBILE INC.TEL: 264-5356 HUNTINGDON Sales fill 9 p.m.76 FORD ECONOLINE, SPECIAL 75 FORD PICK-UP 75 FORD CUSTOM 500 74 MONTE CARLO 73 NOVA 73 MUSTANG MACH | 73 FORD LTD, 2 DR.H.T.73 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 DR.H.T.73 GRAN TORINO SPORT 73 FORD CUSTOM 500 WITH AIR CONDITIONING 73 FORD LTD, BROUGHAM 73 DUSTER 340 73 MAVERICK, 4 DR.73 MUSTANG 2 DR.H.T.72 PINTO 72 LTD BROUGHAM 2 DR.H.T.71 ECONOLINE VAN 71 FORD CUSTOM 71 FORD 700 TRUCK 16\u2019 WITH REFRIGERATED BOX 71 TORINO GT 69 FIREBIRD 69 DODGE 4 DR.SEDAN 69 DODGE MONACO, 4 DR.H.T.68 THUNDERBIRD 68 GMC PANEL 68 CHEVROLET VAN DON'T FORGET OUR FREEGIFT of $100 Value of jewelery from Brodeur Jewelers when you buy a new car or truck CARS AND TRUCKS 75 GRAN FURY Station wagon Air condition, all warranty HAIRDO to FLATTER SEE 75 DART 74 FURY 111 SPORT COUPE 2 dr.2 dr HT fully equipped equipped, balance of Come In for demon- SPECIAL PRICE Salon Claude OUR SALESMEN ARE ON SALARY FINANCING ON THE SPOT NEW ADDRESS YOUR CHRYSLER DEALER 77 Wellington ORMSTOWN TEL: 829.2362 Huntingdon 2363 STAY AWAY FROM GAS PUMPS WHEN YOU DRIVE A DATSUN 210 DATSUN 210 $ wn 2 DOOR SEDAN e Transportation THIS OFFER FOR À LIMITED TIME ONLY 48 MONTHS TO PAY IF DESIRED 5 YEARS, 50,000 MILE GUARANTEE AVAILABLE HEBERT AUTO Datsun 430 LAROCQUE RD.TEL: 373-9465 i i VALLEYFIELD | OPEN DAILY 9 AM TO 9 PM, SATURDAYS 9 AM TO 3 PM crie =o wear av a em om pean FN A D STE NE ae CEE rt PE NE re Re At Hemmingford Warm weather lures crowds by AILEEN L'ESPERANCE The ladies of the United Church in Hemmingford expressed themselves Monday as much more than just pleased at the success of their annual Antique Show and Sale at the Hemmingford Golf Club last Friday and Saturday.More than 800 attended.Friday's attendance was fair but with the warm, sunshiny weather of Saturday people came in droves.An added attraction this year was a 1% -hour sale at which Auctioneer Lyell Graham of Athelstan officiated.Many people came just to watch the action during which about 60 articles were sold at good prices.\u2018The auction was designed to give attendance a lift and it seemed to do that all right,\u201d said Graham afterwards.He said he had enjoyed himself .The enjoyment of those attending was obvious as they relished the golf club atmosphere, the surroundings which gave plenty of space and the generous hospitality of the local people.Dealers pleased There were 19 dealers including four new ones this year-Garry Burton of Ormstown, Coach House Antiques from Toronto and La Canard Savauge and Farm House Antiques, both of Laval.Dealers, especially those who had come farthest, expressed themselves as well satisfied with their two-day stay in Hem- mingford.They brought with them a quantity of furniture, some of it delightful, some of it beautiful and all of it old.Similarly the antique jewellry and silverware.Despite fears that the auction, taking place on Saturday afternoon in the fireplace end of the golf clubhouse, would draw people away from the rest of the dealers, the opposite a The Hemmingford United Church Ladies drew good crowds at the weekend with their home cooked meals proved to be the case.The meals, turkey and chicken on Friday and a particularly delicious meat loaf on Saturday drew many compliments.And those home-made pies! One man was so pleased with the meal and the friendly hospitality that he gave the keeper of the purse an extra $5 donation Powerscourt kirk given new roof by Mrs.E.M.Wood During the winter some of the wind storms played havoc with the tin roof of the \u2018\u2019wee kirk\u201d-the small white clapboard United church-at Powerscourt All safe after tire After thorough search of the debris left by a $200,000 fire which swept the Chateau Salaberry building in Valleyfield March 27 fire department authorities said this week they found no evidence that anybody died in the blaze.and necessitated a whole new covering of the east side of the roof which has now been completed.Reflecting these inflationary times, it is interesting to note that the cost of this roofing job was half the price of the total building costs of the church 90 years ago.Needless to true country spirit, most of the material and work time needed to put the roof in top shape was donated.The church is a lovely building and in good condition.All being well, the 90th anniversary of the church will be the occasion of a special service later in the church's antique show and two-day Antique Show and Sale at the Hem- mingford Golf Club.A highlight was an hour-and-a- half auction by Lyell Graham.for the church ladies\u2019 funds.Most dealers asked Ann Clark to put their names down for a return visit next year.She said it has been endeavored to get all guests to sign in and a quick look through the registration book indicated the sale attracted visitors from a very wide area.~ Boards.standardization of financial policies for the province's schools, which has made it difficult for school buards to be \u2018at all creative at the local level\u201d \u2018Again, the major drawbacks of centralization are that the real decisions are taken far from the actual places where the needs are being felt\" THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 31 1976 \u2014 3 from page 1 Recommendations Each community should be able to tax either a minimum or maximum tax rate depending upon the emphasis the community wishes to put on education, special consideration and norms should be available for disadvantaged areas.A detailed study of the whole school financing system 1s necessary St.Pat's party much enjoyed The annual St Patrick's Card Party and Irish Entertainment sponsored by the Parent Teachers Association of St Joseph's School held March 18 was à big success The evening opened with a welcome by the PTA President.Mrs.Agatha McIntyre followed bv an hour's entertainment by talented local residents with Jake Higgins as Master of Ceremonies.The Children's Choir of St.Joseph's School under the direction of Neil Haight started the entertainment with four Irish songs, and this was followed by some of the children from Grades 5 and 6 doing the Irish Hop.The audience enjoyed listening to the songs and music of several ORMSTOWN (RT 1 HONDA SEE THE \u201876 MODELS IN THE SHOWROOM F.G.LEPAGE 4) 829-3044 274 ACADEMIE QUALITY MOBILE HOMES by GLENDALE and GRAND PRiX JROULOTTES LLC EAT] PRICES START AT *8500.CHALET MODEL, NOT ILLUSTRATED NOT FURNISHED tee RUE TUE TEL.373-8012 (rue rene MODELS AVAILABLE TO 14\u2019 x 70° SIZE 2, 3, OR 4 BEDROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT HALLWAY FREE DELIVERY and INSTALLATION WITHIN 100 MILE RADIUS other performers, as well as watching an nish Jig very well done At the card party which followed there were about 55 tables of 500\u201d Bingo was also played by a number of people Later everyone then enjoyed refreshments prepared and served by several of the parents and teachers.PRINTING Gel your Commercial Printing done at The Gleaner.Highest quality Phone and best service.264-5361, 264-5365.REWARD for information leading to any person who will buy a new or used car or truck from me, Marcel Lacasse Bellerive Autoline.Vallevfield 373-5544 The brief also contains a table correlating data from 21 sample briefs atready submitted to the Ministry of Education from various educational bodies.mainly on the Island of Montreal Of primary concern to all these are confessionality.language.and the issue of decentralization, in: terwoven with the idea of mocratic structure and e size (not too large) of a chool board's student population.Copies of the Chateauguay Valley brief are being forwarded to the Ministry of Education, Premier Robert Bourassa.the Quebec Association pf Protestant Sehool Borads.and the Montreal Island Council.Involved in the preparation of the report was a board sub-committee consisting of Director of Elementary Education Winton Roberts, Leonarg Emery.Principal of Beauharnois Elementary; Leigh Coffin, Hem- mingford-Franklin Vice- principal, Commissioner Mrs.Gladys Woolley of Hemmingford; Parents Committee representative Mrs.Heather Kyle, and Mrs.Joyce Fedorko of Chateauguay FROM 6 TILL 9 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS \u201cMECHANICS ON DUTY\u201d YOUR PONTIAC - BUICK DEALER CINE |A: 2645306 PM 73 BUICK Century Cust.2dr.HT 1 73 PONTIAC Grande Ville Convertible 2dr HUF.only 9,000 mi.AM FM radio.Power window 75 BUICK LESABRE 73 ASTRE Station Wagon Vutomatie Radio SALES & SERVICE CLOSED ALL DAY SAT.72 BUICK lesabre 2 dr HT 74 FORD RANCHERO Luxury Pick-up 73 PONTIAC Grand Prix Excellent Condition 73 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2dr HT 72 CHEVELLE 2dr.HT.vx 75 LEMANS GT PDR HT Only 10,000 m1.73 FORD Gran Torino 2dr HT 1969 BUICK LESABRE| t dr hard top 45,000 miles 73 GRANDE Poutiac 2Dr.HT 73 FORD Mustang 2dr BY 70 BUICK SKYLARK 2dr HT SALON SALON FOR LADIES CALL LIMITED OFFER complete IMMEDIATELY SIIHQUETTE HAS ALL THAT I NEED TO FEEL FIT ® hydrosonic whirlpool bath PRE: POOL OPENING) WIN A TRIP FOR TWO TO FLORIDA Ei LL ® finnish sauna * complete and modern physical fitness equipment solar room (to be) program of physical exercises CALL IMMEDIATELY | 371-7142 Silhouette $ Club de Santé / Health Spa PLAZAK-MART VALLEYFIELD 0; For Pires id p STUDIO FOR MEN eo ( HARG EX J Fi 4 8.4 \u2014 THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 31 1976 KEITH HOWDEN SECOND CLASS MAIL REGISTRATION NO 07 *CNA \u201cGt PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER PUBLISHED BY THE HUNTINGDON GLEANER INC., HUNTINGDON, QUE.SUBSCRIPTION RATES CANADA AND UNITED STATES $10 yearly Single Copy 25 cents an.ME DIMA ay] LEANER MATE ALI AY Jb fy ALAN RANDAL EDITOR SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT CHATEAUGAY NEW YORK 12920 ote a x 42 4e, + 9 z * © usant Printed in Canada Spring - af last At last-it's reallv spring! And isn't it great! You can notice it in the new lilt to everybody's step and their new season smile, The maple sap is running.Here and there cows are out.Robins are reported now from all corners of More of them will be along.adding to the spring bird- that gets more noticeable the Valley song every day.Spring in our Valley something! Other welcome signs: crocuses are out in a garden on Street elsewhere] in their warm purple and sparkling deep vellow: grass is beginning to green up and people Chateauguay are out with their rakes tidying up winter's debris; honking their way north [noisily] the geese are and the cedars in farm woodlots are greening from olive drab.This is not to say we are all done with snow.April 4 a big snowstorm hit the Who would have been sure on Saturdav with Valley.their winter Maybe not.Last vear on the mercury setting a 39-year-old record for the is really date at 71 [f] that it would snow as it did last Sunday?But at least.if The first we still get a late and large {and long-time welcome.snowfall now we'll know it isn't for real.If we don't, then spring is with us on the early side and it's purely Endangered species Dutch elm disease has played havoc with the wonderful old trees long which for so Chateauguay Valley shaded and so picturesque.Now a new threat is on the horizon.a disease which is attacking maple trees.The maple decline.Harrison L.Morton.University of Michigan tree cure itself.baffling scientists.It is most prevalent in the midwestern Another United States, is also appearing in the northeast and the Chateauguay Valley seems to have more than the normal number of dving maple trees this spring.Morton says the disease may take 10 vears to kill a tree and is most common among the Norway _ maple and sugar maple.In Ann as many as 50 per the sugar maples show some indications of decline.Arbor.Mich., cent of which reports Pierre Philion of the agronome's office in Huntingdon says there are made indications that some enemy of the roads so maple tree is at work in our Valley Also that forestry engineers from Cowansville have reported some anthraxnosis for there remedy.This is a fungus type thing which sometimes a tree is able to is no economical threat to the maples which line such roads as Route 202 in place is, to keep roads ice free in the winter.This.thrown to the road verges by of course, the salt used snowplows.can have killing effect we did.on maple tree roots in time.The report of the maple decline in Michigan is more ominous.We don't know what the nature of the disease is.says Morton.\u201cIf we would be able to come up with a remedy ~~ EE EE OUI DOUOUOOGO DOI TEINTE ENTRE CENT EEE SOC RAEI Textile.\u2018The domestic textile industry in Canada today in the worsted sector enjoys about 50 per cent of the total Canadian market for worsted fabrics.\u201d said Longlade.\u201c\u2018In the U.S.the comparable figure is 85 per cent.Increase sought \u2018We are seeking an increase to .in the area.of 75 per cent of the total \u2018anadian worsted market and it was with that in mind that we asked the board to come to Huntingdon and see our operation and get to know us and our problems better.\u2018Korea and Japan currently are shooting for control of the market for fancy fabrics and the state- controlled countries such as China.Polland, Czechoslovakia and Romania are looking for control in plain fabrics.This is what we are alarmed about.\u201d In the past year about 28 countries have been selling fabrics in Canada, a country which has existing import quotas with only two of them.\u201cThe major problem is that the Canadian government in the last while has not been doing anything to help the industry in Canada,\" said the C&T president.\u201cIn fact it has been so inactive and shown so little leadership in this regard that just recently a big Canadian company expanded-but into the United States Witnesses Chateauguay Valley representatives of Jehovah's witnesses will attend a semi-annual convention April 3 - 4 at their assembly hall in St.Luc, Que.Gordon Rose, spokesman for the Rockburn- Huntingdon Congregation said this week: \u201cThese meetings are an integral part of our Christian development.They offer us an opportunity to learn through Biblical instruction how to build up from page | rather than in the other members of his management a man of long hours.He lives in Beaconsfield.duplexes himself between the Huntingdon operational set-up and the Montreal sales and marketing headquarters, and if he gets time for play it is not too apparent.Forward step In the last year.he said, the sales and merchandising end of things in Montreal has been brought into much closer relationship with the production end of the C and T operations in Huntingdon and Sherbrooke.This has been done through the formation of an internal council made up of the vice presidents of various C and T com- panies-Ital Knit, Paton Manufacturing (Sherbrooke) and Leach Textiles Ltd., in Montreal.\u201cThis has been a step forward.\u201d he said.\u201cIt means that conversations between marketing and marketing peoples and plant people have been considerably enhanced.\u201d Canada's textile policy.formed in 1970 and embracing the Clothing and Textile Borad, had as its objective the assuring of a continuing, viable, job- producing industry which was sufficiently advanced and competitive to meet foreign imports.J.1.Armstrong.president of the Canadian textiles Institute.said recently in an article contributed to the Montreal Gazette.that a condition of the policy aimed at protecting the consumer was that there should be no protective walls around wasteful.inefficient enterprises.He said the question today is not whather the policy or its structure has failed Canada, but whether application of the program has failed the policy He added: \u201cThe policy may not be perfect but if its machinery had been as efficient as the equipment in modern Canadian textile mills the effect would have been markedly different.\u201c Textile and clothing board.recommendations for government action for the most part have been bogged down in bureaucratic delay or have been watered down or ignored.Imports now capture close to 60 per cent of the Canadian market\u201d And, in line with Longlade's thinking.he noted: \u2018\u2018No other industrialized nation permits such a degree of penetration of its textile markets by foreign products: not the US, Japan nor EEC countries.\u2018 This is what the industry's representations to the board are all this weekend and strengthen our families\u2019 moral integrity and spirituality in a world that is fast becoming decadent.\u201d \u2018Just seeing your family grow up to be progressive, principled, reverent in- | Dundee | Best wishes to our oid friend Wesley Thompson who has just been released from a Bradenton, follewing a gallbladder operation.dividuals is a heartwarming and satisfying experience.It's living life with a real purpose.\u201d On Sunday, April 4 at 2:00 p.m.the convention's principal discourse will be delivered by Harold Mc- callum, district supervisor of the Witnesses.The Saturday program is devoted to a series of pantomimes, talks, symposiums and practical discussions on the educatiofral activities of the Witnesses, Letters to the Editor .\".Howick teachers solicit support of MNA Fraser Howick, March 25.The Editor The Gleaner Dear Sir: We.the staff of Howick Elementary School, have written the following letter to MNA Ken Fraser and would like the people we serve to know where we stand.Mr.K.Fraser.23 King Street, Huntingdon, Dear Mr.Fraser: We the teachers of Howick Elementary citizens in vour riding.and in many cases parents, want vou to know MONA how concerned we are about the extreme slowness of negotiations in the public sector So far, our schools have managed to function at a level approaching nor- malev, but this will not continue for long.Work stoppages are increasing because we have to carry the greatest burden in the struggle for quality education.Our teachers are thoroughly disenchanted with the lack of good faith being shown by the Provincial Government.The atmosphere in our schools is not conducive to good learning.and many of Quebec's best teachers are leaving the profession.We feel that as our is vour duty to represent the best interests of all of vour constituents.These include the parents, children and teachers involved in the present Public Service dispute.So long as the case for quality education is not made by our duly elected representatives.the brunt must be carried by the teachers.and everyone suffers.Yours truly, The Staff Howick Elem.Scholarship appeal brings generous initial response Ormstown March 26.The Editor The Gleaner Dear Sir.As chairman of the Chateauguay Valley Regional Scholarship Committee | wish to thank vou for your time and coverage of our request for monies.Like many other members of our society we often ask ourselves if our aims and values are shared by the larger community in which we live and work By their response to our appeal.your readers have shown their concern.through recognition, for the hard work and achievement of deserving students, During this past week we have been advised of nine donations of scholarships te be added to those now available to our graduates We shall publish a more particular account near the time of graduation ceremonies The members of the committee are thankful for the support received.however.due to the diverse programs followed by our students some areas have vet to be represented adequately Some examples are Geography.Music.Agricultural Science and Electrontes.We to restate our appeal for individuals.groups.and the business community to help in the recognition of the qualities our society needs.For teachers and other members of our community the most valuable reward will come as a result of attitudes and achievements we encourage in our students.Kespeetfully yours, Robert Killam Chairman, Scholarship Committee For information call C.V.R.or 829- PS please 3192.Ormstown parents protest The School Committee of Ormstown Elementary School has launched a mailbox campaign to stir up local parents on the question of teacher contract negotiations.In sending out 135 form letters to all parents of children attending the school, Committee chairman Lynda Cavanagh said her group hoped that.for the benefit of the children.the government would \u2018get moving and settle things for once and for all Parents received copies of two identical be signed and forwarded to Huntingdon County M NA.Ken Fraser and to Premier Robert Bourassa Text of the letter \u201cI, as a parent and a concerned about the sad state of teacher negotiations, I would ask for a more realistic and conciliatory approach toward the teachers.\u201d Mrs.Cavanagh said that she felt the phrasing of the letter would permit even those who do not support all teacher demands to call for the end of current school disruptions caused by lack of progress in the negotiations.\u201cWhether or not one supports the salary demands of the teachers is an individual decision.\u201d she said.\u2018but nearly everyone is agreed that the delay in reaching some kind of solution has been excessive.\u201cSomething must be done soon.and parents are deeply concerned.\u201d Included in the letter was a statement from the Quebec Federation of Levesque.from page 1 getting into power in the next election are becoming ever more likely.\u201d He said he thought Huntingdon county itself represented fertile ground for his party and called the riding \u2018\u2018takeable by a serious candidate such as recentlv-selected Gerald Pinsonneault.Later in the evening.Jean-Marc Brisson, in charge of party financing in the ridding, announced that a door-to-door campaign for funds will be conducted during April.The sugaring-off party, Which ran from 5 to 10 p.m.was organized by Serge Martel and Pierre Trepanier.Home and School Associations informing local parents of the Federation's position on the negotiations and deploring the power struggle between boards, and teachers, which, it savs.has resulted from the extreme centrahzation of Quebec education since the 1960s.Mrs.Cavanagh told The Gleaner this week that she had had little feedback so far to show how many parents were mailing in the letters \u201cWe know that this is a Heart attack fatal rather conservative area.and that people are often rather apathetic about actually doing something for education in this way.although they are bothered about the situation,\u201d she said.We hope that actually providing them with a letter already written will make it easy to participate at a grass-ronts level.\u2018I did have a phone call from one woman who was not even a parent of a school-child - she was a grandmother but she wanted a copy of the letter to send in anyway That was encouraging.\u201d School.Births and Deaths Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams, Marriage Notices, Engagements, Announcements (DEADLINE 4 PM.MONDAYS) BOYEA Vincent and Louise [Pedersen] Boyea of Westville, N.Y, are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter Kathleen Mary, eight pounds, seven ounces, on March 25, 1976 at Massena Memorial Hospital.She is a sister to Kevin, Maria and Michael.Mr.and Mrs.Lucien Germain of Hemmingford announce the engagement of their son, Corporal Raymond J.Germain of the Canadian Forces in Miss Eva Rosch, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Artur Rosch of Seelbach, W.Germany.Approaching Marriage Mr.and Mrs.Ronald Dubé of Ottawa, Ont.announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Rachelle to Mr.Gordon Elder of Ste.Agnes de Dundee.The wedding will take place in Ottawa on July 31.BROWN- Suddenly at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlington, Ontario on Friday, March 26, 1976, Flora E.[Maxwell] Brown.beloved wife of Hugh Graham Brown, 865 Tanager Avenue, Burlington.formerly of Montreal, in her 75th year, dear mother of Doris (Mrs.Allister McCuaig] of Thornhill, Ontario.Maxwell and Norma Burlington, Ontario, also survived by 7 grandchildren.Funeral service was held Monday afternoon from Smith's Funeral Home, Burlington.Interment White Chapel Memorial Gardens, Hamilton, Ontario.LEAHY - At the Greenfield Park Private Chronic Hospital on March 21, 1976, Theresa [Tessie] Kavanagh, aged 79, beloved wife of the late John Leahy, dear sister of Margaret and John.Burial was held in St.Romain rarisn cemetery, Hem- mingford on Wednesday March 24, BURBANK - At Smiths Falls, Ontario on Tuesday, March 23, 1976, Herbert Arthur Burbank aged 84 vears, retired Canadian Ingersoll Rand Executive who retired at Sherbrooke, husband of the late Edna Pearl Halliday of Buckingham, Quebec, father of Gwen [Mrs.Alex Perron! of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Edith [Mrs.Ted Marshman] of Buffalo, N.Y., Marguerite [Mrs.Lester Fraser] of Ste.Agnes de Dundee, Quebec and Mrs.Pearl Pearson of Smiths Falls, Ontario, brother of Alice [ Mrs.Cecil Duffett] of Burlington, Ontario, and Kenneth of Sherbrooke, survived by 9 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.Rested at the Stuart-Lockwood Funeral Home Inc., Danville, Quebec where funeral services were held Friday, March 26 at 2 p.m.Rev.R.L.McCulloch officiated.Interment in the spring.Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be gratefully appreciated.SMAILL - In loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth [Bessie Smaill] who passed away on March 30, 1963.\u201cIl can't recall a sadder day, When this good mother was called away I can't recall a reason why, That she was called to on high.To the wail of praises To the swirl of prayers This woman she knew them all.1 only wish that our dear God Had waited for the call.God biess you mom, Loving daughter, Janet Card of Thanks 1 wish to extend my sincere appreciation to Doctors Thompson, Brissette and Jacob and also the nursing staff on the second floor for the excellent care 1 received while a patient at the Barrie Memorial Hospital.Many thanks also for flowers, gifts, cards and telephone cails from all my friends and relatives.All was very much appreciated.Eileen Carrfgan 1 wish to thank Dr.Jacob, nurses and staff on the second floor of the Barrie Memorial Hospital, also thanks to my relatives and friends for their cards and visits.All was very much appreciated.Ross Lamb The Huntingdon Gleaner telephone numbers are 264- 5364; 264-5365.Many attend funeral for Emile Bergevin A largely attended funeral service for Emile Bergevin of Howick was held at Très St.Sacrament Church on March 24, conducted by the Rev.F.Amyot.Mr.Bergevin died suddenly at his home on Sunday March 21.He was horn on Oct.20, 1901 at the farm home on +Rang3) Tullochgorum Rd.of his parents, Albert Bergevin and his wife Syrup.for Bob St.Denis from page The Hemmingford community was shocked and saddened on Thursday.March 11 when it was learned that Bob St Denis.a well-known resident had suffered a fatal heart at tack around 5 p.m He was 42 vears of age At the time of the seizure he was at the home of his parents.Mr and Mrs Eddy Berthiaume Dr Brian Dobie and the Hemmingford ambulance were on the scene in a very few minutes and he was rushed to the Barrie Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead Bob was born an Syracuse and came to Hemmingford at an early age He was educated at Hemmingford High School and Plattsburgh.Shortly after graduation he enlisted in the US.Marme Corps and served for a number of Véars He returned to Hem mingford.married Jeannine Dumesnil and eventually joined the firm of Pratt and Whitney for which he was a buver.travelling extensively an the United States and Canada In his spare time he enjoyed bowling and was a member of the Plattshurgh Aived League.He was also a member of the Hemmingford Volunteer Fire Brigade and the American Legion Post No 1 in Montreal Large numbers ot friends, relatives and fellow workers visited the Sharpe Funeral Home in Hemmingford to pay their last respects and to offer sympathy to his wife and family The coffin.draped with the American flag.was surrounded by many beautiful floral arrangements and many Mass cards were received.On Saturday evening March 13.the men of the several Clinton County Fire Brigades with Chief- Co-Ordinator Tim Lin- court.held their larewell service before the coffin.Also represented were members of the American Legion Post No.1 Montreal and the Hemmingford Roval Canadian Legion Branch No.244 The funeral service was held on Monday March 15 at St.Roman's Church.Members of the Hem- mingford Brigade.preceeded by three members of the Hem- mingford Legion carried the coffin into the church hetween ranks of firemen drawn up outside The Requiem Mass was celebrated bv the Rev.(Gilles Daoust.The lessons were read by Bob's daughter.Anne-Marie and Mrs.Primo of Napierville Interment was in the church cemetery Bob is survived hy wife, Jeannine.his son Robert Jr.«Bobby, his daughter, Debbie Ann.his parents Mr and Mrs, Eddy Berthiaume.his mother-in law Mrs A Dumesnil, brothers and sisters-in-law Mr and Mrs.JR Dumesnil of Champlain his Mr and Mrs.John Bombardier of Rouses Point.Mrs G Poissant of Hem- mingford and several aunts, uncles.cousins.nieces and nephews in the United States statement that market conditions appear good this year.much improved over a year ago when the Valley farmers were getting $14 a gallon.He said market factors include: Low inventories of syrup in the industry: American manufacturers of table syrup are beginning.after a year\u2019s lapse tobuy maple syrup again.a Chicago manufacturer recently announced a new line of pure maple syrup and a new table syrup containing 10 per cent real syrup.Pennsylvania and Ohio reported almost no yield due to a sudden rise in temperature this spring.increased syrup promotion and the Olympics and the American Bicentennial should cause an expansion in sales of maple products.FAST ACTION Gleaner classified ads make vour telephone ring.Tel 264-2996 Huntingdon Mathilda Provost.Mr.Bergevin's mother ran the farm and cared for the children when they were young.The nearest school was Tullochgorum No.7 which they attended with their English neighbors and soon all were completely bilingual and Canadian in out-look.He had to leave school at nine years of age to help his mother with the farm work.This early training and good work habits helped him in later years.When he was 21 he married Sabiola Parent of Howick.For some time the couple lived on Rang 4 (Fertile Creek Rd.) before buying a farm on the next range, Australia Concession.They raised a large family all of whom are married except one son.The couple retired to Howick Village recently.The deceased is mourned by his wife, Sabiola; his family; Alice and Lionel Bourdeau; Roger and Gisele Bergevin; Lucille and Jean Charles Lalonde: Therese and Florian Hebert, Hector and Gisele Booth's Florist FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS FREE DELIVERY Mrs.David Booth, prop.100 WELLINGTON ST.INTER-FAITH Monthly Gospel Services at the CVR auditorium SUNDAY, APRIL 4 at 8:00 p.m.Message by: Jack Dawson Songleader: Pierre Doucet Special music, testimonies Come and bring a friend with you PR:ACHING CHRIST CRUCIFIED FELLOWSHIP Bergevin, Andre Bergevin, Pauline and Leonard Pelletier, Artrhur and Hermence Patenaude, Fernande and Hermas Patenaude, Jeanne and Lionel Bourque, Claire and Jean-Marie Bertrand, Germain and Lise Bergevin.There are 55 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.All his brothers and sisters survive: Aurore Daigneault, Florida Moore, Albert Bergevin, Laurent Bergevin, Rosanna Leduc, Lucienna Lazure.Interment was at the parish cemetery.MONTPETIT Funeral Home Rodrigue Montpetit, proprietor FUNERAL DIRECTOR MODERN PARLORS AMBULANCE SERVICE AIR CONDITIONED 170 Chateauguay St Tel.264-5021 HUNTINGON Summer Res.371-0699 Sincere thanks to Dr.and Mrs.Brian Dobie, the nurses at the Barrie Memorial Hospital, the Hemmingford Firemen, Clinton County Firemen*s Association, Hemmingford Legion Branch No.244, members of Montreal Post No.1 of the American Legion, American Legion members from Clinton County, Pratt & Whitne Aircraft of Canada L President E.Davis and friends Plattsburgh Mixed League, Father Daoust, Father Yves Abran and all the clergy in the community for their prayers and all our friends and relatives for their many kindnesses, visits, flowers .and gifts.Your thoughtfulness helped go much to ease our sorrow at the loss of a beloved husband, father and son.Dear Bob, You gathered rose-buds when you could and prepared for heaven while you stood.But a choir of angels, radiant with light Led the way, in the night.Never a time was the heart warmer, Nor your courage stronger.But like a flower at smiles today, You too, have passed away.Rejoice! A heaven for your son, Now that life has just gun.The rugged Cross that you laid down Has been replaced with a crown.Your wife Jeannine, Ahne- Marie, Debbie, Bobby, Mr.and Mrs.Eddie Ber- thiaume and Mrs.A.Dumesnil Mrs.Emile Bergevin and her family would like to thank all those who expressed their sympathy at the time of the death of Mr.Emile Bergevin, on March 21, 1976, either by mass offerings, flowers, visits or assistance at the time of the funeral.Please consider this as a personal message.I would like to thank Dr.George Lefebvre, the nurses and staff of the Huntingdon County Hospital and friends and relatives who visited me during my stay in the hospital; also for cards and gifts.All was very deeply appreciated.Mrs.Henri Taillefer To the many thoughtful and kind people who sent me messages of good wishes for good health, during my stay in hospital and since returning home my very sincere thanks.1 would like to thank each one personally, but please accept this \u201cThank you\u201d Mrs.E.M.Wood KELLY FUNERAL HOME REG'D.GORDON McINTYRE Proprietor FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ambulance Service PHONES: 264-5447 - 264-5402\" Huntingdon, Que.WELCOME TO THE COLOURFUL WORLD OF A FLORIST It's your world as well as ours, and we hope you'll stop by our shop and greenhouses soon.always glad to have fellow flower and plant lovers come in to sniff and browse.We're proud of our store and think you'll find our selection of dewy- fresh flowers and vigorous healthy green and blooming plants is éxceptionally beautiful.Visit us soon and let us make your world more colorful every day.Flowers do it! Lettle Denmark Plower Shop HEMMINGFORD Phone 247-2718 or Zenith 72550 We're\u2019 69c THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL TERRARIUM plants for only Free bag of especially prepared potting soil per each customer. THE OUTDOORS by Roy Younie Gun control Part Il Priority: improve society; issue larger than guns Last week, we looked at some of the aspects of the so-called gun problem.Now we consider some possible solutions which might cut down on gun- related fatalities and yet allow responsible citizens to use guns for recreational purposes.These techniques of combatting the problem include educational programs in schools, a crackdown on the criminal element, and an upgrading of the environment.School Programs First is gun-safety programs in schools.Experiments were conducted in which students were taught to handle, shoot, store, and respect firearms.Girls were included because they may not want to shoot but they do encounter guns in the home.Students became conscious of guns in the home, lost the curiosity that leads to accidents, and encouraged parents to observe safety practices.The results were excellent for little financial investment.The saving of human lives cannot be valued.Criminal penalties Criminals will continue to use firearms.It was found that 65 per cent of people apprehended for crimes involving firearms had previous records.The prison, rehabilitation programs are not working.In the 17th and 18th centuries, England exported undesirables to penal colonies in Australia.Russia has Siberia.This method assumes that the criminal is beyond salvation.This may not be true, but society, footing the bill for police and prisons, has a right to expect protection.INVIONGUONDODENDOUOUOOSUZINONOGODIODEOOUOONOOPLERNE Roy Younie, Outdoor Education Co-ordinator in Valley schools, this week continues his thoughful analysis of the gun control issue.In this second of two parts, he makes the point that guns are only one aspect of problems in our society which must be eradicated by getting down to their roots.TUUDESCOONONNNOBAOOOOOOLBOEDODAGUCIOOOOFESOVODENDONE Needless to say, Canadian prisoners, if expelled to the Arctic would probably go on strike, over their \u2018\u2018rights\u2019\u2019.Chief Inspector Greenwood of Scotland Yard commented on the 400 per cent increase since 1963 of armed crimes in England in spite of gun control laws that virtually eliminates gun ownership by the average citizen.With a one-in-ten chance of apprehension, light sentences, plus the lucrative potential, the odds are in favour of the criminal.Should heavier sentences, even life, be given the odds would be less attractive.Priorities and finances Most difficult to remedy is the environment that leads a person to use a gun in crime.Through crime, with or without a gun, such people wrest from society what they are unwilling or able to gain in any other way.Statistics point out that the slums are the place to start.It is folly to hand out welfare when low-paying jobs, which would be subsidized, go begging because welfare pays more.We pay taxes to support the welfare system we will pay for the Olympic Games somehow, but can't afford Howick Howick Village Council is trying to cope with the problems of dogs creating a nuisance but it is a difficult one-for various reasons.One of them seems to be garbage and the fact that householders sometimes put fragrant bits of meat or bones in the garbage bag without wrapping them carefully.Local dogs tear garbage bags open and recently a pack of seven was noticed at work on garbage in one section of the village.It gives rise to the belief that few dogs are trained to use home base as a toilet or playground.Councils would have less trouble if more people had horse sense.Mrs.James Crawford, One Howick W.l.member recently visited the Scarborough area where she saw examples of dog-polluted lawns.There the situation is so bad that the Town Fathers are contemplating the establishment of fenced-off toilet areas for dogs in parks and ravines.Ormstown Mr.and Mrs.Coffin of Charlottetown, P.E.l.visited last week with Mr.and Mrs.Alan Hooker.Mr.and Mrs.Bob Titus and family of Andover.N.B.spent last week with Mr.and Mrs.Bert Mc- Cartney.Clifford slum clearances, and better health, education, and social services in these areas.Instead.allotments to investigate crimes, arrest, and jail offenders are increased each year.Realistically, crime can never totally be erased.Driving the gun underground will have the same effect as Prohibition did on alcohol consumption.I seriously question the need for handguns for protection, especially in Canada.Some wiil argue that a weil-armed populace will deter criminals.Chicken or egg?Is this not the old chicken or the egg dilemna?Citizens buy handguns for protection against armed criminals.Which came first and where does it end?Registering guns, fingerprinting.special permits, and sanity tests are mentioned.All have been tried elsewhere.What real guarantee do any of them offer?The only sure test is to give a gun to an individual but educate him and remove some of the social problems that afflict him.If this is the route (registration and special permits) then I will comply but hold no great hopes.Can patronage and graft be escluded from issuing permits?Can registration be efficiently handled and at what cost?Will the penalties for breaking these laws be upheld and enforced with equality for all?Will the political outlook remain flexible to make any needed changes or will the issue get the cold shoulder once it has been passed?Priorities, time, and financial resources could be better directed in this problem.Let's not fall into the trap that the gun is the culprit that can be controlled or eliminated, and we will then live happily ever after.The trigger must be pulled by a finger.I hope that my axe won't be called in next year to be registered.44 Seniors out in fine weather The weather last Wednesday was sunny and warm and 44 members attended the weekly gathering of the Howick Seniors\u2019 Club.Four visitors brightened everyone's day Bill and Ruby Ness of Aurora , Ont., Hazel Logan Ogilvie of Lachute and Ruth Younie Carson of Tiverton, Ont.met many old friends, and Bill Ness was glad to have a chance to handle a curling rock.The winning rink was skipped by Irwin Orr with Findlay Milne, Jim Summerton.and Mac Macintyre.The bridge players were at their best and four high scorers were within a few points with John Anderson up top.Hazel Ness was the 500 winner.and Ida Gallie took both chinese checkers and scrabble.If Ida heard the scrabble expert on a recent radio program she will be trying the experts next.Nobody drank the tea in the marked cup so the prize was kept for next week.Plans are being made for the closing party on April 7, and a drive to some selected spot on another date.Marjorie Hope told a good Newfie joke before the executive left the room for a special meeting while the hostesses worked and others visited.Eddie Hooker moves into his 90th year Eddie Hooker celebrated his 89th birthday at his farm home near Ormstown on March 21 when all the family, grandchildren and great grandchildren, were present except Donna Archer and Brent Hooker who were too far away.But they remembered him with cards and phone calls.Eddie, nenowned in the Valley for his farm career as well as his perpetual high spirits, is in good health and enjoyed seeing everyone, not to mention taking part in some rollicking card games.Janice Bruce Barr plaved the piano and violin.All sang Happy Birthday.lunch was served and a happy evening ended with good wishes to Grandpa.PLANNED TO BE PRACTICAL .BUILT TO BE BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM & STOCK KITCHENS BATHROOM VANITIES TRIMOLD COUNTERS CHATEAU WOOD SPECIALITIES Sales & Installation of Hanover Kitchens { Canada] Ltd.Robt.Lawrence Prop.Tel: 829-3129 If No Answer Tel: 829-2191 11 Prince Albert Ormstown =] 826-3553 2 Stories, over 5000 sq.ft.filled with all kinds of QUALITY FURNITURE © AII styles available @ Stereo, color TV, appliances LLIN (43 Easy Payment Terms Available AMEUBLEMENT MACHABEE Rte.209 2 mile from St.Chrysostome THE BARN WITH THE YELLOW FRONT St.Chrysostome Mrs, Margaret Blais \\ Congratulations to Cpl.Ralph MacCuaig whose marriage to Grace Tremblay of Bagotville took place March 6 at Bagotville.Cpt.MacCuaig is the son of Mr.and Mrs.D.MacCuaig of Russeltown.Flatts.Cpt.MacCuaig was recently transferred to Clearwater.N.S.and is now residing with his new bride in Dartmouth.Mrs.Eximir Bourdeau 1s back home after medical treatment at the Barrie Memorial.also Mrs.Marcel Lefort is home after undergoing surgery at the Barrie.Anne Glesson Moriarty and brother John of Malone.N.Y.were Saturday guests of the Misses Lett.« THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 3) 1976 \u2014 5 Valley Ayrshires get top listing Chateauguay Valley animals placed well up in the February record listings of the Canadian Ayrshire Breeders\u2019 Association.In the 200 BCA Club were: Marbrae Snowmaid V.Gowned by Brodie Mac- Farlane of Howick, made 20,818-M, 780-F : 3.75% with Road contract The Quebec Roads Lepartment recently announced the award of a contract of over half a million dollars to Miron Construction Ltd.of Montreal to rebuild a section of Rte.200 The contract, valued at $510, for the renovation of a 2.81 mile section of the highway in St.Remi Parish.B.C A's of 233-215 as a six- year-old in 305 days.She is sired by Mar Ral Lucky Boy Kellcrest Lucky Satin V.G.owned by J W.MeKell & Sons, Howick, completed her five- year-old record of 20.705-M.767-F; 3.70% with B.C.A's of 235- 214 in 305 days.She is a daughter of Mar Ral Lucky Boy Kellcrest Jack's Bridget G P.owned by J W._McKel} & Sons.of Howick finished her senior two year old record with 15,399-M, 605- F.393% BC As 206-195 in 305 days Her sire 1s Donholm Commander Jack's Choice.The 1975 All Canadian Ayrshire Awards also starred Valley cattle Cherry Bank Roval Triumph.bred by ALK.MacArthur of Howick and owned by CC L.McDonald of Truro, N.S.rated honorable mention among yearhng bulls honorable mention went to H.M.Terrace Bank Mi Queen bred and owned by Robert E.Ness of Howick and Reserve All Canadian rating in heifer calves went to Soreloise Monica 9F, owned by Oscar Vaillan- court of St.Chrysostome.Similarly Volto's Etta King.bred by Leslie Mc- Naughton of Vankleek Hill, Ont., and owned by Oscar Vaillancourt of St.Chrysostome won honorable mention ambng bull calves.In two-year olds RALSTON PURINA g5 CANADA i LTEE.Hn COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS FOR FARM ANIMALS.ALSO SANITARY PRODUCTS REMI GARCEAU AUTHORIZED DEALER STE.AGNES DE DUNDEE TEL: 264-2879 JFUR STORAGEQ@D YOUR FURS DESERVE THE BEST QUALITY STORAGE POSSIBLE IN VALLEYFIELD GRENIER FURS can cive IT 0 YOUR Furs WE CAN MAKE ANY REPAIRS AND STYLING NEEDS, IF DESIRED [TILEY VALLEYFIELD FREE PICK-UP DELIVERY HUNTINGDON DRY CLEANERS Te: 264-5440 SEES TEL: 373-1707 CAMPING AND SNOWMOBILE CENTER Paul Ç ST-CHRYSOSTOME dus 3518 MOBILE HOMES BY SEE THE LARGEST SELECTION OF TRAVEL TRAILERS AND MOBILE HOMES IN THE REGION SEEN MINING.MINT ON WE OFFER $500.CHEQUE TRAILER NS TRAVEL TRAILERS BY VAL-BAR - LIONEL PMC - SATELLITE FROM 15\u2019 TO 29° LONG 4 men  SPECIAL 35\u2019 MODEL FURNISHED WITH PULL-OUT KITCHEN *8450% TENT CAMPING AND SNOWMOBILE CENTER BY GP chusaib PMC - VAL-BAR - MODULINE AFTER DELIVERY LIONEL ) MODEL MODEL MODEL & INSTALLATION ST-CHRYSOST MODEL A Availabl - RESIDENCE RADISSON ALPIN SEVILLE OF OUR SINGLE in © OME VERSAILLES [SINGLE] [DOUBLE 24\" x52'} Differen VILLA DEAUVILLES SINGL X & DOUBLE HOMES Sizes ! pusiness Ton Tue 9a.m.9p.m.ted Sat Lamp ours ur-Fri sun m.5p.m.CAMPING CENTER Paul Gervais Offer Valid to July Ist ~ a=) DELIVERED & INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE EEENES «BENE |N OR ABOVE GROUND POOLS AVAILABLE (mg Lacie 6 \u2014 THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 31 1976 by Kevin McNamara Track and field and gymnastics hold the sports spotlight at Chateauguay Valley Regional High School these spring days as the athletes buckle down to training for a hectic season ahead.Under the direction of Fred Hutchings and Norm Woods the members of the track and field team practice every Monday through Thursday after school and as of March 27 they added Saturday sessions between 9 and 1i at the school.For the opening Saturday session of the season about 25 members of the team met and went through training techniques.When it comes to gymnastics nobody is more enthusiastic than members of the gymn team themselves.The giris are working out Mondays through Fridays after school and again on Saturdays between 2 and 4 in the afternoon.High hopes C.V.R.has never done well as a team in SSIAA Mrs.Ness Trophy he / gymnastic competition but this may be the year.Anyway it is hoped.naturally, that this time around, the team will improve its record.On the inter-mural side of sports endeavor, basketball and curling are in progress and coming along well.Interest in the noon-hour basketball games runs high.with every game guaranteed to provide something interesting.A little off the beaten basepaths of the sports scene.but ot interest to ali students the past week's announcement that an Inter-House drama competition is to get underway.The competition will consist of a one-act play from each House.starring CVR students.The plays will be directed.managed.designed.constructed and produced by the students themselves.Don Elysyn.drama the top supervisor.consultant and judge for the competition expected to take place before the month ends.goes to Montreal The Mrs.R.R.Ness Memorial Bonspiel held at Howick Curling Club on Thursday.March 25.drew 12 outside entries and was won by a Montreal West rink skipped by Florence Mair with J.Retallack.Peggy Morton and Freida Colley.The action started at 8 :30 a.m.and went on until 10 p.m.It was a long day but 60 or more curlers and local members enjoyed meeting one another socially.Frances Reddick and Irene Moss used Olympic symbols and mobiles as decorations.Red table covers and curling stones with flag decorations gave the club rooms and tables a hospitable appearance at noon.while candies brightened the tables for the evening meal.Brenda Black and her committee made sure the hungry curlers were well fed.Colorful trifle made in punch bowls.highlighted the meal.President Audrey Scott welcomed everyone and at the close of the day invited Mrs.Hazel Ness to present the trophy to the winning rink from Montreal West.The second prize winners from Ormstown were skipped ty Marion White: third prize Beau Chateau with skip Dot Garnier: and fourth prize another Orm- stown rink skipped by Irene Hamilton.March of Dimes begins in April The Royal Canadian Legion March of Dimes campaign, this year will be in April-May instead of September-October and in an announcement this week Huntingdon's Branch 81 said canvassers and other assistants will be needed.Last Saturday a bus load Huntingdon Locals Bridge was played at three tables at the Curling Rink on Thursday March 25, with hostesses Mrs.George Thompson and Mrs.Charles Reid.First prize winner was Mrs.J.R.MacLeod.and Mrs.B.Oakes was second.Mr.and Mrs.Bill Rosevear, Mark and Amanda of Windsor, Ont.visited last week at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Arnold Milne and called on other relatives in the area.Recent guests at the home of Mrs.Angus Mc- Naughton on Prince Street were: Mrs, and Dr.G.Coffin and Patricia of Montreal; Mrs.Dave Kie of Toronto and Vanessa; Mr.and Mrs.Bill Watts of Montreal .of comrades from Branch 106.Notre Dame de Graces.Montreal.arrived at the Legion Hall in Huntingdon and were treated to supper by the Ladies Auxiliary after which there was a musical e ening.On A»ril 17 there will be a dance at the Legion Hall with the Country Cats providing the music.This being Dominion Convention year the regular Legion meetings on the second Thursday of each month (except in July and August) are assuming riore importance.The lzcal views must be shaped to two questions to be decided at the convention in Winnipeg.They are: 1) Should Associate Members (sons and daughters of regular members) be given a vote now on Legion business and should they be permitted to hold office or be appointed to the Executive?2) Should the name of Dominion Command be changed to National Command.The nominating committee now is being formed under the chairmanship of Comrade Erik Rottensten in preparation for the election of officers and executive members in June.Mooio Our t pre-wash FOR ONE WEEK ONLY op selling shirts and 17 ¢ nims EEE 20 off! N A) JOIN THE SCRUB TEAM: EVERYBODY'S DOING IT! à Gingham-check shirt, of }¥ polyester-cotton.4 colour combinations.7-15.Pre-washed denim vest (10 o0z.), in sizes 5 to 13.Indigo blue.Flare-leg jeans, of indigo-blue pre-washed denim (14 oz.).26 to 34.Shirt Vest Jeans Reg.11.86 Reg.12.95 Reg.14.95 B] CASUAL, SPORTY, RIGHT.THE LOOK OF THE YEAR! Fresh cotton shirt, in various patchwork prints.7-15.Pre-washed denim jeans (10 0z.).with half elastic waist.Indigo blue.7-15.Shirt Jeans Reg.11.86 Reg.13.95 97 S11.C] SUPER \u201cSTARS\u201d SHAPED FOR TODAY'S STATUS STYLE! Polyester-cotton checked shirt comes in assorted fashion shades.7-15.Western-style jeans, of pre-washed denim (14 oz.).Star on back pocket.Indigo blue.7-15.Shirt Jeans CHARGEN TOOL RENTALS For all Your \u201cDe-It-Yourself\u2019\u2019 Jobs a Lu y ¢ 0 7 including 2 a \u2018 \u2018 2 9 $ 1 4 Bamps of All Kinds \u20ac + 07 Z Lo i ® Concrete Breaking Equipment XE : # = = / ; CENTRE VALLEYFIELD sis | sir Floor Maintenance Equipment STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY: 9:00 6:00 p.m.THURSDAY and FRIDAY: 9:00 9:00 p.m.SATURDAY: 9:00 5:00 p.m.MEPLACEMENT OR YOUR MONEY AÉFLINOEU Reg.11.86 Reg.17.95 Chain Saw - Rentals Repairs, Sales PYRAMIDE & p/ ALLITAY CEMYRE DF (7 TION RENT ALL CENTRE 7 31-JeanBaphisis.Chälezaguay 691-5231 4 | x A A i 1 AE) | oh 2 dé \u2018 § az Bes a Pe Bua nv mA AY cw AAT goss Hy n _ sas THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 31 1976 \u2014 7 ane au M © ° ° IN O r H O C k e S tat | S 1 | C S HHH DO OO A | B y Bowlin rsenault-Bourgon Final Minor Hockey League Playoft Statistics g .o \u2019 ow pere pron pan \u2014 win at Huntingdon Panthers 3 U 6 Team 1 2 0 4 3 Red Wings 2 0 1 Team 5 308 Team | Wore BY TOMMY BROOKs Dagg.third, Jim Primus, skip, Gary Deme, third.Lions 1.2 2 Team 3 200 Bruins 0 2 à 2» Team 2 04 second, M Leduc, lead.Angus Primus second, Cougars 0 2 0 T ane > \u2026 EE Team 7 == a ou \u2026 Total points for three John Deme lead.Total eam | wins finals m ?Red Wings win finals in 2 Team 6 vu ?U With only two weeks er ts for three games 64 straight games straight games.Team 5 wins round-robin Team © wins finals 2 remaining in the curling games - 46.Co co he pat Lid 155 h \u2018and in 3 straight tu v.FARMERS LEAGUE season, the Gaston Ar.Runner-up: Dalton Ross, \u20ac a A Ek Ror be \\ Scorers Scorers Ww LT pp senault rink at the weekend SKIP: John Perry third, individual pms - Gord r Scorers G AP Scorers G AP Les Revenants 48-19 300 133 won the Bank of Montreal Junmy Mills second, Harry on Panthers win round-robin G AP D.Latreille 8 2 10 Gap G Usereau y 312 Sunoco 49-17 0132 Trophy at the Huntingdon Scott.lead.Total points for por in 3 straight games.L.Caza 5 6 1 L.Hurteau 8 1 9 À.Lalonde 437 W Melntyre 8 3 Rockburn 49-15 20128 Curling Club and the three games.45 derson second, | au Scorers L.Emond 4307 J.P Girouard 7 #7 K Smythe 3 38 P Glenn 1 6 7 Town \\ Ontry 38-36 400 108 Norbert Bourgon rink won The President's prizes Carriere lead.Tota points G Ap P.Chartrand 6 0 6 R.Robidoux 2 5 7 J.Darragh 21 D.Dandurand 3 34 to Pins \u201c40-13 380 108 the Pat Lid Trophy, were won by Albert Rolleri for three games 52.M.Cocher 9 ! 10 P.Boucher 4 2 6 S.Niles 2 4 6 R Lefebvre 135 J.Rougerie 3 3 4 H'don Truek 308 381 93 This week will see the J.Brunet 5 1 6 D.Theoret 5 0 5 F.Quenneville 2 4 6 S.Besner 3 14 L.Rankin > ln Godmanch 208 481 75 completion of the playoffs J.Robidoux 1 3 4 M.Caza 1 3 4 A.Hurteau 4; 3 R.Robidoux 2 24 C Langevin } 4 of the Tuesday Thursday P.Dunn 2 1 3 M.Cadoret 2 1 3 S.Longtin 2 3 5 D.Walsh } 3 4 M.Duplessis + 13 High Singles: Jerrs mined competition M.Taillefer 2 1 3 A.Caza 12 3 S$.Cameron i 0 4 R.Robidoux > 13 J Fortier > 23 Farquhar 206, Tommy The Rose Bowl Mixed, G.Boucher 0 2 2 J.M.Legeault 0 3 3 P.Latreille 3 } 4 K.O'Connor 303 KR Saumier y 204 MeCallum 194.Gus last competition of the Fournier 8#, Carol season, will be played April Levers 184 5 to 10 wath all club e for Cocher in this game un score où 4 teal The final game ot the cach ter Team | single oo members taking part meant that he was the Robidoux scored (wo goals semi-finals mn the Midget goals for Team 2 were High Frinfes.Gus Results I n 0 r 0 C e Y leading scorer in the \u2018for the winners while division saw Team 2 winin scored by Jean Fortier and Fournier 498, Cart Levers Rank of Montreal Trophy playoffs among the Atom singles were picked up by overtime over Team 4 by Gilles UÜsereau Team | Fil Tomms MeCallum was won by Gaston Ar .ST, players.Michael Thurston and John the score Pi 3 - : he came up un ther second Hi seaault.skip.Richard INSULATION , ; ere were two games Darragh which was scor winners got two goals from win over Team 2 by (he b \u2019 played among Pee Wee ip overtime.The goals for Gilles Usereau with a score of 5 2 as the mn ie BRR SC Kevin teams Land 3 w order for a the losers were notched by Single point J Jean For- became plavott cham FOR HOME, GARAGE, champion to be crowned.John Stewart.oger ler eam got 1ts two plons.Again it was Wa \u2018 MacLeod Team 1 wonin two straight Robidoux and Alain goals from Jacques Melntyre with a trong DR.STEPHEN HECHT, 0.D.WAREHOUSE ETC.; ; games.They came out on Lalonde with one each.The Rougerie and Luc Poirier game and scored vu The Huntingdon Minor top in the first contest by a goal for Lalonde meant The win for Team 2 meant goals while team per OPTOMETRIST WORK CAN BE DONE Hockey League season count of 3 - 1 For the that he won the scoring in that they went into the Michael Duplessis and .ANY TIME OF YEAR came to a close the past winners the goals were the playoffs by a single finals against Team | Rodney Robidoux scored Eye Examination Every Thursday, week with the crowning of evenly divided among point.In the first final game one cach The two goals for 9:30 to 9 champions in all five Pierre Boucher, Lambert Inthe Bantam B division Team 1 doubled the score the losers were scored by 7am.fey p.m.| FREE ESTIMATES divisions at Huntingdon Caza and Gilles Gauthier.the Red Wings came out as on Team 2 as they won by tailles Usereau as he was Tel: 371 27 fferi Régional Arena.The lone goal for the losers champions as they won the the count of 4 - 2, Wayne the top scorer in the © el: 21 50 Dufferin St.5 In the Atom division the came off the stick of Pierre finals in two straight McIntyre and Damel plavoffs among the Midget # Centre Valle field Shoppin Centre Ë ROBIDOUX BUILDERS SUPPLIES Panthers won the round strong gameashecameup first contest Dandurand had two goals players i y pping re : TEL: 2 robin with the two other four and The second contest turned out to be a 7 - 3 win Pit LLL hn Sen = : 264-2139 CAZAVILLE teams in three straight games.The last game in which they were involved this past week resulted in a 5 - 2 win for the Panthers over the Lions.Michael Cocher played his usual goals with assisted on the other one.The other goal for the winners was notched by Joey Robidoux.The Lions got their two goals from Joel Brunet and Marc Taillefer.The five points Howick rink does well in Jubilee The Howick rink, skip Elmer Black, Don Gay.Scott Gebbie and Robert Sauvé went to Ontario on the weekend to compete in the finals of the Royal Victoria Jubilee.They defeated Smith's Falls at Winchester Glenmore at Brockville, and lost the extra end versus Caledonia at Gananoque before returning home Saturday night.Rising water gave the home club some trouble Saturday night but enough curlers drifted in to have a game.The water receded about 7 p.m.Hemmingford Sympathy is extended to Mrs.Eddie Berthiaume and relatives on the death of their cousin, Mrs.Vivian Moody of Plattsburgh who died in a car while being driven to the Sharpe Funeral Home in Hem- mingford to offer condolences to the family of Bob St.Denis.Another relative, Mrs.Margaret Conley, also of Plattsburgh, passed away the day following Bob's funeral and an uncle, Mr.E.Canestorp of Michigan passed away two weeks ago.Sympathy is also extended to Mr.and Mrs.B.Walser and family of Longueuil on the death of Mrs.Walser\u2019s father this past week.Mrs.J.L'Espérance Word has been received of the death of a well- known resident of Hem- mingford, Mrs.Leo Duquette.Mrs.Duquette spent the winter in Virginia with her daughter.Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been finalized.turned out to be a one sided affair as Team 1 walked over Team 3 by the count of 7 - 1.Lambert Caza and Luc Emond played a strong game as they each notched a hat trick.The other goal for Team 1 was scored by Gilles Gauthier.The only plaver who dented the twines for Team 3 was Stephen St.Marie.Lambert Caza was the top scorer among the Pee Wee players in the finals.Overtime win A round robin series was played among the three Bantam A teams.It turned out that Team 5 became the champions in three games.The only game they played this past week turned out to be exciting as they won over Team 7 in overtime by for the Red Wings over the Bruins.The goal scorers for the winners were Daniel Latreille with three goals, lan Tilly with two and a single notched by Jean Pierre Girouard.The three goals for the Bruins were evenly divided among Luc Hurteau, Patrice Latreille and Alain Hur- teau.The final Bantam B game was close all the way as the Red Wings finally won by a 3 - 2 score.The winners got two goals from Daniel Latreille with a single going to Jean Pierre Girouard.The two goals for the Bruins were scored by Luc Hurteau and Alain Hurteau.The two goals by Latreille in this game helped him to win the scoring in the playoffs.\"EXTERMINATION LA, DENIS BRISSON INC.ANTS - COCKROACHES - RATS, ETC.WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK TEL: 373-5515 VALLEYFIELD 350 LAROCQUE RD.ROLLER SKATING Nitely 7 P.M.(except Mon.) Matinees - SAT.& Sun.1-4 P.M.SKATELAND Malone FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY The Audi Fox has a 1.6 litre overhead cam engine, front wheel drive, a luxurious interior plus a rare combination of performance and economy found in few of the world's cars.Antilles Automobiles Inc.649, CHEMIN LAROCQUE VALLEYFIELD, QUÉ.Tel: 371-5563 Covers 54 sq.ft area outside: 108 x 72\" inside Ne 8-h.p.26\u201d Horizontal Worm-Drive Tiller ve 29995 e Easy-Spin recoil starter © 2-speed transmission forward neutral reverse.e No-load tie speed about 90 r pm Big 14\" dlasher-tspe tines are guaranteed avaæinst breakage on» .Boe has Le 5 all-stcel trame.tine shields S-hp hortzontal-drive model similar to above hit i Compact 344 cu.ft.Storall Shed Ready-t0-ussemble backyard or ganizer with the same qualit.features as the SI6 cu tt model 113 x 76 x KS\" height ut peak L855 For self Sharpening ar! ' \u2026 8 °F on ie cre $754 00 Trak i Hiller For plant Ing potato thalhne model above ¥ ARSSOLIRTE Chain-Drive 5h.n.Tiller 267° t19gs & Stratton engine N-R clutch controlled 8° Tileng Depth reser to ty Cont of pnt aque fo te Poa at Hue power Hiller for chain drive ARMAND ST-JACQUES INCA SMART, PRACTICAL, ) CHETF OUT THÈSE POWER PACKED UOW'.TN EARTH BUT Pate re age inthe pes oo ae 1 05 Attachments to fit 3/2, 5 and &h.p.Tillers 33% $34.95 ; Furrower 107° Furrower for chain dn fes tar apte * Foro! rea aude model above STORE 516 Cubic Foot Mode 229 Use your CANADIAN TIRE CARD Vertical-Drive 3/>h.p.Tiller 195% * Briggs & Strattan engine + 0-8 Tiling Depth « Guaranteed 14 tines ECONOMICAL WAY TO END STORAGE PROBLEMS! All-Steel Storall Shed | Covers 81 Square Feet Less Floor 2 « (Guaranteed 9 2 table Cr Che $10.99 (FACING MA TEL: 371-2470 95 Mini Tiller EN CU APACT MODEL! Lightweight 2-h.p.Tiller 169\u201d * Weighs only 51 pounds * 618 tilling width depth \u201c Stratton on +4 C8 TIR AIT 560 BOUL.MRG.LANGLOIS e Designed to be maintenance-free + Pilfer-proof LOK-WALL construction + One-piece gable for solidity + Avocado and white Stelcolour finish e Rust-resistant multi-coated panels e Exclusive double by-pass doors Fass we assemblée anh onl co edoser and pher © Outside dimenaon 1180119 405$ tueh ar peak mstde Tox 10% por 615 06215 huh Zim coated reel ath ant coon layer for durabislits \"À Prog to get exc fhing organized in one conven tent focation Nnchor bran faded toe nre shed 602 cu ht model covers 94\" , sq h area $289.95 12 cu tt Spacemaker Squire \u2018Anchor bit extra $359 00 hp BELT GRIVEN 34\" TWIN BLADES! 8-h.p.Riding-Style Lawn Tractor CL 697% eo Farward Neutral Reverse gears * Automatic transmission * Recoil start » Molded hucket seat Povorrtul model cots hig lawns doan to daze «hole congo alony tor the nde! Disc brake with ith Brake and ur bojock Weighs about Wd) Thy tines Control tn 5970175 page USE YOUR JOR AUTOMOBILE) VALLEYFIELD 123 Su NBA 1900 woe 3 [ He A 8 \u2014 THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 31 1976 In Your Own Farm Yard No More Transporting Or Costly Lost Time TEL: 247-2625 HEMMINGFORD \"EASTERN ONTARIO HOLSTEIN CALF SALE\u201d Will be held at Fawcett's Sale Arena, Winchester, on SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1:00 p.m.60 Calves: Suitable for 4H Work Catalogues available on Request Fawcett Bros.Sale Managers Winchester, Ontario 613-774-3610 Presbyterian group plans spring lunch the meeting was conducted by Ruth Tannahill Doreen Gruer led in Devotions.the theme being Easter.and the roll call was answered by a recipe A report was given on the glass collection The depot will be open the first Saturday of every month trom24p m ut the old mill beside the Wheat and Chat Faster decorations from ~tyrotoam forms and paper serviettes Retreshments were served hy Willa Hooker.Jean Labelle and Jean Mekwen 7, Aer AM irl rice & a OFFICE HOURS 9:30-5:30 MON THRU SAT EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT (514) 264-4224 98 WELLINGTON HUNTINGDON QUEBEC Income Tax Administration Accounting Services INVITATION TO BILINGUALISM AN INTENSIVE FRENCH CONVERSATION COURSE OF 90 HOURS - 6 WEEKENDS FRIDAY, APRIL 2 TO SUNDAY, MAY 16 Both in Classroom and outside activities Tuition: $35.00 Speak only in French Fridays: 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.Saturdays: 9:00 12:00 F200 10 6:30 P.M, Sundays: 9:00 12:00 1:00 to 1:00 P.M, Register by phone or in person to: RUGS and CARPETS CONTINUING EDUCATION DIVISION 210 MeLeod Street Chateauguay.Quebec.| MATURE PEOPLE WITH REFERENCES WRITE GLEANER BOX 8775 FLORIDA GOLFERS\u2018 PARADISE A local bank has foreclosed on these newly constructed CBS Apartments located on The PGA Roval Oak Golf Club.\u201cMADRID MODEL These 2 bedroom.2 bathroom.1200 are fully carpeted.have total electrical appliances, with central air conditioning.heat and garage.Reduced To: $27 900 ONLY {LEFT WRITE TED O'KEEFE, SALES REP.2586 DEMARET ST.TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA, 33780 OR TEL: 305-267-2071 St.Chrysostome recovery to Bobby Wood 1shed to Unarles LeMoyne land.Farmers and owners of wooded The Department of Lands and Forests Is placina at your disposal 55 millron IS even à risk of shortage before the end of the century.and already much wood 1s imported from abroad 2.5 million acres to reforest pine and spruce seedlings and oftering you appropriate technical assistance In some cases.the Department can also lend you à mechanical planter The main conditions are the: following The property must have an area of at Quebec has 2 5 millon acres of private lana which could be reforested In addition to supplying wood products which will be increasingly in demand.reforestation protects land against erosion and ATTENTION FARMERS eg ER on The Presbyterian exchange store Bottles should be FOR RENT FRANKLIN CENTRE Our wishes for a prompt accident last week.He was récovering nicely N WELD NG SERVICE evening adult group of B | clean and have the metal B.AND B.ING V Ormstown met Thur Usmess discussed tops removed sday March 8 at is Alan cluded plans bor a Spring Mrs Allen Marshall and APPLE ORCHARD ON 100 ACRES ( N HEMMINGFORD Hooker's home with a good luncheon be held at he Mrs Bob Clarke gave an ; ; = \u2018 'hureh The tentative date teresting .Offers Complete Mobile attendance and in the IN april 0 eda mn hatin demonstration WITH HOUSE & EQUIPMENT Welding Rapairs absence of the president, : TEEN least 3 acres.1 acre of which will be devoted to reforestation Secondly the plants must not be ntended for ornamentation adds to its value Tel: 691-2540 CLEANED IN YOUR HOME D.LEGAULT TEL: 264-5540, HUNTINGDON TED LAFAVE Nation-Wide Sewing & Vacuum Service 1 Washington St.Malone, \\ y Opposite U.S.Post Office Sure and steady growth Plannid reforestation such as we are proposing results in sure and steady growth {twill help you obtain maximum return from your wooded land Wood is becoming scarce Contrary to common belief.Quebec does not have: toc much wood There ELIT a yg Carries a complete line of parts, attachments.ete.ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS RECLINER CHAIRS BALCONIES FOR ALL MAKES Mail Before April 5, 1976 Land to be retorested FOR SALE STAIRS othe nearest regional office of the Le Marsoipality RAILINGS of sewing machines and patent of Lands, and Fores le on oty 80 PIECES.vacuum cleaners 405.boul St-Germain D Aimousk: Toowrsiues Road FENCES including Eaton's 1995, boul Charest O Guevec \u201ca >.550 rue Bonaventure T'os-Rivierae Le i d of recliner .se De, chains eller so de opportunits te bus this very ° Electrolux.Hoover.Filter 125%, Carte Philips, Montreal on ! - .* ; te 191 rue Principale, Hull ran iv i ; ; ueen.Ete.attractive furniture at less than wholesale cost.We FIBERGLASS Quee Please print Apbro UILDING SUPPLIES HARDWARE ef [ie es NES a SPRUCE TEL: 264-5421 INC.; PINE LUMBER 21A CHATEAUGUAY 264-2970 CEDAR PAINT HENRI PARE PREFINISH PANELLING WALLPAPER ALUMINIUM WINDOW GARDEN SUPPLIES HARDWARE SOLARIS THERMOPANE TEL: 247-2870 , WOOD & GLASS SLIDING DOORS T2 neater Pg) wad we ; GARAGE DOORS ORMSTOWN 829-2191 20 MODELS AVAILABLE WITH 60 FLOOR PLANS _ROOFING \u2026 J STYROFOAM \\ FOR A HOUSE BUILT HARDWARE MTL INSULATION: WOOL-ZONOLITE DUNDL HOMES TO YOUR TASTE HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS : Erne | GLASS & MIRRORS = co = BO-PLEX IS IT.AVAILABLE AT FLOORCOVERING GARDEN SUPPLIES PAINT & CEMENT Pan) AND SNOWMOBILE CENTER ant) Gewais au) LUMBER HGHNIE sive.3 GERALD DUHEME CONSTRUCTION fa Green Survival | += ROBIDOUX EN NT \u2018\u2018Dundi House\u2019 Representative .it depends on you.DECORATION CENTRE BUILDERS SUPPLIES woe: oo PLUMBING \u2014 HEATING \u2014 \u2014 EVERYTHING TO BEAUTIFY PAINT \u2014 CEMENT : YOUR GARDEN & PROPERTY HARDWARE EVERGREENS - TREES - SHRUBS BUILDING MATERIAL FRUITTREES - ROSES - PERENNIALS PLUS QUALITY HOUSEHOLD WE HAVE ALL YOU NEED FLOOR : a Ties FURNISHINGS FROM Sra NB NL | CERAMIC & FOR YOUR ORGANIC GARDEN MERS OF KITCHEN y GURNEY \u2014 MAYTAG ALL MOBILE HOMES So EST BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDES CABINETS & VANITIES 4 qe _ LECTRONOME AND MORE INSTALLED & DELIVERED yond Installation FISH & SEAWEED FERTILIZER AND MANY MORE BUILDING CONTRACTORS he y 7] 2 URETH ANE \u20ac \u201cFREE OF CHARGE\u201d Cheque from Paul Gervais ALSO ALL THE TOOLS & DECORATIVE ACCESSSORIES i 3 CAMPING AND SNOWMOBILE CENTER FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS : INSULATION GD .A.WART & FILS W.KEDDY & SONS LTD.COME IN AND SEE ) ua 1065 Chemin Du Lac I ek Tel: 264-2983 HEMMINGFORD 247- 2059 OR PHONE CAZAVILLE 264-2139 ST-CHRYSGSTOME 826-3518 gibi PERE 264-2008 Q ë Sh 10 \u2014 THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH.31 1976 Rockburn Weekend guests at the home of Mrs.Gertie Rosevear and Merrill were Mr.and Mrs.Albert Rosevear and Frank of Smiths Falls.ont Albert is responsible for the lovely honey which folks in this area have been enjoying since last vear Mrs.Grace Murphy of Ste.Anne de Bellevue spent last week at the home of Willie moving up toward his 47th birthday.still spry and still as fond of card plaving as ever Like all of us.the Ste.Agnes Mrs.Vernon Elder Sincerest sympathy 18 expressed to Mr and Mrs Lester Fraser in the death of Mrs Fraser's father.the late Herbert Burbank.Mr \u201c Burbank made his home with the Frasers, and through the vears has endeared himself to all in the community.He entered hospital in Smith's Falls.Ont.the latter part of March and it was there he passed away.He will be remembered as a true gentleman in every sense of the word.Mr and Mrs.George Sutton arrived home March 12 after spending six weeks holiday in the Florida sunshine They visited quite often with the George and Willie Smellies NOTICE That the property and business belonging to Mr.Real Dagenais.located at 435 Ste.Anne st, St Chrysostome.{cadastral No.886-20-21- 22-23 Parish of St.Chrysostome] will be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday.Arpil lv.1976 at 10 o'clock the Office of Notary, Gaetan Reid.82 Notre Dame St.St.Chrysostome.WANTED Cows & Heifers Purebred or Grade March and April Chas.McConville eb Hyntingdon] CARPETS Dry Cleaned in Your Home $20 Minimum Family Enterprises Reg'd St Antoine Abbe D.Nelson Tel: 827-2271 FOR RENT - LARGE HOUSE A lovely 3 bedroom clapboard house entirely renewed.Located in a picturesque setting near Franklin Centre.Yearly lease and many features.Apply in Writing to Gleaner Box 8765 Royal Trust 9 Place Valencia Chateauguay Rosemary Faber F.R.I.Manager COVEY HILL 5 room cottage with outbuildings.Ideal for small family weekends or year round.4 wooded acres.Kina Trew HEMMINGFORD 5 room brick bungalow, beautifully located on Jackson Road near Covey Hill.Attached garage.Large lot, NOYAN 2 bedroom split level on river front.Interior finishing touches needed, fireplace, bright basement with cement block par- tioners.Margaret Rokas 246- 3528 or 691-5955- 264- 3693 Royal Trust, DIANE FARQUHAR advent of spring with warm weather.melting snow and the arrival of the first robins in the area along Route 202 has given his spirits a great lift Linda and Brenda Lind sav of Malone and Marla and Glen Lindsay of Brock- ville.Ont .spent a few days last week at the home of their grandparents.Mr and Mrs Everett Lindsay Marla and Glen split their visit to the Valley by spending the remainder of their holiday with their other grandparents.Mr.and Mrs.Walter Brown of Fertile Creek Mr and Mrs Bill Lind- sav and family.Mr.and Mrs Ernest Lindsay and daughters of Malone and Mr and Mrs Gordon Lindsay of Brockville, Ont.were callers at the home of their parents.Mr and Mrs Everett Lindsay on Sunday Fred Cooke.of \u2018The Bear\u2019 is home from hospital and recuperating after having undergone surgery in Montreal.Hi friends and neighbors wis him a speedy recovery LEFEBVRE covered REALT CS ST.CHRYSOSTOME 3arpent farm, 3 bedroom house, good garage.Price $20,000.For appointment call Henri Laliberte 457-148 88 or 1-826-3137.ST.ANTOINE ABBE 25 arpents wooded 3 bedroom bungalow, owner transferred.Must sell.Price $45,000.Call today Henri Laliberte, 157-3888 or 1-826-3137.ST.CHRYSOSTOME Small farm, 6 arpents with big 8': room house, Beautiful view.Price $30.000.Call Leo Tremblay.457-3888 or 1-826-4957.ORMSTOWN Smali farm, no buildings, 35 arpents, all wooded and sugar bush.Price $18,000.Call Leo Tremblay.457-3888 or 1-826-4957.ST, CHRYSOSTOME Farm, 62': arpents, !» tillable, !» wooded and sugar bush, 2 bedroom house, built 4 years ago, barn.Price $49,000.Call Leo Tremblay, 457-3888 or 1-826- 4957.ST.CLOTHILDE 2 bungalows.2 bedrooms.Price $12,000 each.Call Leo Tremblay, 457-3888 or 1-826-4957.ST, CHRYSOSTOME Small farm, 3 arpents, barn, 3 bedroom house, very clean.Price $25,000.Call Henri Laliberte, 457-3888 or 1-826-3137.ST.ANTOINE ABBE New house built 1975, 25 arpents wooded.3 bedrooms.very clean.Price $15.000.Call Henri Laliberte, 457-3888 or 1-826-3137.CLINIC - \u201cwonton | REAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED Prosthetic Oral Rehabilitation REAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED with or without experience.Male or female.Area: Vallexfietd, Dentures Tues.-TLurs.-Sat.Beauharnois, Chateauguav.If vou want a real 10a.m.-2p.m.Tel: 264-4800 JA Bouchette Street Huntingdon, Quebec Making-Fitting estate career.consult us.Ask for: Repairing Robert Sauvé, TREVOR D.HEAVENS Income Tax IMMEUBLES KAYBEC INC.57 NICHOLSON, VALLEYFIELD.TEL: 373-1316 Accounting Services Estate Planning Covey Hill Road 826-3306 Huntingdon.Vaudreuil-Soulanges, GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY HUNTINGDON A custom built home with frontage on Trout River just a few miles from Huntingdon.Eight acres with small barn, ideal for horses, dog breeder.etc.Home has planned kitchen and convenient heated breezeway to two car garage.$34 500.ORMSTOWN A sprawling farm house on 11 acres with beautiful old barns and frontage on River Qutarde.Marvelous location just one mile from village.Spacious 22 room.heated sunporch.Kitchen, three or four bedrooms, 23 room vet to be finished.$48.500.COVEY HILL An old farmhouse on 80 acres has been transformed into a spacious, artistic home with picture windows viewing the Valley and Montreal.Property has much to offer.600 apple trees, everflowing brook.some hay field.huge barn and good small outbuildings.Owner has been transferred or property would not be for sale: HUNTINGDON A country gentleman's delight on 5 acres, property includes sprawling lawns, small forest, barn with 6 box stalls and 2 car garage.House is immaculate with new kitchen.dining room and fireplace in living room.A pleasure to view.! Jane Oooth MONTREAL 842-8251 LOCAL 264-3661 McKINNON REALTIES INC.PROPERTY FOR SALE COVEY HILL Lot 125' x 240° with a new bungalow vf 5'2 rooms, full basement, central heating.a large living room.3 bedrooms.$29,500.HEMMINGFORD Over 2 acres large trees surrounding the house, a swimming pool, also a lovely brick house with 3 bedrooms.extra large living room.large kitchen, complete bathroom, rooms could very easily be finished in basement.Central heating.Good terms.$32,000.HEMMINGFORD Looking for a large old country house in A1 condition of stucco 7!> rooms, a Franklin stove in the large playroom full basement, central heating on over 1-3'4 acres, also approx.60 large apple trees in full production.Good property off the road for privacy.Nice area on rolling land.$30,000.ST.VALENTIN Lot 100\u2019 x 150\" nicely landscaped with large trees surrounding the lot, also a ranch type bungalow 5!; rooms gas heated, large garage, more land available.$9,000.HAVELOCK This mini farm 10 acres with a small barn a little guest house, also a nice bungalow overlooking the mountains for miles around, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen complete bathroom in the basement, 2 large rooms finished, laundry room and powder room, attached garage $38,000.HEMMINGFORD AREA NEAR PARK SAFARI A restaurant ready for operation, all equipped A1 condition, a 18 hole mini golf, a private home of 812 rooms, on 2! arpents of land.Good area for this business.Asking $60,000.HEMMINGFORD 108 arpents of good gardening land with a large barn in Al shape, also an excellent large house of 8!2 rooms, electric heated, the wood furnace is left in basement, garage.369.000.ST.CLOTHILDE An apple orchard 2,300 trees, all in excellent condition 100 acres, some bush, also a large old house 7:2 rooms, barns .899,000, ST, VALENTIN A small house of 4'2 rooms.all furnished on a large lot surrounded by trees some fruit trees, a storage shed, also garden tools.$5,500 with rights to the Richelieu River.CANTIC A summer camp on the Richelieu River of 5!» rooms, fireplace in living room, all furnished, many large trees, good condition.$20.000.FRANKLIN Approx.125 arpents, 200 apple trees also other fruit trees, a large old house, all renovated, 9'2 room, exterior partly finished in field stone, horse barn, stable.385,000.LACOLLE A brick bungalow very nicely landscaped, also a rock garden, 5'; room, and 3!2 rooms finished in basement, attached garage, walking distance to stores and school.$45,000.We have land, also lots, in different location.Please ask us about them.CALL FLORIAN DAUPHINAIS 559 CHAMPLAIN ST.HEMMINGFORD 247-2444 OR 454-3774 mo $60,000 - HEMMINGFORD - 2 bedroom house with large living room and pine panelling in Kitchen.Barn with 3 box stalls, large corral with good fencing.Al situated on 50 acres, 875,000 - HEMMENGFORD - 7 room countrs house with large planned kitchen, living room with Franklin fireplace, new 2 storey piggery 87\u2019 x 37' and other older buildings.situated on 105 acres with running creek, $40.000 - HEMMINGFORD - 108 acres partly tillable with 5 room house in good condition.$59,500 - SHERRINGTON - 71 arpents.ali tillable.Excellent land for vegetables, Also included good barn and attractive renovated 3 bedroom house with extra large kitchen.$90,000 - SHERRINGTON - 106 arpents, all tillable with new 100 foot insulated building, suited for animals or factory.also other older buildings and 6 room house.$17.500 - $5.000 cash buys vou this 5 room comfortable house with attached garage.situated on a country road, 33 mites from Montreal.We have several other properties, please inquire.BETTY BACHER MONTREAL DIRECT LocAL 247-2404 454-2035 DONALD E.SUTHERLAND Chartered PIERRE BOUGIE TDC DENTUROLOGIST REPAIRS AND MAKES DENTAL PROTHESIS 49 Bridge Ormstown 829-3361 373-1213 By Appoint ment Accountant 131 Douglas Shand POINTE CLAIRE 697-1343 Trust Royal Trust THE SIGN THAT SELLS 9 PLACE VALENCIA CHATEAUGUAY ROSEMARIE FABER, F.R.1., MANAGER HUNTINGDON 170 acres - This is an ideal farm for a heef operation with a large barn and a mixture of tillable, pasture and bush.There is a 5 bedroom home in good condition with a large country kitchen, separate dining and living room.There are other outbuildings and a good pond.HUNTINGDON .325 acres - this is a top flight dairy farm with over 120 head of good Holsteins, complete line of machinery, including corn equipment, large concrete silo, 100 corn crib, large main barn, implement shed and heifer barn.There is enough feed for all the cattle until next June, and the farm carries a good Montreal quota.HAVELOCK APPLE ORCHARD 1200 apple trees.This is a young orchard with some of the trees just starting to bear.There is a good room house with a large living room, fieldstone fireplace, kitchen, separate dining room and 5 other rooms.Insulated apple storage and good line of equipment.DEWITTVILLE A beautiful home on 25 acres with river frontage.There is a bungalow which needs the finishing touches, four storey insulated barn, previously used for turkeys, a pole barn and several other large outbuildings.The main house has a fireplace and is in top shape with many ®xtras included.HEMMINGFORD Here is a property perfect for a family wanting country living with close proximity to Montreal where they can keep a few horses or a couple of beef.The house is small but cozy, plus a large barn in good order, along with 52 acres of bush, pasture and trails.HUNTINGDON Restored 6 room home on the Trout River, with three bedrooms, large country kitchen, living room and dining room.Heated guest house, two car garage, paved driveway and a small building for a few animals, all situated on 4 acres.Good financing available.BARRY MARTIN Office: 691-5955 or 264-3693 Home: 264-5065 Tia OED.SA dt 0 SRE GES er BS nae ETA niu PAGE mil ROCKBURN Enjoy 8 wooded acres plus a beautiful 5 room brick bungalow.Sunken living room with massive stone fireplace, separate dining room or den, smart kitchen with built .in appliances, 2 bedrooms, VILLAGE OF HUNTINGDON Charming & room brick Victorian - 4 bedrooms, large attic.full basement.Centrally and conveniently located.$29,500.VILLAGE OF HOWICK Attractive 3 bedroom bungalow.sunny living room, modern kitchen with dining area.Well kept.Attached garage.$24,800.HUNTINGDON FARM 100 acre farm with 90 vear old 2 storey frame house - 3-1 bedrooms, large farm kitchen with wood room, dining room 1': bathreoms, sun porches.Beautiful tillable land with stream, pastures, stone fences, pine woods, LAND ONLY Ste.Clothilde de Chateauguay approx.9% arpents mostly hush.$6.000.Ormstown Highway 14 large land block for immediate sale approx.50 arpents.Asking $21,000.MARILYN PARTRIDGE Bus.691-7331 Res.264-4798 ORMSTOWN Attractive home, excellent condition, 2 to 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, ideally located on quiet street, town services, near medical centre and hospital.Immediate occupancy.ORMSTOWN Lovely modern 3 bedroom home, brick and claphoard siding, 2 complete bathrooms, large living room full basement, hardwood floors throughout, attached garage, paved driveway.large lot approximately 1 arpent on Chateauguay River.ORMSTOWN Two 3 bedroom dwellings that may be used separately or together, centrally located on Chateauguay River.Wiring.heating and plumbing in excellent condition as well as a knotty pine kitchen and full dry basement.HOWICK 5 bedroom brick cottage hardwood floors central heating large kitchen with attached shed or garage, alsosmall barn.Lot 76 x 156.ST.CHRYSOSTOME [Near Aubrey 3 bedroom shingle cottage built 1949 112 bathrooms, large combination living.dining room with brick fireplace on 5 arpents with trees, garden and separate two car garage.HUNTINGDON Summer cottage on river front lot 90 x 225.85,000.ORMSTOWN Summer cottage on Chateauguay River, lot 100 x 100.$5,500.KEITH GREIG 829-2419 oi Business: 091-7331 MEMBER OF MONTREAL REAL ESTATE BOARD McKINNON REALTIES INC.PROPERTY HUNTINGDON Approximately 90 acres of wooded land, very private, mature maple and pine trees.Asking $19,500.HUNTINGDON Approximately 100 acres with 85 tillable, very good 2 story house with large country kitchen, 6 bedrooms, living room and bathroom, good barns, 3 car garage.This is a very attractive property.HUNTINGDON 197 acres with approximately 70 acres tillable, beautiful large stone house partly renovated, very good barn with silo.2 maple bushes.Just a few miles from Huntingdon.For more information call Diane L\u2019Ecuyer.HUNTINGDON \u2014 24 ACRES Nicely renovated 8 room solid brick house, country kitchen with walk in pantry, adjacent laundry room, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, den 4 bedrooms, full basement with.cistern, electric heating, approximately 3'% acres road frontage, other building, stable and hen house.Reasonably priced.This property must be seen.ST.ANICET For someone who wants to start in dairy.180 acres 130 tillable, good barn with stable cleaner bulk tank and milking unit.Hay machinery, large house with all modern conveniences.Asking $75,000.ST.ANICET DAIRY FARM Approx.208 with 180 tillable, presently milking 40 head, very good line of machinery all corn equipment, 2 silos, 2 houses, one of them has been completely renovated.Good revenue.For more information please phone Diane L'Ecuyer, DUNDEE Small but cosy country house, on 2 acres of land.New bathroom, large kitchen, living room 4 bedrooms upstairs, new garage.Asking $13,700.HUNTINGDON Very spacious four bedroom house with large living room and dining area, kitchen and summer kitchen.Central hot air heating, 220 entrance, beautiful woodwork, stained glass windows, close to schools and shops.DIANE L'ECUYER HUNTINGDON TEL: 264-3414 FOR SALE ORMSTOWN 126 arpents with 100 tillable, 92 room solid brick house with fireplace in A-1 condition with barns, machine shed, etc.Beautifully situated on the Chateauguay River on Route 138.For more information call Bert, 829-2846.STE.BARRE Newly constructed 5'% room bungalow.with attached 2 car garage, beautiful new fireplace in living room and basement playroom.This house has\u2019 never been occupied.Situated on Main Highway 132.Asking $37,500.NAPIERVILLE \u2014 REVENUE PROPERTY Vegetable cash crops, 165 arpents of, beautiful cultivated land, with barns, machinery and new bungalow house.This farm is all equipped for immediate revenue.HUNTINGDON Small house at 38 Lake Street, Huntingdon, 3 bedrooms, large living room and kitchen, full basement.Asking $17,000.ST.ANICET Nice 3 bedroom, living room, kitchen, winterized cottage, partly furnished with fridge, stove, kitchen set, bedroom set, dining room set and space heater.$14,000.5 MILES FROM HUNTINGDON Beautiful newly renovated two storey, three bedrooms, living room, family \u2018room, kitchen, laundry room, 2 new chimneys with stone fireplace situated on Moonlight Lake, 32 acres with 200 foot lake frontage.Reasonable cash, balance payment can be arranged.\u2018 ATHELSTAN 2 storey 6'2 room house with aluminum siding, central heating, 2 car garage, no renovating to be done.This house is in Al condition.ORMSTOWN 150 arpents of beautiful land with barns, silo, machinery, sheds, good house, swimming pool, situated on Chateauguay River, Route 138.ORMSTOWN 72 arpents of land only with livestock pasture and tillable land.3 miles from town.ORMSTOWN 65 arpents of suitable land for pasture, crops and a valuable bush lot, approximately 3': miles from town.Large amount of road frontage.BERT McCARTNEY 9 BRIDGE STREET ORMSTOWN, QUEBEC TEL: 829-2846, ORMSTOWN OFFICE TEL: 366-9832, MONTREAL OFFICE SOUR ES fit Brique pc i, TP en mgm gp Aa pm \u20143 ai GE Sm A Rm TE ~~ LL 7 \u2014\u2014 3 W S v th n b G Travel Trailers.Lionel after 5 p.m.mower, Black and Decker, wall carpeting, aluminum SUGAR BUSH wanted in FARM M Tent Trailers, Swimming SAP BUCKETS: 1971 GMC tore! Lies, with Fie Laing.Maple street.which to build a house.INERY stove wood.poultry equipment, Volkswagen.» 5 \u2018uc ; evli : : \u2018 en City.Tel: 264-3836 : 264- 5 i > : - i : Centre de Camping Posi toon truck 8 Cylinder Leblanc.264-3369.Hun- Huntingdos Teli 20am.ok a 1908 Huntingdon, Furniture and antiques consisting beautiful an- Gervais, St.Chrysostome.ton uk Abs TT HS tingdon.on weekends.AUCTION tique organ, walnut break-front, large assortment Tel: K26-3518.after 6 BARRY ASTRE GT a 68 X 14 MOBILE home WILL BOARD livestock for antique books, large quantity old bottles, canning er p.m.3 WIRE, GT.hat for sale with all services inder of winter.Tel: a ; WE CARRY a good line of RENNIE'S PLUMBING chback.standard, 34.000 nd 30,000 vraie remain er of winter.Tel: FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1976 at 11:0; A.M.jars ete.Antique rocker, odd chairs, picture repairs for Sunbeam Cattle and Heating Supplies.' BP re 11 land.Tel: Mr.Goulet at 38 peu A h L M h frames, dishes, crocks.antique baby Clippers and also sharpen Wholesaler and Sy \u2019 cou * 1-8161 during the day and t the Lee ather Farm, tique baby buggy.childs swing set new, antique blades Chilton Bros 1 contractor Huntingdon.Sn ! : e J] ante q ! s.Bros, in plumbing and heating 247-3144 after 8 the k Mather\u2019s Dai Wh Il b gramaphone, antigue marbles in clay and glass, Ellenburg Depot, N.Y.> ss CEDAR FENCE evening.airy, allons urg N.Y.; ; ; + : Tel: 594-7511.cupplies.ine of hav 3 onan 5 NCE posts & DEPENDABLE PERSON .! fish aquarium.small pine boxes, corner bric-a-brac i CANADIAN MADE cool Hu M idifiers and new 20 gallon eiwctric hot BUNGALOW.FINISHED who can work without Located: '/2 mile south shelf.El refrigerator, kitchen utensils and many 5 peratir far ¢ dehumidifiers, septic and Water heater: also 1933 brick and stone.four supervision.Earn $14,000 .small items not listed.operating amous \u2018hour \" bedrooms, cedar wardrobe per year.Contact villa e of Whallonsbu .Econo-Groomer Clippers il tanks.Sheet metal work Chevrolet truck body.Tel: \u2014 v1 - extra he us NN 9 rg.Terms - Cash Refreshments ; gm Sa ot 17 x 13 plus extra bedroom customers around Hun.j with power brush for done to order.Free H2i-2011 or basement, lot approx, 18 tingdon.We train.Write .4 clippin cleanin estimates on all work; also Franklin Centre.+ 180\" Le on CW ie res 8 Watch for auction arrows v 2 ppl g ; E and electronic air cleaner 0\" x 180°, located on Route C.W.Dick, Pres., South- Ÿ eneral care of cattle, A ; § SLE 23 CUBIC foot freezer, 201 three miles from Orm- western Petroleum.LYELL uses ; sheep and horses are 4 ume In foi 8 show room condition.1 stown.528,500.Tel: 829-28 Brampton, Ont.L6T Whallonsburg.| i available.For around the demonstration.Tel: x29- ; sa tn Lo or ., a ; ; 0 617 Ormstown good bureau, quite old: 94, Orristown.MALE WANTED to work a-s .i .; year service, blade $ .also 1 sewing machine .ge Ce , MALE WANTED to wor 1972 Ford diesel 5000 { very good |, 1971 Ford SU 4000 RL CT ; sharpening and HONDA GOLD Wing 1000, table.Tel: s27-2x16, 7 lo S.137% Li and 190 an 60 sow arm in Noyan.diesel {Very good].1969 Ford 4000 with loader, 1965 End Ad ; i \\ - = A = ue Lo sr x 1, one mile east of Tel: 291-2805, | : 20° : \u2018 0 i ; yprrte call George miles Per AE B04 Franklin Centre.Ormstown on Highway 138, ?Ford 4000, 1971 Ford 3 pt.1 bottom plows, 1971 11 ft.238 ) St-Laurent ï \u2019 > \u2018 - 0004 Cory - : : i ° Econo-Groomer agent at [days].} 1965 MUSTANG.good river frontage.Tel: For Sale or hydraulic tandam wheel harrows, Ford 3 pt.hitch 8° [4 ee 3 264-4475.condition, new tires, X29-2894, Ormsotwn.wheel harrows, Ford 3 pt.cultivator, 1972 Fertilizer - TT ! 22 TONS of hay for sale.muffler, radio: also PR side dresser | Brand ne ver use 971 Ford x AMF SUN Skamper trailer Tel: 247-2924, Hem- camper equipped.sleeps 6: D ARE rand new - never used 1971 Ford 4 caps to fit all models: also mingford.also roll top desk.Tel: 264 | ahd : row corn planter.1973 Ford 532 PTO hay baler, 1971 FIRST ANNUAL truck campers.Parts, 1172, Huntingdon PUBLIC Ce i Ford haybine 335 PTO, Ford 3 pt.hitch roto-mower ; ; ; \"FRE trac , \u2018 ee JC GARAGE foi : ' service and accessories.JOHN DEERE tractor 18 HOUSE TO rent at 101 on or one 57 Kas - co adi ; I Jocks Trailer Sales, Fort 30.almost new.used 2760 RCA 26 inch console model Jake Street.Huntingdon Pen yale Tel: 525-2064 1967 Kasten Ferd self-unloading wagon 1973 Kasten CONSIGNMENT MACHINERY AUCTION lock\u201d; p ales, Io pos : |.au \u20ac Tu - (CRE eunaneu Tol- 640 25-221 re .1969 Kasten forage wagon.NH 717 .Covington, Tel: 518.358.hours: also John Deere 3 XL-100 new color TV, 1973 April 1 occupancy.Tel: 264- ©! \u2018 wagon A # 7 super 2260.furrow plow.Tel: 264-5646 demonstration model, for 5866, Huntingdon.rT re Sale PTO 2 row forage corn chopper, Ford forage , .Lo at special price.Tel: Windrow pick q x (aie \u20ac ; ; \u2018 oe BOAT MOTORS and lawn AHI HEATED SPACE in indrow pickup chopper.Case combine with To be held at Lawrence's Commission Sales mowers repaired.Sale of SAIT, BOAT Arrow 126, 72 A basement of O'Connor 5 VENTS ; pickup head [used 3 years |.Ford forage silo blower new and used.Valleyfield Main Jib and spinaker, 1970 CHEVROLET \u20182 ton Buildine could be used for IS \u2018RE ENTS.south 951 Ne , oa am | .Marine 207 Grande lle, qusd | season and ca on pick-up truch: also Sunset Fund g ce re shot eo i | miles from 1971 Nes Holland flail chopper.1971 Silo unlosder East Main Street Malone, N.Y.Valleyfield 373-2443.rack $00 Tel: 247-2769.#0 gallon bulk tank.Tel: tteasonable rent Tel: 261- er il ha on Hillside [16 to 20 FL, silo], New Idea fertilizer and lime \u2018 TTT 264-2014, Hunt , 71 after 6 : 7 TY we 2 TE spreader.Allis Chalmers all or ain drill.MASSEY FERGUSON (ow (oan pp oo = untingdon HTL after 6 p.m, trom village, Route 209.44 car Mis Chalmers all crop grain drill.3 pt SATURDAY, APRIL 10, at-10:00 A.M.chain saws, snow blowers Frontier 4 CE, lat less CEDAR FENCE posts 3\u201d (1, ROOM house at 3A viver and pond, cabin, ete.itch Ford all crop grain drill, Ford 3 pt.hitch back and snowmobiles.D & F Fron tera NT f ae dl diameter 7 feet long.Tel: Gadier Street in Ormstown Tel: 827-2380.Owner.dozer blade.PTO irrigation pump and large .Sales and Service.5% plants Sern Tig 261-3061, Huntingdon.village, heated.Tel: quantity of irrigation pipe.Large Havmow dryer We have consignments for several retired farmers in this area.-ersceaur ol: 964-9315 *- ' Lo .Ve ; - B sp ; ax : : .: ; : Pogerscourt Tel: 264-2315 po brows.Will deliver into GIRLS PURPLE mustang 829-2783,, NH 510 PTO manure spreader, PTO Ford side Many of these items are like excellent shape and ready for sane Quebec.McCann Im- hevele In very good con- 3 BEDROOM bungalow in delivery rake.Hans \u2018ed spraver i ilage immediate , ) NEW AND USED backhoes plements Malone N.Y.Tel: dition.Tel: 2645030, after 4 Ormstown vinicity, im- GILLES DAME yr e.mson we ed sprayer.a ft.silage rediate use.; bunk feeder, 100 ft.barn Mal elevator [Very Good) m Stock Toa supplie.518-483-0420.p.m.mediate occupancy.Apply INSULATION Hot wate hes SUN ; NEO LE ES ra Cazaville Tel: 264-2300.HONDA 750ce for sale 1966 CHEVROLET.4 door.1 writing to Gleaner Box fo water he ating system wth 3 commercial blower \\ PARTIAL LIST AS FOLLOWS.SINRAY SLEEP Shop - Wayne Milne.Tel: 261-2931.Asking $125.00 also barn 70 #780, Huntingdon.Tel: 247-2071 fans [bought new in 19731.also à pipeline milker and Co \u2019 Ca h ; Mattresses of all sizes, Huntingdon, x 0X 35.Tel: 247-2640, Or 247-2831 glass milker pipeline.DeLaval milker pump new Suri 1d an tr ner Ford a with load ow Farmall M.Allis ( halme rs, Ford prices and quality, adult 1974 FORD '» ton four Hemmingford.Hemmingford in 19731.Compressor and fan for walk-in cooler, st me heey rine the new.ä Jassey Harris that has just been bed om | et : » a r nd wheel drive pick-up with PRETTY CHESTNUT hand tools, small tools, of all descriptions and many ot ered, and severa othertractors, an Oliver (550 with loader.J.1).336 baler le \"valleyfield els and AY { duty pony show mare.Quiet but other unlisted items.\u2019 lex iD Forage box [ex].Lameo forage box [ex], J.D.24T baler [ex |, J.D.corn 1222, Huntingdon 0 newts gun er $130.also NICE 35 bedr house |H Note to buyers: This will be a gigantic machinery planter text, Ford com planter.10.pipe ole vator le vl JD.No.640 rake {ex .registere ackney vr.NICE 5 bedroom house orses and Cows auction for a complete 1: \u201cJose : several bay wagons in excellent condition, a fine choice of manure spreaders, both McCULLOCH CHAIN 1940 VOLKSWAGEN Bug, old.Roland Riel, Tel: wanted for May 1 oc ; an unit te à plete arm close out.An op- tub and regular, several good hay clevators, three point bitch corn choppers, PTO, sales and (ory good condition, good 261-5802.cupancy, located on High- Dead or Alive portunity to buy at vour auction price.PLAN T0 res : .; ; ; \u2019 services, also small gas tires, ready to go.Asking MAPLE SYELUF for sul way 138 if possible, 1 acre WANTED ATTEND.choppers.PTO blowers, self propelled Case windrower just like new, J.D.PTO engines repaired.Bill $700.00: also 1974 Yamaha Tel: Merrill rer Seog, of land.garage.Tel: 731- Our Truck will Rain or Shine windroner one vear old and several others We are also going to have a good MacDonald.Tel: 263-3539.Gsn motor.Tel: Jim, K25- 3277, Ormstown De 6446, Montreal, Miss Pickup Animals I bh Availal selection of good smaller items: dumping stations, milking machines, milking Huntingdon.yg iek after 6:90 °° \u2019 : Sheviley or Mr.Van Herck.nch Available ; .; 2169, Howick, after 6:30 For Ani I Food Terms: Cash, ete.also a good electric generator.WEDDING p.m.I AM looking for a house or | ima ro Ausable Valle ; A Ce Whether vou are planning to sell or to buy plan to attend this FIRST ANNUAL STATIONERY in- ; \u201c .| apart ( for Julv 1st à Horses for Sale Ausable Valley Auction Service Le ee \u2018 ur to buy pu be mn HH ARMA TATI( .© RCA PORTABLE record apartment for July 1st in Paul W.Calkine Aucti CONSIGNMENT SALE at LAWRENCE'S COMMISSION SALES on SATUR- ; qe \u2018tou ; ; aul W.Calkins, Auctioneer & Sale My vitations, reply cards, player, Gibson amplifier.Ormstown.I am willing to MARCIAL GIROUX ; .meer & Sale Mgr.APRIL.10 thank you cards, napkins, Combination cassette and pay up to $200 a month .; Peru, New York - 518-643-2354 or 613-9729 \u2019 + matches, cake boxes or a di i) ; Call 829-2377 from 9 St, Louis de H.P.Higgins.Auctionee Terms of the sale are cash the day of the sale : radio.Bell & Howell, Co .AT liggins, Auctioneer bags, etc.Available at The ani adio.- PI sraph ORMSTOWN SOUTH 5 p.m.and 691-2309 after 5 Gonzague : Lunch available Gleaner.Tel: 264-5364.Zenith radio.honograp DV.lots f 1 pécial D Huntingdon, Quebec.° [portable |; Honda Skooter, » lots for sa'e, spe p.m.Tel: 373-9118 , Rain or Shine \u201cPLACE DU BEBE Sinray 30cc.fiberglas canoe, CCM Street for mobile homes.514-264-5114 \\uctioncer and Sales Man: Baby World Accessories, bicycle, 15HP Ski-Doo, water supplied, houses for DL) 11 Buy - ; Auc ioneer ane Sa es and baby furniture Craftsman table saw with rent or for sale.Alcide j CLAUDE POIRIER Chester Lawrence immediate delivery.1HP motor, stainless steel Chantigny, Tel: 829-2883.SCRAP CARS 1 ire Tel: 13-1191 or 483-5823 Fantastic ion.\u2019 3 oi \u201c00 x 22 truck iL , SÉR: ARS and iron \u2018antastic selection.\u201d 39 double sink, 10.00 x 22 truck YJAPLECREST FARMS, wanted.Tel: 264-5578 or REFRIGERATION pa Grande Ile, VaHeyfield, tire, 100 sheets galvanized Chateaupgav, NY.353 esonus Iunting EL A Tel: 371-3437.roofing.16 foot Stelco gate, a Eat.ontu > 261-2002, Huntingdon.87 Chateauguay Street À Tel: \\rnold Milne 261-2931 acres, 167 acres tillable, 2 oe .; cauguay 4 Wo YCLES AND ne en arneld dine 61-2030 storey barn.100 ties, Patz ANTIQUES OF all kinds, Tel: 264-3610 pl ap \\ AUCTION BICY oS sd Am \\ cessories, a wide range of Huntingdon.barn cleaner, mow con- jurniture.dishes, laps.Parts & Service «a recy pd | selection in a complete 1000 BALES of good quality Yeyer.large silo with Delis.clocks.wooden \u2018or à PU {1 e repair shop.H.D A & av for s: DE 1.4 lar Wnlvader.stainless steel items, ete.Complete For all FOR \" À 20 M a baie ay for sale.Tel: Edgar ineline milker , household.also collections Makes of Service, Tel: 264-2739.Deschambault 564-3584, PIP line milker, bulk tank.- also collections, : 7 Athelstan \u20ac ined pautl.097083.four bedroom insulated Wanted year round, Robert Refrigerators, = woon FOR le ba th, hot water baseboard Rompe on, | Bos 142 Stoves, iE - / ; sale by e «oye pe .rating \u2018nishe ice emmingford.Tel: 217.; Pat.op : ANTIQUE GRAND- heating, furnishe d.Price en # i Washers & oad, Fel: 261-4881, Hun- FATHER clock for sale.$150,000, with 1/3 down 72557 Dryers and Air ROLLAND BONNEVILLE mécon.630.Tel: 264-3331, Hun- approx.Contact Mr.Hall.FARM TRACTOR with FN a $ EG IN , tingdon Box 22, Burke, N.Y.or Tel: attachments such as snow Conditioners ABOVE GROUND Ju gdon.Box 22.Burl attachments such as sno Rang des Dussault installed and serviced with Lou avr ; .: .NOW WE have them.Cook- mower and baler.Tel: 825- o , .-~ \u2019 a « omplete, range of books to write in, inex- 62 ROOM bungalow at 2476 Howick.ST-SEBASTIEN (Iberville Co.) H 1 Hi mg i= nter TISPH Rp 0 chemicals and accessories pensive double deck cards, Ormstown, exterior CASH FOR .* .H.D.Sales & Service.Tel: big face plaving cards, clapboard and aluminum, POSTCARDS EARLY TUESDAY APRIL 6 at 1 m shar 261-2739, Athelstan, plate h angers and stands.central heating system, 1900°s wanted.All MILITARY ITEMS p.m.p \u2018 ; ; \u2018 > ves Tel: 825-25: ie categories.Write: L.TT Wi te i PUBLIC AUCTION gal.ow carn perked i te these see BEAUTIFULLY TREFED Avenue, Toronto, Ont.Wanted GOOD HERD of YOUNG cattle .\u201chaff, 1.Street, [0 : \u2018ar K ani | NEW BELARÜS 4 wheel Ormstown and while you 20 fool frontages, idealls War Souvenirs drive tractors.with the are here play the jelly bean Sct on quiet corner.Tel: WILL MIND children in Medals, Badges, Guns head of HOLST EINS all dear to .most favorable prices it guessing game.\u2019 Fi ford.TL \u2018home 3 davs a week Books, Ete.federal test At the residence of Mr.Earl Fournier town.New 5 ioneer , glord, : M ! .or: chain saw $150 16\" chain RCA XL-100, 20 inch new roy.rom Tune to September Collector This herd includes 29 good YOUNG 51 Wellington Street loops $10, red chain oil $2 color TV, 1975 demon- aly ROOM ; HOLU SE, pect M COS nd 5 COWS with o few in milk and others due to freshen g per gallon on tap.Moto- stration model, for sale at kitchen, bath, living room, nw Cehii \u2018 \u20ac vas Pr 486-7665 soon, 10 lovely bred HEIFERS due to freshen in inad b mower garden tractors and special price.Tel: 264-3028.3 bedrooms.electrié Ho rr 1s5.pré IS August and September; 18 nice \u2018cpen\u2019 HEIFERS bet- Hunting on, Quebec tillers and used.heating.full basement.CRIE ween 2 and 14 months of age, ! big bull and | good Sole [For Sale For Soe ETE croncs \u2014\u2014 NEW AND USED skidoos, 2 BAY HORSES English x 30 TRAILER, #; BEIGE AND white la SWIMMING POOLS Ken MeNiece, Franklin hunter and show house.20 x 36 garage sized dog found.big scar on KENNEDY Centre.Tel: 827-2272, Res.Gelding English hunter.with land.Tel: 820-3016, BAR AN ; + side, curly tail.Tel: 264- 827-2749.Mare - excellent child's Ormstown.3 ash Restaurant with 5406, Huntingdon.\u2014_ CA Lacran horse well schooled, le .ie , | .Je = Vaillane $ ie SPECIAL NEW plywood 4 disposition.Tel ee 2,000 BALES of good x 60overlocking river with PART ST.BERNARD and _ \u2014 Chartered À $ Insoct : SATURDAY, APRIL 10, ] p.m.5 Bi Un $5.95, '.inch at Huntingdon.quality hay.Tel: 264-3192 peautiful scenery, business Labrador dog found in ~~ : Comptabl Coms he f iM hard R 7.95, 5/8 square edge at after 6 p.m.ully equipped, very Russeltown area.Tel: 826- CIN Prades Aarees tt rmo .Ri a $9.95, 58 Tand G at $9.95 31 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1971 JOHN DEERE profitable, excellent 4206, SC Chrysostome.825-21 Fel.87.7017 a eta r icha xlen, gt $10.99, 1inch at $13.50.11 chopper motor cycle, 1955 tor 190, 880 hours.location, must sacrifice E 5 -2185 -6 Croissant Richard 4 mi of 6 T and G at 81250.Tel: K.H.K.900 ee: also vel: xg-s016 TOUTS.due to health.$50,000 Tel: CW d A Chateauguas Centre mi.west Ormstown 264-3222, Athelstan.portable welder, 400 amps, et: 829-5016, Ormstown.518-483-7039 Malone.; CII : QUA-VAL p a \u2019 : , ; : Tel: 247-3124 - 1964 ST i con- A Paille as and mingford.has, Hem Vertible 302.motor.very = BEDROOM house for DOGS WANTED, litters or HOWICK J.MILLER (at Anderson\u2019s Corner) S¢ ., ae ; ;, ': mile from Cazaville adult dogs.German sold - , 4 50 pi e .Franklin Centre, Tel: 827: 1973 MUSTANG Mach 1 in Shean.| Nn on.Tel: on approximately 2 acres Abradors.St.= J To be sold farm wagon and rack.30 pickets 2 rofts 2556.very good condition, price 264-3359, .of land.Tel: 263-2723.Bernards.ete.No small\u2019 eo corn-crib wire AR in.high - electric fencers.MOBILE HOMES pyc le be discussed.Tel: 2641- EXCELLENT LAWN 5 ROOM bungalow, wall to house dogs.Tel: 264-4214.Wheelbarrow fencing equipment, picket mall, adapted for liquid fertilizer.Tel: Clifford Williams, 2 miles 2031, Ormstown.1973 CHEVROLET Pickup.Tel; 264-4250, St Anicet.attached garage, i.ab cow to freshen at time of sale.; ing 2 with hay rocks and one with grain box, Barn \u2026 , ; ; 350 engine.automatic, ELECTRIC FENCE wire, proximately.1 acre 0 Jand.De Laval milking machine, 2 units, compressor, cleaner chain of 350 ft, and 650 good & .-ft cedar Heavy duty socket wrench set 17\" to 1 3(4, new.Stanley mitre box.Stanley 8°\u2019 skil Po steering.PO heavy gauge, Kalvinized.Highway 138, three miles motor and pipe.30 gallon electric hot water tank.8 post: saw, Porter cable 150 P comb.planer and router, heavy duty \u2018\u201csaws-all\u201d rakes, eavy auty 3e mited supply > .4 _ ' ; ti ; alee : : : sat \" ~ suspension.28,000 miles, et: hs ao eke, cast of Huntingdon.Tel gallon milk cans.Iherville barn cleaner.275 ft.of reciprocating saw.1!\" elec dril), boring jig for \u2018\u2018wiser\u2019\u2019 locks.Elec.helt sander, Huntingdon.Howiek.- 405.heavy duty chain.75 ft.swinging chute.ALSO one 400-gal copocity Delavo! BULK TANK, antique mortise machine complete with bits and chisels.4 large block and tackle them nt the Wheat and 1973 MAVERICK, 2 door.6 WOOD FOR sale, 12 to 15\u201d.Fisher Street 150 and lots for sale, in Hemmingford.aluminum siding.attached 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with UL RTT a nu gr Swiss bull.3 vearling heifers, Brown Swiss, Holstein comprised of I-year-old bull power take-off Qat binder.3 Wagnns on tires includ: -\u2014 both very good producers THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 31 1975 \u2014 11 used barn timbers, quantity 1 in plastic pipe.3 cords SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1976 1:00 p.m.FURNITURE 2 pe \u201cCe 2 + i vlinder.automatic, ex- garage.apnroximately 1 arge \u20ac slereu rec 2 cast i i \u201c Pas ein ere ou Ay condition, only Mere.bel, 264-5679 J @ The Raw Milk Quoto - large « pool Sle , ° ree ord player 2 cast iron reproduction lamps | pot-belly 247-2583.' \"31,000 miles, best offer.Huntingdon.PU BLIC Consumption 789 lbs daily stove floor model 1 cook stove\u2019 table model, floor ash tray.2 portable radios, 3 1963 ONE ton truck, new Tel: 264-2019.Huntingdon.Al Glenview Crescent KE - Manufacturing 87 114 Ibe electric clocks, Kodak, lovely rubber plant, kitchen set including § chairs, rocker i paint job, in good condition.3 HORSES for sale.2 Residential area near The : R and bench.elec.floor polisher, 2 ele.irons, elec.kettle, pot, bedroom 4 Tel: 264-3670, Huntingdon.Appaloosas, going on 3 Gleaner Office Various à Sons A CTION MACHINERY .one No 165 Massey-Ferguson diese set incl.double bed and 2 matching dressers, single hed and mattress, 344 bed and 3 - .vears old, one gelding and SIZ05- Apply Jo Keith AUCTIONEER ENCANTE U TRACTOR with power steering ond differential lock mattress, several dressers etc.Odd chairs, elec.washing machine, Magnusto % 17 FOOT camper trailer, one stallion, both Howden.The Gleaner or ores tom = {this tractor 15 very clean), one Farmall-H TRACIOR .; .; ; i fridge, stove and toilet, in gistered: also Tel: 261-3363, Evenings \u2014 in gocd TORO lown TRACTOR, 16 x 32 \u2018506 elec.organ with stool.Child's crib and new mattress.Double spring and 1 eon.Tel: unregistered quarter horse Tel: 264-3675, Huntingdon.At the farm of Mi.Marcellin Ste.Marie Massey-Ferguson disc-harrov with 3-pt hitch.Trail.mattress, high chair and baby carriage, oil space heater.TV antenna and pole, 2 i Weta : stallion, 2 years old.Tel: -_ ROOM HOUSE in .ing model, 14 +» 28 disc-horrow.Mu-zey-Ferguson child's bicveles, clothes line and pullev, 4 lawn chairs.3 wooden chairs, wash tub, BULLDOZER SD3 Allis 373-2760, St.Stanislas de Howick \"3 bedrooms 1 mile east of St.Antoine Abbe 3-turrow 1 lease-plow with 3-pt hitch, Nc 520 wooden clothes rack, aluminum Xmas trees and decorations.fishes, pots, pans 4 Chalmers, with front Kostka.central heating system.Snowlander snow blower on power tube-off.Scraper and many small items.à loader.Tel: 264-5677 BRONZE STATUE 12 pew furnace.hardwood SATURDAY, APRIL 10 wih 3-pl.hitch, Cropper with 3-pt hitch, Pop-Up CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS: 3-two-wheel concrete dum i Huntingdon.inches high hy P.Hebert: floors.24 foot fieldstone .bale elevator that hooks-on to the wagon, Mounted- i | Lo N yor 5 if al ; te with .Hp .; p HONDA 350ce 4 evl, 2,018 also antique carved cane fireplace.modern Kitchen.11 head of Brown Swiss Cattle type, Internaticnal side-delivery rake.52 4 bale ele- uggies.New 27 centrifugal water pump with 5 HP Biggs-Straton motor, mi.excellent condition.bottom chair.Tel: K27-283.garage, 2 stories.Tel: 825- ; vator with tin-ion bottom on power take-cbf, 150- Wisconsin 2°, HP.gas engine 1 drive shaft completely overhauled.Large 2 HP $1.000.00 Cash.Tel: 829 Franklin Centre.2678 Howick after 8 p.m.t cows to freshen at time of sale, 2-year-old Brown bushel capacity International manure spreader on G.E.elec.motor, Pioneer 650 chain saw, new 34 ft.heavy duty aluminum extension ladder.2-0 ft.welding outfit complete with cart.5 ton hydraulic jac.New 7°\" swivel shop vise.220 extension cords, Monial style\u2019 chesterfield set, coffee table, 2 end tables, 18 exhaust fan, oil brush torch, acetylene Tel: : D.N.RACINE INC.ATHELSTAN 261-3524, .Milker compressor and motor with 3 Surge poils, B tons of nats.and many other articles too numerous to list sets each with 150 ft.of l'rope.Wire stretcher, roil of new page wire.Elec.sump pump, cast iron parlar stove, oil fired domestic furnace.Coal-oil heater, elec.blower, $ scaffold casters, 2 iron porch railings, 2 Proudfoot lights, 50' sewer rod, brush hook, small compressor for spray gun.43\u2019 x 4° wire mesh window guards, 3 MACHINERY: Massev-Ferguson 135 diesel tractor with three point hitch, live PTO and power steering, Masses-Ferguson 3 furrow three point hitch plow.24 tooth three point hitch vibrating harrow with CAUSE of SALE THE FARM 15 50LD rubber gauge wheels, like new.12 run Case seed pair hip boots, register, truck and tractor chains, loggin chains, 3 chain drill with grass seed attachment, 6 ft.rear blade, TERS CASH or BANK LOAM tighteners, Steam whistle, 210\u2019 stepladders, sidewalk concrete marker.3x 3° metal mortar pan, cobbler's set, grease gun, 2! 2\" wood auger, cistern pump, ele.caulking-heat box, 2 - 60\u201d clamps, 2 steel wheelbarrow wheels, elec.entrance boxes and fixtures of all kinds.21 Ibs.sheet copper, 12 gals misc bolts and nuts, surprises and disappointments and 1 heautiful cutter.EXTRA 1970 Case gas tractor, Case-0-Matic transmission, hydraulic 3 pt.hitch, front end loader with manure fork and new snow bucket, also rear scraper.Harrison and Co.Model 20428 Surveyor's level 18 inch telescope, 4 levelling screws, complete with tripod.Metal overhead garage door 9° x W x 7 H.24 asbestos blapboarqd like new.Myers three point hitch sprayer with 100 gallon steel tank and 24 ft.boom, new, 7 ft.tractor discs.trail type, Knight 230 bushel PTO single beater manure spreader.5 ton wagon with rack and 6 ply tires, Massev-Ferguson N.10 PTO baler.Massey-Ferguson 7 ft.mower, new, Allied 20 ft.elevator, Forano wheel rake.§ wheels, 100 cedar pickets.chains, shovels, forks and many other articles about the farm too numerous to mention.MI to be sold as Mr.Ste.Marie is giving up farming.Terms: Cash For information or credit arrangements contoct the auctionneer If busy tel: 264-3222 FEED SUPPLIES Grains, Concentrates, Pre-mix Mobile Feed Service Bulk and Bag Feed Service Oats.Barley.Corn.Wheat, ete.Liquid Molasses TEL: 264-5533 LUMBER Spruce, Pine, Hardwoods, Ply wood.Prefinished Panels Insulation, Styrofoam ete.Aluminum Doors and Windows CHCA NS JULES COTE 1274 rue SUD Que.Licensed Bilingual Auctioneer i 263-0670 Cowonsville, Wooden Doors and Windows dates Patio Doors, Garage Doors Sale to begin at p.m.Glass, Paint and Cement Bill Hooker, Auctioneer 26 3-1 4 3 4 | Terms Cash & 9% Tax Tel: 829-2663 } N L H.P.Higgins Auctioneer 264-5114 ) \u2019 a ps A j pl RE - A - R | ) 4 Î * z + - 12 \u2014 THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 31 1976 Gleaner want ads work wonders Walshaven donations received RESERVE SATURDAY, MAY 15 Annual Turkey Supper Rockburn Presbyterian \u20achutch Scouts Card Party MONDAY, APRIL 26 | | Legion Hall Huntingdon Don\u2019t wait Do it now HUNTINGDON ASPHALT REG'D and ROOFING FOR FREE ESTIMATES, AT ALL TIMES CALL PHILIPPE TAILLEFER AT 264-4313 or JEAN-GUY ROY AT 829-2965 interested person.PUBLIC NOTICE SCHOOL MUNICIPALITY OF HUNTINGDON Public Notice is hereby given that the electoral list for the Xchool Municipality of Huntingdon: Ward No.1: Huntingdon Ward No, 18: Godmanchester Ward No.11: St, Malachie d'Ormstown will be deposited at the office of the Huntingdon School Commission, 64 Chateausuay Street, Hun tingdon on April 11976 for the information of any Given at Huntingdon this Gist day of March, 1976, Alphonse Caron Pirector-General RESERVE | Given at Ormstown March 1976.lle.Village of st.Timothee and Timothee and Ward No.5 [| Townships of Franklin the information of all persons interested.plications for names to be entered on or struck from the Electoral List must be made at the office of the undersigned within fifteen davs after the notice of PROVINCE OF QUEBEC ORMSTOWN SCHOOL BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice is hereby given by the undersigned Secretary - (reneral of the Ormstown School Board that: The list of electors for Ward No.2 [Township of Dundee.Parish of St.Anicet, Parish of Ste.Barbe and Township of Godmanchester ].Ward No.4 [City of Salaberry de Valleyfield.Municipal.ty of Grande- Parish of Stand Havelock ™ in the Counties of Huntingdon and Beauharnois.has been prepared.according to law, and that such list is now on deposit in my office.7 George St.Ormstown, P.Q., at the disposal and for Ap- deposit of this list.This list will come into force on the thirty-first day after the date of this notice.Quebec.this 31st day of Helen J.Smith Secretary-General CROSSROADS GOES HAWAIIAN This magnificent Moira dining-fun spot-Motel will he turned into a Hawaiian Paradise for 2 weeks nitely Tex.Mon.| starting Fri.Apr.2.A whole Hawaiian show {now appearing at New York City's famous Hawaii Kai] has been engaged starring Malia and her Pacific Paradise Revue from Honolulu, featuring Hawaii's top hula dancers, entertainers and even George Barr and his Islanders.The Hawaiian Band you've seen on Coast to Coast TV on the Arthur Godfrey Show .They'll notonly play the 2 shows a night but for dancing 8 til closing: The Crossroads will feature exotic Hawaiian drinks and food.Even with this famous entertainment there will be no cover or min.What time to book your next party banquet or wedding reception! Like having it in Hawaii! FAST ACTION Cleaner lassihied ads maha vour telephone ving The Donations Com- the mittee of the Walshaven Community Centre gratefully Saudler ot Pierrefonds.following donations: $10 trom Mrs.Florence acknowledges Sofrom Mrand Mrs Steen of Golden.BC in menor WHOLESALE BUTCHERS SLAUGHTERING meat cut and wrapped ready for your freezer CATTLE DEALERS ABATTOIR HENRI LEGAULT & FILS ENRG.St.Stanislas Tel: 373-7250 END OF SEASON PARTY HUNTINGDON REGIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE SATURDAY APR.3 AT THE CHATEAU, HUNTINGDON Presentation of Trophies aty p.m.Dnacing from 9 p.m.till Closing Mustc by Gilles LeBlanc Orchestra Evervone Welcome $2.50 per Person SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL HOOKER PLAY RUGBY WITH ORMSTOWN SARACENS our Hooker is the middle man In a Rugby Scrum Why not join us at training and learn the game?WE PRACTISE AT 7 P.M.THURSDAYS CVR GYM For information Call: Rod Beattie: 264-5405 Dwight Arthur: 264-2550 Willis H.Clark.Gilland in memory of the late Mrs Robert Mills.S10 from Re bert C Clark Mrs, Rov MeNicol or Mrs Donald McEwen and cheques to be made out to \\od Mike Murphy.capitaine.Cyrille Riendeau, instructeur des Marchands, recoivent des mains du président de la Ligue Régionale.Claude Les Marchands remportent facilement la série finale Rémillard, le trophée symbolisant leur victoire dans les séries éliminatoires.des prévisions budgétaires oe Une dynastie dans le important.les Marchands effort d'équipe c'entut tout Pour les Quadrants, es prévisi Be Le pertes occasionnées par le domaine du hockey n'est Curent à nouveau l'honneur un car la défensive à mardi le 23 mars dernier, Lord ee an montant de gel des subventions.pas la chose la plus faile a de remporter la grande véritablement repoussé les Richard Roy, sur une passe ordre de $533.996.Pour le directeur général véritablement ac- finale de la Ligue attaques de l'adversaire de Pierre Michel Prenant l'étude sur une Alphonse Caron, cette complir, mais c'est peut- Régionale de Huntingdon Les Quadrants d'Orm Roy.aidé de Normand période de deux années situation est impensable, et être le plus bel exemple des Pour la saison \u201875-76, les stown avaient terminé la Daoust, marquèrent des scolaires, Alphonse Caron il qualifia le tout de efforts de plusieurs per- Marchands défirent les saison en qua rième buts pour les Quadrants détermina qu'en total un décourageant.Il sera donc sonnes dans une même Quadrants d'Ormstown en position Ils causèrent une d'Ormstown montant de plus de $110,000 très difficile, selon lui, de cause.quatre parties CON surprise en défaisnt les Pour les Marchands, les ; Sera nécessaire pour la présenter un budget sécutives, et sans trop de Olympiques de Hun pieces de jeu se suivirent ; ay RE Fe TR @ Wl A survie et la bonne marche n'ayant aucune somme Une équipe gagnante doit difficulté tingdon.équipe de come suit Douglas 3 Pierre Picard, président de l'exécutif de Hun- Huntingdon on en charge du de Huntingdon.or compresser nos dépenses.bonne plusieurs outs a der i! mar os mars dewaenme position, are Blake enfile un but après : i .financement, s\u2019amusèrent grandement lors de Pou - us | , , enten e ous les nier que les Marchands parties conséerlives avoir témoigné un Jeu de # tingdon, Mme Gérald Pinsonneault, René nan > .oy.r 1976-77, soit en de dire Caron, mais que niveaux.soit de la décrochaient le titre de Mais celte formation passse de Paul Brisebois et Lévesque.Gérald Pinsonneault, candidat dans partie de sucre du Parti Québécois de Hun- septembre prochain.on faire en tout cas.direction aux champion incontesté de la n'était pas de la classe des Kichard Ricard, Mike tingdon.même au \u2018\u2018water-boy\u201d Ligue Régionale Ces Marchands de Huntingdon Murphy compte son Les Marchands de derniers défaisarent les Durant cette série finale, premier de la soirée, aidé René Léves ~ St A + .Pa rade de mode à Huntingdon sont en voie de Quadrants par le pointage des joutes excitantes, il y de Gilles Goyelte et de que a - n oine.créer une dynastie dans le de 5 a2 en a eu.mais les spee Hughes Latreille; Paul hockey de la région de Le brio offensif de Mike lateurs savaient qui Brisebois lance et compte l'école Notre-Dame 1 ° Huntingdon Cette année.Murphy.capitaine des remporterait la victoire sur un jeu de passes de 7 50 erso n n | .; , ; , encore, les porte-couleurs Marchands, tout au cours Toutefois, les partisans des Richard Ricard et Jean- ¥ P es a a p a r I e _ Apres cet hiver qui n'en prix courants, grand choix de cette formation se des séries éliminatoires, Quadrants encouragerent Luc Crete, Hughes 5 finit plus de partir, n'est-il de marchandise, service mériteront plusieurs donna la victoire à sa leurs porte couleurs Latreille marque, aidé de # pas naturel d\u2019être envahi courtois et discret.honneurs.Encore plus formation Toutefois.un jusqu'à la fin (Suite à la page 14) par le désir irrésistible de possibilité de magasiner à La partie de sucre M.René Lévesque, monde.Plus tard dans la soirée, faire peau neuve.Nos tous les soirs de la organisée par Je Parti président du Parl pans un bret discours M JeSmMarc Brisson vitements lourds cl semaine el jenpasse an, pe en Je, nc apres lo sower, ent [SRY pres owen ed mea A l'Institut Doréa: untingdon samedi dernier d'honneur à cette partie de pagne de financement pour bientôt le chemin des c'est ma boutique préférée, : 27 mars a été un très grand succès.M.Yelle, propriétaire de sucre, est arrivé vers 6h et son entrée a été chaleureusement applaudie par la foule des Lévesque déclara: \u2018De plus en plus, face à un gouvernement qui se désintègre, les chances le PQ-Huntingdon.s'est écrié avec enthousiasme: \u201cCe soir on voit que le comté de Huntingdon fait coffres en cèdre et vive le printemps.Vous voulez de l'aide pour choisir vos nouvelles principalement à cause de l'attitude discrète de la propriétaire Mme Léger et aussi, bien sûr, à cause des la salle des \u2018Joyeux militants et sympathisants POUT le Parti québécois de yvraiment partie du toilettes\u201d Vos enfants ont > ; ; i \u2019 s rix plus que raisonnables.Lurons'\u2019 à St-Antoine Abbé, péquistes déjà sur les lieux.prendre le pouvoir aux Québec!\u201d M.Brisson a ni et v prix plus qu i 3 3 : 3.prochaines élections sont ste iovi gra ous ne savez Pour ajouter à vos a déclaré avoir servi 750 Piloté par le président du P ensuite invité tous les plus où donner de la tête? bijouterie vous soupers dans sa salle à manger où le service a été continu de 5h à 10 heures.Pour les co-responsables PQ-Huntingdon, M.Pierre Picard et accompagné de Gérald Pinsonneault, candidat du Parti réalistes.\u2019 Quant à son opinion sur les possibilités du PQ dans le comté de Huntingdon, M.Lévesque pense maintenant que le membres et sympathisants à ouvrir leur coeur et leur porte aux solliciteurs qui iront au mois d'avril leur Un montant de $6,924 au hockey mineur local une somme d\u2019un peu plus de $8,540.Le comité responsable du Patin-O-Thon remercie très sincèrement les patineurs qui ont recueilli des commanditaires et par conséquent ont permis d'atteindre ce montant extraordinaire.Cependant, un gros merci s'adresse * la population de Huntingdon et des environs pour avoir bien voulu encourager nos patineurs et en même temps permettre au Patin-O-Thon.Le comité remettra tous les argents recueillis au Club Optimiste de Huntingdon.qui à son tour donnera au hockey mineur la part qui lui revient.Pour terminer.le Club Optimiste espère que, pour l'an population se montrera aussi généreuse que cette année, et ainsi permettra à nos jeunes et au hockey Le comité d'école vous offre la solution: Une parade de mode à notre école! Quand\u201d présente des vétements présentera un assortiment varié de bijoux La bijouterie Raymond Gagné vous prouvera qu'il ne faut doute quelques fleurs à des Une entente met fin à la suspension des employés Lundi, en fin d'aprés- Franklin patronat décida de rencontrer le président du de cette magnifique québécois pour ce comté, 4 \u2026 demander de faire leur »; ri .5e midi, une entente est in- suspendre ces derniers es Cat réussite, Serge Martel et M, Lévesque git comté est \u2018\u2019prenable\u2019\u2019.part pour conserver au D a heures va dépenser une fortune pour tervenue entre la partie Depuis jeudi dermer, un Jusqu'à mardi \u2018hier ots Nalional es Pierre Trépanier.c'était 1a le tour des tables pour Surtout avec un candidat Parti québécois, son mode \"Avec le coût de la vie qui porter un bijou attrayant, patronale et les employés lock-out était en place à cet Toutefois, lundi 29 mars, Christian Coyeux ' récompense d'un travail échanger des poignées de 4155! serieux et valable M de financement p'arrête plus de En plus \"untingdon dans l'impasse qui durait institut.À causé d'un fort je directeur général de A la Suite d'une bien fait.main et parler avec tout le Gérald Pinsonneault.démocratique.est essentiel de bien choisir Fleuriste dont Claude depuis jeudi dernier à taux d'absentéisme chez l'Institut, A-thur négociation, les deux partis les boutiques où l\u2019on Bourassa est propriétaire, I Phstitut Doréa de les employés syndiqués.le Robillard, dema da @ en virent à une entente.Le achè chargera de la patronat gèle les 1 La Boutique Josée décoration et offrira sans suspensions des employés et ceci veut dire qu'aucun d'enfants de grande chanceuses.peut-être à montant du salaire de ces qualité.Les prix sont vous\u2019 derniers ne sera retenu.raisonnables et adaptés à Laissez-vous tenter Toutefois, le tout est en- toutes les bourses.La Venez passer une belle voyé en arbitrage pour Boutique de vêtements Réduction de 20% sur les soirée tout en aidant nos par Clarisse Brisson Un remplaçant est nommé EASE EL EX Le Mont-Immaculée: ean qu'une décision soit prise ; pour dames \u2018\u2018Marie- jeunes Surtout.parlez-en à AE pt dans ce cas lL Le Patin-O-Thon 1976 obtint un succès sans précédent En terminant, le comité du Patin-O-Thon remercie tous Chantal\u201d vous offre de vos amies i Tov Lf Ti Les mardi matin, les à sur le plan financier.En effet, les patineurs ont recueilli ceux qui ont travaillé, de près ou de loin, au succès de ce nombreux avantages Le comité d'école + 2 employés syndiqués de l'Institut Doréa retournaient au travail, n'étant plus victimes d'une suspension.Une soixantaine de jeunes retournaient ainsi à l'Institut.Les événements : Afin de faire le point sur ] hockey mineur de rencontrer ses obligations finan mineur de bien fonctionner tout en gardant la cotisation ; la faut se cières.d'entrée à un prix raisonnable que nous ne trouvons nulle Un résident de la municipalité de Hinchinbrooke, âgé rappeler de quelques Chacun a tait sa part, soit en patinant ou en com- part ailleurs.oo de 34 ans, fut nommé à l'unanimité par le conseil des > événements qui se manaitant un patineur.Encore une fois merci.Le comité Pour informer davantage la population, voici le bilan commissaires de la Commission Scolaire de Hun- une école rivée 7 déroulèrent la semaine espère recevoir un appui aussi formidable de la part de la financier de ce troisième Patin-O-Thon.tingdon remplaçant du comissaire démissionnaire p ; derniere et qui population, lors du prochain Patin-O-Thon la saison Argent recueilli par les patineurs et les dons : $8,543.39 EÈÉmiie senecal.En choix de la locale s'arrêta sur Clément L'école du Mont-Immaculée de St-Anicet pourrait être ouverte er sep- provoquèrent ce conflit proche it pas oublier non plus que plusieurs Dépenses: Allen Ce dernier terminera donc le terme commencé tembre prochain eer si la Commission Scolaire Régionale Salaberry ne entre les deux partis.groupements ont versé un don lors de ce Patin-O-Thon,ce 23 soupers pour les méritants par Emile Sénécal.Ce mandat se termine en juin 1977.revient pas sur sa écision.Elle serait une institution privée, recevant une Jeudi dernier.le taux qui a permis d'augmenter nos revenus.Le comité Prix aux patineurs Frocnainement, M.Allen sera assermente,et pourra Subvention du gouvernement.II semble que cette situation pourrait se d'absentéisme chez les remercie les groupes suivants: Atco Thermostat, les Impression des feuilles alors commencer à travailler activement dans le dérouler au bénéfice de 250 étudiants dont 140 pourraient être des pen- employés syndiqués était municipalités d\u2019Elgin, Godmanchester, Huntingdon Ste- 23 plaques souvenirs domaine de la commission scolaire sionnaires.Un représentant du groupe de parents qui se battent ac- élevé.La direction de Barbe, St-Anicet.les loisirs de Ste-Barbe, de Cazaville, de aux méritants: 764.24 Cette décision de la locale vint à la suite d'un hue tuellement pour cette école nota au journal La Gazette qu'il est facile l'Institut aurait pris cela St-Anicet, la Commission Scolaire de Huntingdon.les _\u2018 Bénéfices: $7.779.15 close demandé par le commissaire Gaston Parent, qui d'obtenir une subvention pour une école privée, et que l'avenir pourrait comme une grève, et elle Entreprises Bouchette, le Château, Taverne Aquarius, les Part du Club Optimiste: 1 avait été chargé de trouver un remplaçant à Emile déterminer la possibilité d'une telle réalisation ' De pl n plus y aurait décrété un lock-out, Fragiles, la Caisse Populaire de Huntingdon, la Banque de 10% du montant brut: 854.33 Sénecal.tient.Mais.d 1 dei en plus, on est hendant tous les em- Commerce, la police, Cleyn and Tinker, le Club Rotary, Montant versé au hockey'mineur : 6.,924.82 Ce dernier démissionnait à la fin de février en in- impatient.Mais, des nouvelles précises doivent provenir de Québec au les professeurs d'Arthur Pigeon.Il reste un montant de $157.18 à recueillir encore.voquant des raisons personnelles milieu de cette semaine.(Suite a la page 16) 14 \u2014 LA GAZETTE LE 31 MARS 1976 Voici la formation de Marchands des Huntingdon qui a remporté les honneurs des séries eliminatoires de la Ligue Régionale.Commission Scolaire de Huntingdon: On se prépare a adopter une politique de location de salles Le sujet de la location des salles des écoles de la Commission Scolaire de Huntingdon refit surface lors de la rencontre du conseil scolaire du 23 mars dernier.Une discussion d'une durée de plusieurs minutes fut le résultat d'une lettre provenant du secteur de St-Antoine Abbé, et dont plusieurs personnes signèrent.Cette lettre voulait en somme être une prise de position de la population de ce secteur face à des troubles concernant la location de salles.On se souvient qu'à la dernière rencontre la commissaire de St-Antoine.Denise Lussier, a fait mention des problèmes suite aux demandes de location des salles par des organismes.I] semble qu'à St-Antoine Abbé un problème existe réellement.On se demandait.dans la lettre semble-t-il.qui était maitre des locations.On accusa le concierge de cet endroit à avoir main mise sur toute cette affaire.C\u2019est pourquoi la Commission Scolaire de Huntingdon décida de tenter d'éclaircir cette situation qui revient continuellement sur la table.A cela, le directeur général, Alphonse Caron.nota que ce sujet avait été discuté avec les principaux des écoles lors d'une rencontre du conseil de direction.Une politique définitive fut alors proposée et acceptée par tous les principaux.Toutefois, il nota que le fait d'avoir une politique générale pour toute la population scolaire pourrait faire mal à certains secteurs.Car.à des endroits.les locations de salles se font normalement et sans trop de difficulté.La politique étudiée par les principaux et la direction générale fut présenté aux commissaires.Le directeur général.Alphonse Caron, nota qu'il faisait quatre distinctions dès le départ: organismes spécifiquement pour les dont ces derniers sont les acteurs: etout ce qui est privé.tels que mariages et fêtes de famille: e organismes municipaux tels que les fermières.l'Age d'Or; e et les organismes régionaux, tels que les formations prolitiques.Toujours en considérant que l'utilisation des salles se fait le soir ou en fin de semaine.le travail du concierge peut se voir accentuer.Donc, ceci constitue un surplus de travail.sans rénumération vraiment détaillée.Il va sans le dire que certains concierges se sont plaints de cette politique présentée par Alphonse Caron pré- Un code de discipline pour la SQ Les agents des détachements de Hun- tingdon.Ste-Martine et Valieyfield de la Sûreté du Québec attendent impatiemment l'entrée en vigueur d'un nouveau code de discipline Ce code.qui doit entrer en vigueur le premier avril prochain, est intitulé \u2018\u2018dispotitions relatives à la conduite des membres de la Sûreté du Québec\u201d.La revue de la Sûreté du mois de février dernier expliquait à ses membres la venue prochaine d'un tel code de discipline qui se veut plus souple et plus humain.Son application sera en mesure de certains points d'importance: on pensera plus à l'individu, des circonstances d'un manquement et des solutions à y apporter.Le Lieutenant Luc Leclerc.officier de discipline, signe un article dans cette revue.Le tout est intitulé \u2018accent sur le développement progressif d'une auto-discipline\u201d On sait que le Lt Leclerc était auparavant en charge du détachement de Hun- tingdon.CLSC CENTRE LOCAL DE SERVICES COMMUNAUTAIRES.198 Chateauguay.Hun- tingdon.C.P.820 - 264-6111 Vendredi, le 19 mars 1976.CLINIQUE DE PUERICULTURE Semaine du 29 mars 1976.Ormstown: Jeudi .le ler avril 1976 de 13:30 a 15:30 hres.Salle l'Oasis, Ormstown.Tél: 829-2211 Lucie Brown, s.m., C.L.S.C.Huntingdon VIANDE POUR CONGELATEURS or QUALITE DE L'OUEST Tél: 264-5798 COUPEE ET ENVELOPPÉE SELON VOS BESOINS MARCEL HAINEAULT Marchand Général Cozaville, Que.voyait des frais de location dans certains cas.Pour résumer les grandes lignes, il faut noter ceci e si la salle est louée pour des activités des enfants, on ne demanderait pas de frais: « S'il s\u2019agit d'organisme a but lucratif.à caractère municipale.on demande des frais: e si des organismes municipaux ont demandé la salle.aucun frais mais si la salle est dans un mauvais état après utilistaion, par la suite on exigera des frais.s pour les organismes régionaux.des frais sont demandés partis politiques.Toutefois.dans cette politique.les principaux avaient fait mention d'un montant d'argent à être déboursé au service étudiant de l'école et au concierge à part égale.Les commissaires ont réagi chacun à leur façon sur cette question.même si aucune proposition d'accepter cette politique ne fut adoptée par le conseil scolaire.Denise St- Antoine Abbé.nota que la Commission Scolaire doit avoir une telle politique afin que tous les partis sachent à quoi s'en tenir Jean-Guy Barrette.d'Ormstown, nota qu'il v avait un seule salle à St- Antoine Abbé pour l'utilisation des gens et c'était celle de l'école.Il général.Elle continua en affirmant que les concierges veulent aussi savoir à quoi s'en tenir: faut-il charger.oui ou non?Une question que les concierges se posent.Les commissaires Claude Demeule et Jean- Guy Barrette noterent.pour leur part.que la question de location de salles au sein de leur municipalité respective ne représentait aucun ennui.Claude Maheu, de St- l.owis-de-Gonzague.déclara que les prix de location etait trop exagérés, et que les salles devaient être au service de la municipalité.Thérèse Galipeau affirma que la vie étudiante ne devait pas bénéficier d'un tel montant d'argent.Ceci permettrait donc de baisser les taux présentés au commissaires.Or.11 fut décidé par la suite de laisser le tout entre les mains du directeur général afin que ce dernier puisse faire les corrections nécessaires à cette politique.Ce sujet sera certes à l'ordre du jour de la prochaine 1l semble que.cette fois.une résolution sera approuvée.On garde toujours dans l'esprit que les salles doivent être au service de la on remarque les revendications des concierges.Avec tout Marchands.(Suite de la pagé 13) Paul Brisebois et Jean-Luc Crète: enfin, un deuxième but pour Mike Murphy.aidé cette fois de Richard l'icard.Le travail de structeur Cyrille Rien- deau n'est pas à dédaigner Ce dernier disait rédacteur de LA GAZETTE qu'il avait choisi des jeunes joueurs qui venaient de terminer leur qu'il avait prouvé de la sorte la force de la formation.On se souvient qu'au début de la saison les Marchands perdaient les services de quelques joueurs de talent tels que Jean-Paul Mainville et Jean-Luc Tremblay.Le travail de l'instructeur fut remarquable durant toute la saison, et c'est pourquoi le succès fut de la partie.Les étoiles, mais.Les Marchands de Huntingdon rencontraient les étoiles de la ligue, recrutés au sein des six autres équipes.Même si les étoiles lancèrent à 25 reprises sur la cage des Marchands, contre 23 pour ces derniers, la victoire alla aux Marchands par le pointage de 5 à 1 Le seul but des étoiles fut marqué par René Brière.des Raiders d'Ormstown.Denis Goneau récolta une mention d'assistance sur ce but.Toutefois.en première période les étoiles manquerent de trés belles chances de compter et de prendre l'avance, mais la chance ne leur souria pas du tout.Les buts des Marchands furent comptés par Gilles Goyette, sans aide: Richard Laflamme.sans aide.un deuxiéme pour Richard Laflamme, aidé de Mike Murphy.Mike Murphy, aidé de Paul enfin Richard Ricard.sans aide.La formation des étoiles de la ligue était formée des joueurs suivants: Gerry Kezer.Danny McArthur, Mac Gavin, Mike Dooling, Dorian Schinck.Georges Leduc.Louis Robidoux.Marc Claessens, Michel Tessier.Joey Ouimet.Bruce McNaughton, Ronny Tremblay.Luc Beaulieu, Denis Goneau.René Brière, Pierre Dubreuil.Daniel Dandurand et Réjean Briere.Cette partie des étoiles se déroulait vendredi soir dernier a l\u2019Aréna Régionale de Huntingdon.Elle fut excitante mais les Marchands l\u2019emportèrent de toute façon.C'est le début d'une dynastie, tout vraisemblablement.Les Marchands de Huntingdon sont composés par ces joueurs: René Daigneault.Richard Ricard.Paul Brisebois.Mike Murphy.Hughes Latreille.Jean-Luc Crete.l'in- au Lors de la de rnière soirée du Club de Ch © À pet asse et Pèche du Lac St-Francois, on procéda à la remise de prix et trophées pour les meilleurs captures au cours de la saison.On profita également de l\u2019occasion pour rendre hommage à deux membres fondateurs.Léonce St-Louis, président, remet une plaque à Marcel Hébert (1949-76) et Raphael Filiatrault (1949-76) recoit une plaque de représentant Molson, Marcel Bégin.Au cours de la soirée on procéda au tirage d'un prix de présence en l'occurence un foreuse à glacé.Léonace St- Louis présente le prix Denise Baillargeon qui le recevait au nom du gagnant Denis Ethier du 57B rue Ellice.On remarque également Mme Germain Ethier, publiciste du Club et René Giraudias, gérant de Molson Valleyfield Ltée (Photos Peter Rozon).Puériculture Cliniques de Puéricuiture Programme des activités Avril ORMSTOWN: Jeudi, le ler avril 1976 de 13:30 à 15:30 1976 hres, Salle l\u2019Oasis, Orm- stown, Tél: 829-2211.HUNGTINGDON : Mercredi les le 7 et 21 avril 1976 de 13:30 à 15:30 hres, C.L.S.C.Huntingdon, 198.rue Chateauguay.Hun- d'erreurs $195.00.Le qui AIDE JURIDIQUE Un avocat de l'aide juridique est entré en communication avec moi et m'a fait part s'étaient volontairement lors de la rédaction du texte intitulé \u201cL'AIDE JURIDIQUE\".Je dois ajouter que le citoyen a droit de choisir l'avocat de son choix parmis ceux du bureau d'aide juridique et également, avocat de la pratique privée.CRITÈRES D'ADMISSIBILITE : La loi fut sanctionnée et je vous dresse la liste des nouveaux critères d'admissibilité.Pour avoir droit a l'aide juridique, une personne seule ne devrait pas avoir un revenu brut hebdomandaire de plus de $115.00 Un couple sans enfant ou dépendant: avec un enfant: $145.00 deux [2] enfants: $155.00, trois [3] enfants: $170.00, [4] quatre enfants $180.00 et [5] cing LEV INR TIE glissées in- un $130.00, [5] enfants: Pour de plus amples informations, je vous conseille d'entrer en communication avec le bureau d\u2019aide juridique le plus près de chez tingdon, Tél: 264-6111.ST.CHRYSOSTOME: Mercredi le 14 avril 1976 de 13:30 à 15:30 hres, Hôtel de Ville, St.Chrysostome, Tél: 826-4934.Clinques Antituberculeuses HUNTINGDON: Lundi 12 et 26 avril 1976 de 13:30 à 15:30 hres.County Building.Huntingdon.-Le philosophe François- Marie Arouet, dit Voltaire, est l'auteur de cette phrase: \u2018Aime la vérité, mais pardonne à l'erreur.\u201d Une promotion des athlètes grâce à 11 organis IR * Sr sk hl M.Gilles Aussant M.Gilles Aussant, psychologue et directeur aux des Services aux Etudiants à la Commission Scolaire Régionale Salagerry, nous informe qu'onze organismes ont contribué à la promotion des athlètes de notre région.\u2018Suite à l'invitation lançée lors d\u2019une récente camgagne de souscription, la Canadian Electrolytic Zinc Limited, les Assurances Jean-Louis Tréapnier Inc.I'Imprimerie Salaberry, l'Imprimerie Brault, le Salaon Funéraire Rodrigue Montpetit, L'Agence de Sécurité Lamont Banque de Commerce Canadienne Impériale succursale de Valleyfield, la Banque Provinciale du Canada succursale de mes Valleyfield, la Caisse Populaire Ste-Cécile de Salaberry, l\u2019Oeuvre des Loisirs de St-Timothée et la Municipalités de St-Louis- de-Gonzague ont apporté leur aide financière en vue de créer un fond destiné à l\u2019entraînement spécialisé des athlètes de la Régionale\u2019 de dire M.Aussant.En effet, ce fond servir a entre autres à organiser des cliniques sportives dans différentes disciplines à l'intention de tous les intéressés.Des entraîneurs, personnes- ressources, athlètes del'extérieur viendront compléter nos ressources du milieu en cette matière, conclua ce dernier.De plus amples détails suivront.Vol de $175 Le 23 mars dernier, vers les 10:30 heures du matin, deux individus armés réussirent à faire main basse sur une somme de $175.00 à la station de service Spur, rue Victoria à Valleyfield.La Sûreté minicipale de Valleyfield fait enquête dans cette affaire.Il semble qu'il s'agit du deuxième vol à cet endroit en l'espace des quelques jours.EN VRAC ET EN SAC ENGRAIS DE FERMES LIGNE COMPLETE dE MOULEES SEMENCES MAIS - CEREALES - MILLAGE PESTICIDES POUR TOUTES CULTURES DRAINS PLASTIC ET TERRE CUITE GILLES VALLEE INC.Ste.Barbe Tél.373-4625 ROUTE 138 ORMSTOWN READY-MIX ORMSTOWN TEL: 829-3296 CIMENT PRET ET MELANGE faut ajouter que Mme Commission Scolaire de Richard Laflamme.vous.Lussier était prête Huntingdon aura Richard Ricard, Robert Cpl.Michel LANIEL 4061, a proposer l'acceptationde prochainement une Hart.Luc Ricard.Jean la politique telle ue pré- politique de location de Douglas penis | Lefebvre.Sûreté du Québec, sentée par le directeur salles.> : i P sates Parent et Gilles Goyette.Poste de Huntingdon.ov NOUVEAU » LUCIEN SOUCISSE SUITE A LA RETRAITE DE M.L.SOUCISSE, IMPERIAL OIL LTD.ET LES ENVIRONS FUSIONNERA LES AGENCES ESSO DE HOWICK ET HUNTINGDON.POUR LES RESIDENTS DE HOWICK ET LES ENVIRONS ler AVRIL, 1976 M.LUCIEN SOUCISSE REMERCIE SA CLIENTELE ET INVITE LA POPULATION A SOLLICITER LE NOUVEL AGENT ESSO 264-5161 HOWICK (APPELEZ FRAIS VIRES) 56 DALHOUSIE, VOTRE LIVREUR: M.MARTIAL SCHINCK HUNTINGDON ROBERT DAOUST M.ROBERT DAOUST DEVIENDRA VOTRE NOUVEL AGENT ESSO EN DATE DU ACHETEZ DES MAINTENANT UNE MAISON Vous avez.toujours rêvé d\u2019un canadienn Pour la pr *miere fois dans l'industrie Désourdy vo canadien, style Desourdy Visitez des aujourd hut la maison canadienne de Désourdy Demandez aus- st à vOIr un autre Désourdy construit des maisons modulaires pour tous les goûts et ies Desourdy, vous 1investissez pour l'avenir pre-fabriquees en usine, us presente le modèéie quebecois exigences Avec POUR RENSEIGNEMENTS VOYEZ: CONSTRUCTION DAUPHINAIS inc.JEAN LATREILLE Representant Huntingdon 264-3245 HENRI DAUPHINAIS PRES.HEMMINGFORD 247-2047 LACOLLE 246-2252 FLORIAN DAUPHINAIS Representant Hemmingford 247-2444 BERT McCARTNEY Representant Ormstown x26-2x16 Tn ENO em AN ad TY PN ees \u2014 tn ed hed ss Od yg \u2014 FN Ges Vt pp ed pd 08 pe ee un a Nt ML CTO CT ma TE \u20ac OM mT ee as \u2014\"\"un 2601000005411 Le conflit se continue à la CIL de Nitro La conflit de travail à la CIL de Nitro se continue de plus bel, même après que d'appel.Selon la compagnie, le et qu\u2019il ne voulait pas travailler contre les LA GAZETTE \u2014 LE 31 MARS 1976 \u2014 15 aisse r syndicat pourrait être ouvriers.Pot le syndicat, e de les deux partis ont tenté de condamné à payer des une telle action donerait à » des s\u2019entendre la semaine sommes considérables à la la CIL une mai: mise sur et la dernière.compagnie.tous les travailleurs syn- s oui D'une part, la compagnie Le syndicat a pout sa diqués.BRE Jouis- art, À ap porté CIL a noté qu\u2019elle déplorait part demandé dès les Offres: 100 TIM n vue que le tout en est venu à Jépart que ce grief soit Le syndicat rappelait que GOLD STAR i aucune entente, mais elle retiré, Un mandat avait les dernières offres de la iné à .À : : .A ialisé note que les deux partis été donné aux négociateurs compagnie avaient été GRATUITS EN PLUS > Ja étaient près d'une solution syndicaux de ne pas en- refusées a 82% par les \\vec ce Coupon > grief porté par la tamer les discussions travailleurs de Nitro.Sur chats de $10 et plus compagnie.; avant que ça soit fait.Quatre jours de Du »9 mars au 3 avril -vir a D'autre part, le syndicat La dernière rencontre négociations intenses = niser des travailleurs de cette qui avait lieu la semaine n'auraient pas changé du i usine a réaffirmé son in- dernière n'eut aucun tout quoi que ce soit dans tives .lines tention de défendre con- résuitat.La CIL déclara les offres.s les tinuellement les droits des que les deux partis étaient Plusieurs points sont en en- travailleurs, et de lutter près d\u2019une entente.La litige dans ce conflit de ines- pour leurs revendications.compagnie serait désireuse travail.D'abord, on peut ètes Le conflit qui paralyse le de réduire les possibilités parler de la sécurité au iront travail débuta le 25 de tels arrêts de travail.travail, depuis les rétents urces février dernier, etil semble Elle préferrait une clause accidents mortels dans tière, que le tout pourrait durer qui permettrait une d\u2019autres usines de la CIL.> plus longtemps.diminution des risques de Le syndicat demanderait ront.Un grief: .ces arréts illégaux.que la compagnie offre au EFS A la suite d'une grève || semble que la com- moins ce qu'il est permis a.P illégale en mai 1974, la pagnie aurait voulu que les selon la loi anti- 5 compagnie aurait pris un officiers du syndicat soient inflationniste de M.| vers grief contre le syndical.des représentants des Trudeau, mais ce n'est pas | = atin Malgré les efforts de ce employeurs dans toute le cas.| il di 9 -més dernier afin de faire un action que les employés Le conflit pourrait ® A 8 main arrêt à cette action de la prendraient.Toutefois, le s'avérer long, et la lutte \u2019 aad firme, le tout fut rejeté syndicat déclara pourrait faire les man.: E \\ e de ; r | | .successivement en cour publiquement par la suite chettes 2a lusieurs TPE i N | de d'arbit t | P A | ria à arbitrage et en cour qu\u2019il ne voulait pas de cela, reprises.Là Pa L ; ee TENDON DORSAL EAUX GAZEUSES IGA Ju : wit : | ESSENCES ASSORTIES : ques | ° py - ry 3 Mn Pe ; ues : - 5 ; es gens sur la loi 33 ® \u2014 RON DE FIELD .Le député provincial du d'électricité.2) à l'égard d'un puvrage comté de Huntingdon, Ken Sous réserve des autres autre qu'une habitation, > Fraser, tient à rassurer, exigences de la présente destiné à son usage per- COTES DE COTES PALETTE Ç cette semaine, les loi, la licence de con- sonnel ou a celui de sa résidents de la vallée du structeur-propriétaire famille et non visé par la CHOIX 19 CROISEES ¢ \\C Chateauguay concernant la mest pas Feigihle dun irl la erie dans les 7 oi 33.individu qui exécute lui- i même des travaux de refondus, 1964, chapitre 5 PREMIERES .L LB ET Cette loi sur les construction: 143) ou la Loi des COTES LB B Fi qualifications vocation- a) A l'égard d\u2019une maison sement ndustriels BOEUF A nelles des contracteurs en destinée à être habi claux u A construction ne gèrent pas exclusivement par lui et sa, Fefondus, 1964, chapitre : ¢ HAUT COTE ¢ BOEUF A 28 0 les opérations agricoles famille, ou 150).Re ESSUIE-TOUT .: HACHE UILLIR : ordinairement faites par ® -.MI-MAIGRE BO les agriculteurs eux- ve, - .BLANC ITA] [AUTREFOIS DESOSSE mêmes ou par moins de Comité exécutif de la locèle: hé PALERONI |p LB DESOSSE LB Me trois employés emps CONTI 2 : le ot ce que In 6} 0A A d z se Toufes les viandes vendues dans nos magasins sont inspectées , ig [3 TT 25 déclara le député Ken ucune decision par le gouvernement et portent le sceau approuvé \u2018Canada \u2014 Fraser.Ce projet de loi fut ° .\u2014 l'objet d'une campagne de prise sur une SAUCISSES FUMEES \u2026., \u2018 NS TAILLEEER a MAGASIN LORSQUE V LUS DE METIQUEMENT LE CONTENANT À CAFE APRES | à ti t de ré tion de @Ctuellement, les prin- résume la demande d\u2019une QUI SATISFAIT VOTRE GOUT iL var u BE COE OAT A rE ArRES { genie civil exécutds par des Huntingdon demandaient des Affaires Sociales de la VOTRE CAPE, POURQUOI ME PAS ESSAYER UNE LE PRO VON DEAR CRE AA g larié Sp font S'ils pouvaient avoir une belle province afin de AUTRE MARQUE?SES PROPRES IDEES SUR LA LHS EE Ee aux habituellement des avancesurleur traitement, favoriser ue saine Mani PRE AA Stan A I patel ement des C'est à cause de la len- alimentation dans les QUELQUES CONSEILS GENERAUX L'UTILISATION MEMENT DE SOINS DE TECHNIQUES ET DE MAIN ans , iations écoles.A ; AUT DONC NOUS DEGUSTONS CEPANDANT, IL N'EXISTE bâtiments oud ouvrages de arme telle demande Decument inconnu: Aude rear Br aspen Du AUCUN MOYER CDETIRERT Léoveu) PO \u2014_ genie civil ou qui provient des principaux.Le directeur général nota M OURS COMPLETEMENT VOTRE CAFETICRE N'AUREZ AUCUNE SATISFACTION A BOIRE UN \u2014 travaillent à la production Le directeur général, que la Commission Greens APRES UTILISATION AFIN D'EVITER UNE SAVEUR CAFE TROP AQUEU A Ee EE vas Sour dans un établissement, Alph Ja Scolaire n'avait rien reçu INDESIRABLE LA PROCHAINE FOIS.MESUREZ LE Ey ena EEE DS DISCUTER eh crectement Suggestion aux com.auparavant concernant la RM A nie DESTINE menu AVEC es eRCUPES DE.CONSOMMATEICES par un employeur autre issaires d\u2019a jer é iati les .FRAICHE POUR 2 CUILLERES A TABLE COMBLES ECRIVEZ HUDON ET DEAUDELIN LIMITEE, 11, qu'un entrepreneur; Po ot cotter at pra avee PATES ALIMENTAIRES = DE CAFE MOULU PAR TASSE DE BREUVAGE.ALBERT HUDON H16 3J5 c) aux travaux de con- ce er | aw nent Tut requ.a Ju Siruction de canalisations Même si le commissaire mais les donnés n'étaient À MACARONI COUPE- \u2018eau, d\u2019égouts, de pavage * .s nnues des com- | et de trottoirs et aux autres de vi d Claude Pairs SPAGHETTI- SPAGHETTINI rie travaux de même nature, ron sition Postes: a re lorsqu'ils sont exécutés par la dise ssi nse continua à Le commissaire Gaston le les salaries des com- Savoir si le fout était Parent proposa que la ICOUK unie) rates urbaines des correct.La présidente Commission Scolaire SH J MT fh ORANGES > P \u2019 ce montant d\u2019argent n\u2019était spécialistes en anglais et ¢ ar d) aux travaux de con- pas prévu dans les budgets, de 212 en éducation DE LA FLORIDE MURES ET FERMES ns struction qui se rattachent et qu'à cause que le tout physique pour SUCREES ET JUTEUSES Its directement à l\u2019exploration Tevenait des budgets, cette l'organisation scolaire de GROSSEUR 125 Brour ec ou à l'exploitation dune tem aurait dû passer au la prochaine année.DOLE ez mine et qui sont exécutés Conseil des commissaires.La Commission Scolaire par les salariés d\u2019en- Sur ce dernier point, le décida par la suite de CONCOMBRES 2 ¢ treprises miniéres.directeur général affirma continuer les études dans le DE FLORIDE, CHACUN e) aux travaux de con- qu'il s'agissait d'une sens de I'orthopédagogie.- CANADA NO.1 - struction qui se rattachent opération courante et que Une résolution de principe NAVETS \u2018 directement à l'ex- j'executif avait le droit de fut adoptée à savoir qu\u2019un , DU QUEBEC ] 4 ploitation de la forêt et qui se prononcer.quatrième orthopédagogue Ps rT CANADA NO.1 LB .> sont exécutés par les Mme Galipeau souligna serait engagé par la locale e \u2018 OIGNONS JAUNES : MINI JOE-LOUIS \u2014 ; salariés d'entreprises qu'elle aimerait mieux afin de mieux servir la E.D.SMITH t DOIGTS DE DAMES d'exploitation forestière: attendre et s'informer clientèle scolaire.j F DE L'ONTARIO SAC f) aux travaux de con- davantage dans cette af- On sait que le travail | CANADA NO.1 SLB struction de lignes de faire lors d'une prochaine d'orthopédagogue est de ; CHOUX VERTS transport d'énergie exé- visite à Québec.Prenant s'occuper des étudiants qui COCKTAIL NOUVEAUX DE LA FLORIDE ] 5 cutés par les salariés des vote sur la proposition du ont ceffaines difficultés Sel ! CANADA NO.1 LB LB entreprises de distribution commissaire Claude d'apprentissage.: ; ] TSTDUORUEDDOEOONUON OS NON DO VA DOUEVOODE NUE TB SIUEE HOT OODRV SD ONE SES TEUUOD EEE D EOO DOI CODEC EU D ROITÉIS CE OSE PERTE GEGI EC COO EVER, CELERI VERT ane PASCAL DE LA ¢ CANADA NO.1 39 MAINVILLE ALUMINUM cm ee «31 nw, Nous vendons et installons : le revétement .ee.; so.« VIGUEUR JU , 3 Aluminium Reynolds CRIE 1976 IGUEUR JUSQU'AU ./ les gouttières \u2014 | Portes et fenêtre de toutes sortes NOUS NOUS 1 BOUCHETTE - HUNTINGDON, P.Q.TEL.264-2909 (BIÈRE & CIDRE) pre (are Auvents, rampes, persiennes en aluminium CUITER ONS LE DROIT DE .= \u2018 LIMITER LES \u201cAN PE ; \" Porte de garage SL TITES = a A ; drm [automatique ou manuelles] ) LJ ] CY .e 3 - so x E 7 Portes de patio, vitres, vitre isolée >» | [| | Tout ouvrage Armoires de cuisine modulaires de Gregg IG } ë Garanti 000 | = fr; i %0 Wellington, Huntingdon, Que.; ; so ) ( ) La e | ] : A.GRIFFITH A A.TAWLLEFER : -\u2014e I LT TE TE LEE OE EE SEE TNO EERO OR EOE EFT ETO) À : - 33 acine or ey cde lec \u201cps aires \u2018 .pouvait sévir contre les ; : ' , svoit de Ke I.Heureux.Réjean Racine.Roger Lessard.Leduc.les membres honoraires les plus assidus: officiers du syndicat mais retirer des lieux Des d'oeuvre prévoit donc une | Four Jouhaite les Ecole Arthur Pigeon Jean-Louis Lefebvre.Denis Roy et Bruno Roger St-Onge.le membre honoraire le plus || ne pouvait pas agents de la Sûreté du COUPUFE des emplois: ME ésidents de chalets Novices, Atomes Lo _ .; .- .; as ; ; > ig nts > \u2018halets : Ss, Ss.Dérépentigny on voit les actif, La ligue honora également les arbitres: légalement décréter un Québec se rendirent, ap- ourralt de than raya devront prendre plus de et Peo Wee Hl porte-couleurs des Baleines developper un Jean-Luc Crète.arbitre en chef.Robert Leduc.lock-out comme il l\u2019a fait\u201d, Paremment à la demande faire un autre travail pour précaution.à Partir de 5:30 p.m,, s'agissait d'un petit poisson rouge dans un bol Denis André Hurteau et Edgar Leduc.Une Les syndiqués ont droit à Se aines a Parti 30 p.m d'eau.Cette idée venait du gerant général des plaque fut également remise à chaque in- or congé de maladie m \\ DANSE POUR ADULTES $ p.m.) Ours.Florian Fortier et de Claude Lover an- structeur des quatre équipes de la ligue: \u20ac.par un quelconque j ; ani hasard, il | 1 ÿ Structeur.La ligue Les Fragiles honora par la Maurice Leboeuf.Georges Parent.Claude Loyer malades ' le tombent jou GERALD MARLEAU et FILS CU tu relies Tenant sa promesse de fants?CLE | sdécois.t ] | .écraser une punaise.\u201d vendredi soir 26 mars Mis au courant de la Rene Levesque est (res que or Lous les MOYENS Unreprésentant syndicat Toutes les activités E envers les svndiqués de situation a Doréa ou les Tévélatrice de la priorité Seralent pris pour asa notait au rédacteur de La DR.STEPHEN HECHT, 0.D.culturelles sont mises en IREE FIN D'ANNEE \u2018 Doréa.Pierre Picard.syndiqués ont été qu'il accorde au bien-être © climat Toutefois.M (Gazette qu'aucun mot évidence: cinéma.chant.president du Pit\" suspendus pour cmg jours ee plus deshentes entre de aux syndiqués.en OPTOMETRISTE danse.expositions.LIGUE DE HOCKEY REGIONALE Huntingdon ménageait une par l'administration, M NOUS pare aux A Laue EM y faire quoi que ce soit Le musique, théatre.corps de de Huntingdon rencontre de ce groupe de Lévesque s'est dabord Rappelons que Doréa est \u2018eur rappelant qu ell gouvernement essaie de EXAMEN DE LA VUE clarion.peinture.sculp- 16\u2014 LA GAZETTE \u2014 LE 31 MARS 1976 Te EN A7 Soirée de la Ligue Les Fragil es Gj J Doréa d'ordre du syndicat n'avait été donné afin que les employés ne se rendent pas de quilter les heux.Ce qui ne fut pus fait, et les travailleurs Mmes Galipeau et Lussier ; .; qe lemeurèrent à l'Institut 5 (Suite de la page 13) à leur travail.\u201cNous avons (EMeure \u2018 nstiu x x Z 3 | 5 | ployés droit à nos congés de Doréa Jusqu a dimanche.a un congres specia y Une lettre étaut reçue pur Maladie FL nous pouvons La direction aurait offert 5 ; 0%, les employés le lendemain Prouver que ce n'était pas aux employés de réduire la les commissaires directeurs généraux reglé à ce moment, la 28 leur \\ndiqua ny Une action illégale du Suspension à 4 jours au lieu Therese \u2018avaient été réunis afin de Fédération pourrait 4 \u20ac veritablement la tor syndicat.mais que Jes \u20185 Jours Denis discuter de la présente prendre de sérieuses JY de la direction de cet vMployés manquant à Lundi de cette St-Antoine- période des négociations et positions.\u201cétablissement Voici le l'appel étaient vraiment en les empioyées se rendaient Abbé représenteront a \u2018les moyens d'harcélement 1] fut noté que l'har- ; dbs - - galement à l'Insti fi \u2018 : SAS Tic de 35 en- véleme ; gong 2d contenue de cette lettre aux CPNRÉ de maladie\u201d, de dire Lae ment à l'Institut afin titre de délégués la utilises par les «N- célement des enseignants employés une employé syndiqué de de démontrer leur intention commission Scolaire de Seignants.fut tres fort dans cer- \u201cSuite au geste illégal que vous avez posé le 25 Doréa Jeudi dernier.vers travailler Et c'est alors que le directeur général.Arthur Robillard.demanda Huntingdon à un congres spécial de la Fédération Ce congrès spécial a pour but de discuter de ces deux points si le tains coins de la province, obligeant des commissions scolaires à faire des \u2018\u201clock- mars.1976.nous vous la direction de l'Institut ; i So des Commissions Scolaires POUL al | A ordonnons de vous pre.retournait les enfants dans de rencontrer le président Catholiques du Québec conflit n'est pas encore out su sv v .22 Su syndical des employés Le tout doit avoir lieu le senter au travail mardi le 30 mars 1976 à 13 heures.leurs foyers ou dans des foyers nourriciers.La Christian cette de Doréa.Coyeux De samedi 3 avril au Cégep de Travaux de peinture selon votre horaire direction nota que les A Mn Ste-Roy dans la vieille habituel de travail afin d'y ©Mployés ne respectarent ne es une.entente TU capitale A | 5 id accomplir vos tâches Pas la loi des services intervenue.Cest à la suite dune A IA residence $ Le vrai conflit demeure.normales de travail.\u2018Veuillez prendre note qu'à compter de jeudi 25 mars à 7 heures jusqu'au essentiels.Ensuite.1] semble que le président su syndicat des 110 employés syndiqués Toutefois, même si une impasse purement locale fut intervenue, le vrai conflit demeure.rencontre tenue le 13 mars dermer qu'une telle décision fut prise.Alors, les présidents des com- La Commission Scolaire de Huntingdon faisait l'ouverture de soumissions, le 23 mars dernier, pour une montant de 83,125.L'autre soumissionnaire était Jacques Gagné Valleyfield.Ce dernier mardi 30 mars a 13 heures, YOUlait rencontrer le Le Svndi , al des PPIONS scolaires et les des travaux de peinture à offrait ses services pour la vous êtes suspendu(e) de directeur genéral, mais e Syndicat National Ces la residence à l'école somme de $3992.30.i > sans aucun succès Employés de l'Institut 8 vos fonctions.\u20ac ext affilié 2 « x» Notre-Dame de Hun.Sp Jeudi soir.les emploves POréa est affilié à la CSN.! Ce D'ici ce temps, nous , les employes et participe actuellement tingdon.11 s'agit en somme de la vous interdisons toute S\u20ac rendirent pour sonfli .Des quatres contracteurs touche finale aux travaux iP .travailler, mais on refusa @ Conflit entre le Front Co .: présence sur les lieux de : etusa Invités, deux seuls entrepris à l'ancienne Commun et -DAr e votre travail.\u2018Vous êtes par les présentes mis en demeure de cesser toutes activités illégales relativement à votre emploi à l'Institut l\u2019accès à ces derniers.Une rencontre syndicale devait avoir lieu au sous-sol de la chapelle de l'endroit.comme prévu dans la convention, mais un membre du cadre ordonna le gouvernement.Donc, ceci veut dire qu'il se peut que des débrayages aient lieu encore, si le conflit dans les négociations ne se règle Le détachement de Huntingdon de la Sûreté du Québec tient à aviser tous les propriétaires de chalets d'été le long du lac St- répondirent aux appels de la locale Le commissaire Claude Demeule proposa que le plus bas soumissionnaire soit accepté, soit Ste-Cécile résidence des religieuses qu fut transformée pour l\u2019utilisation de l\u2019école Notre-Dame.De Ja peinture de première qualité sera Samed: soir.i La cafeteria de lu pois valente meme occasion les pertormances speciales de Doréa Inc.à défaut de quoi i : pas François de faire Painting de Léo Montreuil utilisée par le contracteurs Arthur Pigeon de Huntingdon, avait lieu la soiree plusieurs joueurs.Réjean Racine se mérita le d'autres mesures aux travailleurs de quitter Il semble que.parmi les doublement attention de Ste-Barbe.Ce dernier afin signer la fin de ces de clôture de la saison de la ligue de hockey Les titre de meilleur con:nteur de la ligue: Mailloux disciplinaires seront prises les eux Cos derniers de revendications des em- durant les prochaines féra donc les travaux pour travaux.Fragiles de cette localite L'equipe des Balemnes Robidous fut le meilleur gardien de but: Serge contre vous.fondirent PE sm ployés de Doréa.on semaines.7 ~~ ont remporté les grands honneurs de la saison et meilleure defense: René Hurteau.a lettre était signée: cale demande un salaire En une vague SOU PER DANSANT de la série elimmnatoire Lette equipe est piloté par Andre le gerant general ext Claude Pilon.Dans la photo on peut vmr les joueurs de la formation des Baleines.Les votel- Maurice Leboeur.Léo Leblanc.Andre Pivin.Léon Robidoux.Robert Ploutfe.Roger St-Onge.Serge Lajeunesse.Andre Fournier, lavmond cadeau-souvenir de la formation des Ours.Il le plus utile: Fred Hutchings, le meilleur esprit d'equipe: André Pivin.le plus amélioré: Jean- Marie André.le meilleur joueur secondaire: Gilles Durançeau.le plus gentilhomme: Jean- Charles Quinn.le plus retour au jeu: Serge Lajeunesse.le plus amélioré: Denis Roy.le meilleur réserviste.Roland Poirier et Albert Rene Daigneault.Marcel Bergeron.Don Heath, et Andre David René Lévesque rencontre ., 7 mesure Gu lockout, eet ST-STANISLAS DE KOSTKA nt qu are A EE aK p.m.les S n d | U es d e Do rea selon.le président du .les formulaires prévus a Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb Huntingdon syndicat.Christian Chauffage électrique cette fin.lesquels son Les dames s.v.p.apporter des sandwiches ou des Coyeux, \u2018comme prendre disponibles au Service vâteaux.travailleurs avec René Lévesque.Bernard Lan- abrites par cette in: des jeunes débiles légers et Syndiealisme est pourtant qu'il a gaspillé ailleurs.À Tous les jeudis 9:30 a.m.à 9 p.m.Pour informations Au Chateau.Huntingdon dry.Gérald Pinsonneault stituton \u2018Qu'est-ce qui se MOyens.Le 25 mars, il y lrès fort, \u2018on ne ferme pas Mais ce gouvernement.qui i = supplémentaires: Le Presentation des Trophées 82 9 p.met tout l'exécutif samedi passe puur les enfants.a- avait 3 de ces enfants sur les hôpitaux .est-ce qui l'a élu\u201d Ce ne TEL: 371-2127 50 DUFFERIN Service Régional des \u201cDanse de 9 p.m.à Fermeture soir à la partie de sucre du ti] demande au president les lieux.Abruptement.à Qui oO cu te BOUYET- sont quand même pas les : Loisirs du Sud-Ouest.48 Musique par PQ-Huntingdon.du syndicat.Christian Midi, tous les jeunes furent nement actuet- ne Chinois\" .Grande-Ile.Valleyfield \u201c\u2019lles Leblanc et son ensemble Qui s'occupe des en- Coveux transferés de Doréa a A un conseiller syndical \u201cEn tant qu'Opposition Centre Valleyfield Shopping Centre 371-4744 (Gilles Leblanc ¢( son ense 7 enve or inquiéte du sort des enfants Le scolaire en bref Doréa en soient arrivées a Bale James, René Parti québécois pour le MAISTENANT AVEC PERMIS COMPLET Huntingdon: Mercredi.SAMEDI LE 3 AVRIL À 8:30 p.m.un tel point de Lévesque a répliqué: comté de Huntingdon.M Heures de la salle a manger: le 7 avril 1976 de 13.30 a c anditée par le Voici des petites Dans un autre déterioration.Il a assuré Vous ne parlez de pois Gerald Pinsonneault.qui LUNCH: Midi a 2h p.m.1530 hres C.L.S.C Hun ommant p ; : cpli aux Di s ses srloc \u2018avec Cassés: 1] est trop tard pour à « ; , .nouvelles qui ressortent de (EQ explique aux parents ses interlocuterus qu'avec p p verra à son tour à alerter le DINER: 6h à 8h p.m.tingdon.19H, rue Club 4-H de dernière rencontre du conseil scolaire de la ; faires so 27000 Prix de présence Commission de Huntingdon Coupure : No uvel| les d O rm stown ton le député Claude Pour réser ve appelez REF: SP-76-0026 Goûter disponible ; au, ; - en ; 261-3606 vie Br Co = qui eut lieu mardi le 23 Une lettre provenant du at \u20ac ; _ .,, Charron.M.Pinsonneault Lucie Brown Admission: Adultes: $1.50 mars dernier Ministere de l'Educatuon Svciété Canadienne du recrutement de la société promit de s'occuper du FRED COOKE MARION SLOAN Enfants: 1:00 Religion : Une lettre provenant de l'Association des conseillers pédagogiques en enseignement religieux notait à la locale qu'une différence existait entre le conseiller en enseignement religieux et le conseiller en éducation chrétienne Toutefois.le directeur général nota que cela ne les salaires sont coupes Societé, en sera le con- autres articles pour les présentait aucun probleme dans les circonstances férencier Il présentera malades avec de ta laine mentionnées ci-dessi- aux personnes présentes donnée par la Zéphyr Celu Sappelle: Rémunération différée\u201d, D'accord avec votre à la locale de l'abbé Bruno Gaboury cumulait les deux fonctions au sein de la commission CEQ: Deux lettres expédiées aux parents par la Centrale de l'Enseignement du D' CEQ de plaint de la situation présente des négociations et tente ue 1euesou l'appui des parents dans ses revendications la stratégie du zig-zag du Ministere de l'Education informa la Commission Scolaire que la coupure des traitements des enseignants doit se faire sil y a grève.débravage bovcottage ou lock-out ce n'est pas tall.ces montants ne seraient pas subventionnés A la locale de Hun- tingdon.les traitements Financement Pour chaque quartier et é commission scolaire recevra un montant de 250 pur électeur du Mimstere de l'Education à titre d'octroi Programme: ouvert d'ici peu pour les enseignants.Ces derniers pourront suivre ce programme et recevoir de la sorte un congé avec solde pendant cinq mors Cette preoccupation de_un gouvernement de Parti une institution qui accueille d'autres lieux Apres avoir eté rassuré sur ie sort des enfants.M Lévesque a déploré le fait que les relations de travail dans les hôpitaux et dans les institutions telles que France.par exemple.où le FAS.Robert Marquette qui lui faisait remarquer que le gouvernement actuel semble vouloir se rattraper sur le dos des travailleurs pour les extravagances des Jeux Olympiques et de la Cancer: L'assemblée annuelle de la Sociéte Canadienne du Cancer aura lieu à la salle communautaire de la résidence Walshaven d'Ormstown.lundi le 5 avril prochain à compter de 20 heures.Jean-Marie Pednaud.secrétaire itinérant de la des diapositives avec explications en francais et en anglais sur le cancer et les movens de le dépister La campagne de aura lieu du premier au 31 mai prochains.Les responsables sont à la recherche de bénévoles pour faire du porte à porte et .ecueillir vos offrandes.D' population répond généreusement à l'appel de la société.Des dames tricotent des pantoufles et Textiles et un groupe d'autres dames préparent les pansements qui seront distribués aux cancéreux Mme Emile Beaulieu a Coudre Service de machine true Washington Malone, N.Yen face du bureau de poste, E.U.| et aspirateur Arthur Robillard, directeur général.Selon les représentants syndicaux.ce geste de la direction qui équivaut à mettre la clef dans la porte, serait contraire à la Loi 253, art.19.\u2018L'employeur disent les syndiqués.s'inscrit dans le domaine du possible.Si l'employeur croit qu'il y a eu mot d'ordre pour forcer un peu la main de hasard, c'est aux officiers du syndicat qu'il doit s'en prendre.La un char d'assaut pour rattraper sur votre dos ce officielle.le Parti québécois ne peut pas faire grand'chose pour réparer le gâchis\u2019, a poursuivi M.Lévesque.Il a conseillé aux syndiqués de confier tout leur dossier au candidat du porte-parole officiel du PQ pour les Affaires sociales.problème dès lundi.Vendredi, les employués, tous solidaires, se rendirent respectivement dans les chalets, lieux de leur travail, afin de démontrer leur intention de travailler.La direction de l'Institut leur aurait demandé de se de la direction, afin de demander aux travailleurs Contracteur - Electricien Résidentiel \u2014 Commercial \u2014 industriel | | ESTIMATIONS GRATUITES Tel.373-0238 L'OURS A ROCKBURN | PUB ANGLAIS Fermé le lundi minimum de $165.00 par semaine.Les employés refusent actuellement la mobilité de main d'oeuvre tel que prévu par le ministre Claude Forget des Affaires Sociales.Cette mobilité de la main compléter leur journée.prenne sa retrate Comment récompenser vos hommes-clés: retardez leur prochaine augmentation homme-cle.vous différez son augmentation de salaire jusqu'à ce qu'il ci vous vous arrangez avec la Great-\\West pour financer cetuccordaumesen d'uneassurance-vie.Votre homme-clése voit recompense par une rente de retraite plus élevée, une cconomie vis-a-vis de l'impôt et une protection financière pour sa fumille Pusez vos hommies-clés avec un régime de rémunération différée de la Gueut-Vest où utilisez ce régime pour attirer un nouvel employe de la Great-West Parlez-en a de vols par effraction dans des chalets fut rapporté dernièrement.Ces vols seraient commis surtout au sein de la municipalité de Ste-Barbe.soit plus pré- cisement entre le bord du lac et le Chemin du Bord de A Drummondville.du 12 mai au 30 mal 1976, aura lieu la semaine culturelle du Centre du Québec.Les organisateurs invitent les personnes du Sud-Ouest intéressées à participer en Régional des Loisirs du Sud-Ouest.ture.artisant etc.Sud-Ouestement.Jean-Mare Ducharme.CLSC Clinique de puériculture Semaine dud avril 1976 Chateauguay.Huntingdon.Tél: 263-6111 C.L.S.C.Huntingdon HOCKEY ANNUEL AU PROFIT DU SAMEDI LE 10 AVRIL Remise des Trophées Filles, Bantam et Midget à Partir de 6:30 p.m.FETE D'ANNIVERSAIRE POUR RENE FORAN SAMEDI LE 10 AVRIL Bienvenue à tous SAMEDI LE 3 AVRIL $2.50 par personne PARTIE DE CARTES 500 [$20.00] APPEL D'OFFRES ASSURANCES GENERALES La Commission Scolaire Régionale Salaberry recevra jusqu'à 15:00 hres, le 29 avril 1976, au bureau de Monsieur Maurice Léger, Directeur du Service de l'Equipement, 115 St-Charlies, Valleyfield, des offres, sous enveloppes scellées pour: | Québec furent mentionnées Un programme de & ~ i N .'e \u2019.Li à titre d\u2019inf tion a \u201crfectionnefent en g RN \u2019 ASSURANCES GENERALES {ire d'information nu periectionneen on TED LAFAVE l\u2019'innovateur en assurance Les soumissionnaires pourront se procurer les spécifications et les descriptions contenues dans le cahier de charge, à compter de 9:00 hres, le ler avril 1976.Ce cahier est disponible contre un dépôt de vingt dollars JOUEZ AU RUGBY Avec ie CLUB DE RUGBY ORMSTOWN SARACENS Pourquoi ne pas vous joindre a nous Pour apprendre ce nouveau sport NOUS PRATIQUONS TOUS LES JEUDIS À 7 PM AU GYMNASE DU CVR Bienvenue a tous ' Pour plus de renseignements appelez: Jean-Pierre Lussier 827-2316 Luc Pilon 373-5248 Tient une Ligne Complète De Pièces, Accessoires, ete.POUR TOUTES MARQUES DE MACHINES A COUDREET ASPIRATEURS incluant Eaton, Electrolux, Hoover, Filter Queen, Etc.VENTE SERVICE REPARATIONS SUR Tous les courtiers d\u2019assurance détenant un permis de transiger les assurances de dommages sont admis a soumissionner.FERNAND LAVOIE 70 Rue Nicholson Valleyfield Tel: 373-3100 La commission ne s\u2018engage à accepter ni la plus basse, ni aucune des soumissions reçues.Maurice Marleau Directeur General Salaberry-de-Valleyfield | Ce 30 janvier 1976 L__\u2026 _.Great-West Ce Gm .LIEU NI / on pz i! oo A N A D LU A a I \\_ J JL | 1 | i aw SPECIAL NOUVEAU contre-plaqué 4 x 8; 3/8 à $5.95, 1» po.a $7.95, 5/8 rebord carré a $9.95, 5,8 T et G a $9.95, 3/4 a $10.95, 1 po.2 $13.50, 1,16 Tet G A $12.50.Tél: 264-3222 Athelstan.NQUS AVONS en magasih un bon choix de piéces de réparations pour tondeuses a bétail Sunbeam; aiguisons auss# les lames.Chilton Bros.Ellenburg Depot N.Y.Tél: 524-7511.MUSTANG 1973 Mach 1, en tres ponfié condition.Prix discutable.Tél: apres 5 hres.CAMION DE une tonne, 1963, nouvelle peinture, en bonne condition.Tél: 264- 3670 Huntingdon.BULLDOZER SD3, Allis Chalmers, avec chargeur avant.Tél: 264-5677, Huntingdon.TRACTEUR JOHN Deere 1830 presque neuf, 270 heures ouvrage; aussi charrue John Deere 3 oreilles.Tél: 264-5646, Huntingdon.HORLOGE GRAND- PERE antique à vendre.$650.Tél: 264-3334, Hun- tingdon.ASTRE GT 1973, hatchback, standard, 34,000 milles, moteur neuf, très propre.Tél: 264-4841, Huntingdon.MUSTANG 1968, décapotable, moteur 302, très propre.Demande $600.Tél: 264-3359.Huntingdon.TRACTEUR 1974 John Deere 2120, 880 heures.Tél: 829-3016, Ormstown.ROULOTTE 11 X 30, maison 4\u2019; appartements, garage 20 x 36 avec terrain Tél: 829-3016, Ormstown.TONDEUSE ELEC- TRIQUE Black and Decker, avec 75 pieds de corde, utilisée 4 fois.Tél: Edmond Leblanc au 264- 3369, Huntingdon.CAMION PICK-UP Chevrolet 1970, de !2 tonne.Aussi réservoir en vrac Sunset de 300 gallons.Tél: 264-2014, Huntingdon.ESPACE CHAUFFE dans sous-sol de l'édifice O'Connor.Pourrait être ulilisé pour magasin ou storage.Loyer raisonnable.Tél: 264-3371 après 6 p.m.GARAGE PUBLIC à louer ou à vendre.Tél: 825-2064 ou 825-2237.Travail GEL) JE VEUX garder des enfants chez-moi du lundi au vendredi.Tél: 264-3806 Huntingdon.Aide demandée DEPENDABLE PERSON who can work without supervision.Earn $14,000 per year.Contact customers around Valleyfield.We train.Write C.W.Dick, Pres.Southwestern Petroleum, Brampton, Ont.L6T 2J6.IMMEUBLES Trust Royal \u201cL'ENSEIGNE QUI FAIT VENDRE\u201d 264-3015 Propriète * à vendre À HOWICK, maison de 7 pièces, 3 chambres à coucher, système chauffage central, plancher en bois franc, foyer en pierres des champs de 24 pieds, cuisine moderne garage, 2 étages.Tél: 825-2678 Howick après 8 hres le soir.FERME À VENDRE 185 ARPENTS, rive sud, 32 milles du Pont Mercier, sur montagne, très bien bâtie.!, mille du village, Route 209.rivière et étang, chalet, etc.Tél: 827-2580, prop.MAISON NEUVE a vendre moins subside fédéral maximal $100 par mois si éligibe.S\u2019adressez à 264- 3108, Huntingdon.MAISON DE 5!» pieces, cuisine, bain salon, 3 chambres à coucher, chauffage électrique, sousol complet, recouvrement aluminium, garage attaché, approx, un acre.Tél: 264-5679, Hun- tingdon.BUNGALOW LE 6!» pièces à Ormstown, extérieur en clapboard et aluminium, système de chauffage central.Tél: 825-2531, Hawick.MAISON NEUVE 54 pièces, i immédiatement, terrain aménagé, située à Covey Hill.Tél: 246-2252 Lacolle.MAISON MOBILE à vendre 68\u2019 x 14\u2019 avec services et 30,000 pieds carrés de terrain.Tél: M.Goulet, le jour à 381-9161 et le soir à 247-3144, après 8 p.m.BUNGALOW.FINI briques et pierres, 4 chambres à coucher, garde-robe en cèdre 17' x 3, avec une chambre à coucher en plus au sous- sol; lot approximativement 180° x 180\u2019 situé sur route 201, à trois milles de Orm- stown.$28,500.Tél: 829-28 94, Ormstown.DEUX LOTS, 137\u2019 x 143 et 190* x 187, un mille à l\u2019est de Ormstown sur route 138, terrain en bordure de l\u2019eau.Tél: 829-2894, Ormstown.Voudrait \u201cacheter Ÿ VIEILLES AUTOS ferraille demandées.Tél: 264-5879 ou 264-2002, Huntingdon.JE CHERCHE un logment à Ormstown pour le ler juillet.Je paierais jusqu'à $200.par mois.Appeler 8 29-2377 de 9 a.m.à 5 691-2309, après 5 p.m.CHIENS DEMANDES.acheterais portée bébes chiens et chiens adultes, St- Bernards, Labradors, Berger Allemands, preferés.Tél: 264-4214.HOMME AVEC connaissance de l'anglais pour travailler sur ferme de 60 vaches à Noyan.Tél: 294-28 05.rt -\u2018\u2018Véritablement bon est l'homme rare qui jamais ne blâme les gens des maux qui leur arrivent\u2019, a dit Valery dans \u2018Choses .tues\u201d\u2019.Irust Royal Un tableau des clientèles est présenté à la locale Lors de l'assemblée spéciale du conseil des commissaires de la Commission Scolaire de Huntingdon, tenue le 23 mars dernier, le directeur général, Alphonse Caron.faisait la présentation d'un tableau de clientèles en date du 5 mars.Il semble que le présent conflit qui existe entre le gouvernement et les enseignants a certaines répercussions, En effet, la direction générale doit préparer actuellement ses prévisions budgétaires pour la prochaine année scolaire.Actuellement, les normes de professeur pour un certain nombre d'élèves ne sont pas encore officiellement établies.à cause de la période de négotiation.Toutefois.le directeur général, Alphonse Caron.nota aux commissaires réunis que le tableau des clientèles et des besoins de personnel de la commission scolaire locale avait été fait en considérant les présentes offres patronales.Ce tableau daté au 5 mars présente en somme seulement un document de travail.Le tout sera reporté à nouveau à la table des discussions en juillet prochain, et des chiffres plus précis pourront alors être notés.Avec ces chiffres en mains, le directeur général croit que l'organisation de la Commission Scolaire sera très bonne même si.à certains niveaux.des problèmes semblent exister.Alphonse Caron nota, en somme, des groupes problèmes selon le tableau des clientèles.Ces derniers sont: e au niveau des de et 5e années à l'école Notre- \u2018Dame de Huntingdon, ou il y a respectivement 70 élèves pour deux professeurs et 95 pour trois; il y sans le dire que ces groupes seraient nombreux; + au niveau de la 4e année à St-Anicet où il y a un professeur pour 32 élèves: e et enfin au niveau de 1ère année à l\u2019école Notre- Dame où il y a trois professeurs pour #5 étudiants.De toute façon, la direction générale croit pouvoir règler ces problèmes.On se souvient qu\u2019à plusieurs reprises des sujets de discussion revinrent sur la table a cause du trop grand nombre d'élèves par classe.On prévoit donc, pour septembre, une baisse dans la clientéle scolaire.1.778 9 PLACE VALENCIA CHATEAUGUAY ROSEMARIE FABER, F.R.1., GERANTE * PARC D\u2019AVIGNON Si vous cherchez un coin isolé entouré d'arbres avec une bonne propriété, voyez ceci.Bungalow de quatre grandes pièces, chauffage à air poussé, entrée laveuse et sécheuse.Terrain de 150 façade et un droit de passage au lac.$15,500.CAZAVILLE Terrain de deux arpents avec grande maison de huit piéces, chauffagé a air chaud, l\u2019intérieur a été rénové.$14,000.HUNTINGDON Terrain de 120\u2019 x 114\u2019 situé das un nouveau développement, autre terrain 100° x 100\u201d.ELGIN Terrain de vingt arpents, environ dix arpents en bois.Grande maison de six - pièces, deux remises pour garder quelques animaux.STE\u2014BARBE Petite maison de quatre pièces, salon et cuisine combinés, chambre et salle de couture.Chauffage l'électricité, puit drillé, en bonne condition.S8,000.HUNTINGDON Idéale pour jeune couple.Maison de quatre pièces, grande cuisine avec entrée laveuse-sécheuse.La propriété a été rénovée, nouvelle fournaise.extérieur refait à neuf ainsi qu\u2019un garage.$16,000.HUNTINGDON Propriété en parfaite condition.Salon, cuisine, deux chambres; une autre pièce pouvant servir de bureau ou salle de couture.Tapis mur à mur et rideaux inclus.Entrée pavée avec grand garage, terrain de 150 profondeur.HUNTINGDON Duplex extérieur fini en brique, de six pièces chaque logis; bon emplacement près des écoles, entrée séparée pour automobile.NORMANDE GRÉGOIRE 26 4-5218 264-3693 eleves commie prévision en - parativement a 1.910 l'an dernier 190 jeunes se sont inscrits à la maternelle pour septembre.L'an de 211 jeunes étaient de ce groupe Par école: Par école.étudions maintenant les chiffres de ce tableau de clientèles.e à l'école Notre-Dame de Huntingdon: 91 élèves en maternelle: 85 en première année: 81 en deuxième; 80 en troisième: 70 en quatrième.95 en cinquième.78 en sixième: 26 en dénombrement flottant: 24 en déficience mentale.Le tout pour un total de 604 élèves.e à l'écule St-Joseph de Huntingdon: 19 élèves en première: 23 en deuxième, 46 en troisième: 30 en quatrième: 51 en cinquième, 47 en sixieme: 11 en dénombrement flottant Le tout pour un total prévu de 216 étudiants.s à l'école de Ste-Antoine Abbé: 17 étudiants en maternelle.20 en première: 18 en deuxième: 25 en (roisième; 25 en quatrième: 27 en cinquieme: 27 en sixiéme: 8 en dénombrement flottant: 12 en déficience mentale.Le total est 171 élèves.e à l'école Jean XXII d'Ormstown: 21 en quatrième.25 en cinquième; 23 en sixième.Le total est de 69 élèves.e à l\u2019école Notre-Dame- du-Rosaire d'Ormstown: 29 étudiants en maternelle: 29 en première.38 en deuxième: 35 en troisième: 21 en quatrième: 25 en cinquième: 24 en sixième; 12 en dénombrement flottant: Le total est de 201 élèves.e à l'école de St-Louis-de- Gonzague: 20 étudiants en maternelle: 19 en première: 24 en deuxième: 19 en troisième: 25 en quatrième.28 en cinquième: 27 en sixième: 8 en dénombrement flottant le total est de 162 élèves.e à l'école de St-Stanislas- de-Kostka: 17 en maternelle: 13 en première: 22 en deuxième: 23 en troisième.23 en quatrième: 26 en cinquième.27 en sixième.7 en dénombrement flottant: le total est de 150 étudiants.Remerciements Mme Emile Bergevin et ses enfants remercient toutes les personnes qui leur ont témoigné des marques de svnipathie lors du décés de M.Emile Bergevin survenue à Howick le 21 mars 1976 soit par offrandes de messes, fleurs, visites ou assistance aux funérailles.Toutes ces personnes sont priés de considerer ces remerciements comme personnel.Salon Funéraire MONTPETIT Rodrigue Montpetit Propriétaire Directeur de funérailles 170 Rue Chateauguay HUNTINGDON Air Climatisé Service d'ambulance Tél.264-5021 Res.l'été 371-0694 Salon Funéraire KELLY Funeral Home Reg d GORDON McINTYRE Propriétaire DIRECTEUR DE FUNERAILLES Service d'ambulance 264-5447 264-5402 HUNTINGDON, QUE, Soudeuses Electriques qu) EE IH, RY TT & Fils Inc.238 ST-LAURENT VALLEYFIELD e à l'école de St-Anicet: 17 étudiants en maternelle.37 en première: 25 en deuxième ; 30 en troisième, 32 en quatrième: 29 en cinquième: 37 en sixième.12 en dénombrement flottant.Le total est de 207 élèves.Le personnel Face à ce tableau, la direction générale doit déterminer le personnel requis pour le fonctionnement de la vie scolaire en septembre prochain.Le directeur général.seignement tableau des visions de personnel pourrait changer quelque peu D'une façon géné Commission Scolaire de Huntingdon pourrait employer ap proximativement Bu professeurs en septembre prochain } II y aura cing spe vialistes, dont l'anglais et l'éducation physique se verront diviser ce nombre Trois professeurs pour la déficience Done, ce données budgétaires très bientôt en prévision de la prochaine année scolaire Mais.normes ne furent pas encore établies d'une façon officielle à cause de la négociation domaine de Alphonse Caron.nota aux quatre orthopadagogues commissaires que l'étude \u2018un de plus que Tan der- faite avait été selon les Nier' seront egalement offres patronales dans la employes présente négociation.Les La locale aurg commissions scolaires professeurs pour s veeuper doivent présenter des de ses classes de mater- 62 autres approximativement actuellement, les dans le ans .là où une l'en- reposeraît\u201d nelle Il y aura également prolesseurs pour toutes les autres classes ES -Giraudoux a dic que \u201cla grandeur de l'homme est qu'il peut trouver à peiner fourmi se PIERRE BOUGIE TDC DENTUROLOGISTE REPARATION ET FABRICATION DES PROTHESES DENTAIRES 49 Bridge Ormstown 29-3361 373-1213 Sur Rendez-vous AVIS PUBLIC MUNICIPALITE SCOLAIRE DE HUNTINGDON Avis public est, par les présentes, donné que la liste électorale pour la municipalité scolaire de Hun- tingdon : Quartier No.1: Quartier No.10: Godmanchester Quartier No.11: St.Malachie d'Ormstown sera déposée au bureau de la Commission Scolaire de Huntingdon 64 rue Chateauguay, Huntingdon, le ler avril 1976 dans le but d'informer toute personne intéressée.Donné à Huntingdon ce 3te jour de mars, 1976, Huntingdon Alphonse Caron Directeur Général ENCAN POUR ass ROLLAND BONNEVILLE Rang des Dussault ST-SEBASTIEN (cté Iberville) MARDI LE 6 AVRIL à 1 hre précise Sera vendu un BON TROUPEAU de JEUNE bétail comprenant Ce troupeau comprend 29 bonnes JEUNES VACHES dont quelques fraiches et d'autres dues sous peu: 10 belles TAURES saillies devant mettre bos en Août et Septembre, 18 TAURES \u2018ouvertes\u2019 ôgees de 3 a 14 mois; ! gros taureau et ! jeune taureau d'un têtes d'animaux HOLSTEIN toutes claires nu test fédéral an \u2014 tous deux tres bons reproducteurs @ Le Ouoto de Lait Nature \u2014 Consommation : 789 !bs par jour Tran-formation 87,114 lbs MACHINERIE un TRACTEUR Massey-Ferguson No 165 diesel ovec power sleering et barrage de roues fce tracteur est très propre).un TRACTEUR Formall-H en bonne condition; un TRACTEUR a pelouse de marque TORO; Horse o roulettes Massey-Ferguson 16 « 32 avec att 3 pts, Herse a roulettes 14 » 28 modele trainont, Charrue-declencheuse Massey-Ferguson o J rates avec alt.3 pts, Souffleuse a neige Snowlander No 520 sur prise de force, Niveleuse avec att 3 pH Groppeur aver att.3 pts, Monte-balle Pop-Up qui s attache apres la voiture; Réateau de cote: International, modèle semi-porte; Monte-balle de 52 pds avec fond de tole sur prise de force.Epandeur 0 fumier Inlerna- tional d'une copacité de 150 minots sur prise de force: Lieuse à groin, 3 Voitures sur pneus dont 2 avec montant à foin ct une avec boite a grain Chaine de nettoyeur d'etable de 350 pd: et 650 piquets de ce- dre de 6' 2 pds AUSSI! un BULK TANK Delaval dune copacite de 400 gals; Moteur et compresseur de trayeuse ovec 3 rhaudières Surge, B tonnes d'avoine.«t plusieurs autres articles trop long a énumerer CAUSE de L'ENCAN TERRE VENDUE CONDITIONS COMPTANT ou PRET de BANQUE Pour informations ou demandes de crédit s'udresser o l'enconteur CeHcanms JULES COTE .i274 rue SUD Cowansville, Que.Encanteur bilingue licencié 263-0670 263-1434 se Les Principaux d'Ecoles du Diocèse de Vallevfield tait que disent scandalisés du leur a pas Réunion du PL L UIE een Los militants et pathisants du Parti Liberal du Quebec doivent prendre note generale l'assocration de ce parti du comte de Beauharnois aura.leu te 6 avril prochain li Le tout doit avoir heu au Des restaurant La Lanterne de \\alleyneld 30 Victor-Leger SCE TREE EL RN I Ne EERE EI en tn dann savin cxecutit tectivement choisi ll tut note egalement que diner benefice de l'Assoctation Liberale de Beauharnois se deroulera le 6 juin soit à polyvalente Baie St François de Vallevtield mvites de marque prendront certunement part a ce diner benefice Los el sera el l'assemblee le annuelle de que \\lors, un ECONOMISEZ GR OS ACHETEZ À L'ENTREPOT JEAN & FILS MEUBLES Pour rendez-vous 373-8131 BATISSE NO 1 Ancien comp de preliberation | au bout de Le rue Du Marche Valleyfield QUENNEVILLE, CAUCHON ; BOURDEAU : ET ASSOCIES ë Comptables \\grees Chartered Accountants ë Room 10-373 9993 et 374-8577 ä 110 Chemin L'aroeque Valles field : PUREED ODOT anu nna AGENTS D'IMMEUBLES DEMANDES AGENTS D'IMMEUBLES DEMANDES avec ou sans expérience.homme ou femme.Région: Vallevfield.Huntingdon, Vaudreuil-Soulanges.Beauharnois, Chateauguav.Vous désirez taire carrière dans Pimmeuble, consultez-nous.Demandez: Robert Sauvé, IMMEUBLES KAYBEC INC.57, NICHOLSON, VALLEYFIELD.373-1316 le Ministere de l'Education du Quebec ne encore fait LA GAZETTE \u2014 LE 31 MARS 1976 \u2014 17 Les principaux d'école insatisfaits d'offres salariales dans le cadre de leur nouvelle négociation avec lui.La dernière entente prenait fin le 30 juin dernier et ils trouvent inacceptable qu'après neuf (9) mois aucun dépôt d'offre ne leur est parvenu.Ils s'inquiètent, et avec raison, de l'oubli du M.E.Q.à leur endroit Is tentent par tous les moyens de rejoindre les autorités des Commissions Scolaires afin de les saisir degla gravité de cette situation anormale.Aussi à leur dernière réunion générale tenue à la Polyvalente Baie St- François, tous les membres présents ont manifesté leur insatisfaction face au manque de responsabilité du Ministère à leur endroit.Te ste-barbe cte huntingdon ri - - LEDUC ELECTRIQUE Enrc.entrepreneur électricien electrical contractor 8.rialiste en chauffage électrique 371-0848 Kodak] \"aE Qualitied individual Mate or world famous Kodak film for independence.$5495.00 Monday to Friday, 9 Or write Firestone Photo 1946 TEE TOUT PROFESSIONA DIRECTORY DISTRIBUTOR roLaroiD WANTED BURGRESS WESTINGHOUSE Female needed to distribute \u2018and other photo products through company established locations.\u2018NO SELLING OR SOLICITING REQUIRED.\u201d Make this year your year investment, Guaranteed 12 month repurchase agreement.CALL MR.MARTIN COLLECT AT 614-228-1751 am.toépm EST.Co.Firestone Building - Since 162 N.3rd St., Columbus, Ohio 43215 L DIRECTORY GUIDE PROFESSIONEL ET D'AFFAIRES IAN WATSON RICHARD Me Bur \u2018au Chateauquay 48 de Salaberry ALARY Tél 692 9811 teeme ct dieme MAercreds 9 11 pm les sstogens qui ont des BALLET probleme retevant du domaine Avocat federsl où des suggestions à apporis: pour l'amélinration du \u201comté sont invitées à rencontrer teur députée 16 PRINCE Huntingdon Tet: 261-329K L.P.DEROME & ASSOCIES B ScA Ing PAG Ingénieur conseil, Arpenteur geometre Tél.373-4300 44 Ste-Cécile VALLEYFIELD BIJOUTERIE MARCEL HEBERT 227 VICTORIA VALLEYFIELD MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION J.O.Clermont Ltée 39 NAPOLEON VALLEYFIELD EXTERMINATION DENIS BRISSON INC.FOURMIS COQUERELLES RATS ETC NOUS GUARANTISSONS NOTRE TRAVAIL 350 CHEMIN LAROCQUE VALLEYFIELD 373-5515 IMPRIMERIE DE TOUT GENRE FAIRE PART.ETATSDE COMPTES ENVELOPPES EN-TETES DE LETTRES.CIRCULAIRES FORMES CONTINUES \"MOORE\u201d\u2019 TEL 264-5364 LA GAZETTE L.Montreuil, prop.Ste-Cécile Painting TAPISSIER - TIREUR DE JOINTS TEL: 373-9677 STE-BARBE A LOUER IAN WATSON M.P.CHATEAUGUAY Ottice 38 de Salaberry Chateauquay.Que 692 9831 md and 4th Wednesday 900 11 00p.m Citizens with problems or suggestions of Federal concern are invited to meet their member of Parliament RICHARD ALARY B.A.LLL.COLIN J.CAMPBELL NOTARY 2 King Street, Huntingdon Mr Campbell Attends Tuesday.Friday and Saturday and other days by appointment Office Open Monday to Sat inclusive Assignee of the records of the late Donald M Rowat Tel 264 5382 Huntingdon Tel Bé6 4393 Montreal [Coliect1 ADVOCATE 16 Prince Street Huntingdon Tel: 264-3298 PIERRE L.CARON Notary Municipal Building Hemmungford 866-7351 Tel.247 2847 Montreal [Collect] Tel: 866-4393 J.PAUL COSSETTE area, Laver Avocat J.S.GAW,B.V Sc.Yo Veterinary Surgeon THORNE RIDDELL 19 Henderson St & co.Huntingdon, Que CHARTERED DRS.BELISLE and ACCOUNTANTS CLOUTIER 430 Bore va West Veterinary Montreal H3B }W2 Surgeons Tel: 829-2852 Or mstown, Que.Offices throughout Canada, Bahamas and Barbados Represented in other countries throughout the world PILON & MENARD NOTARIES CLAUDE PILON Established since 1936 H.PRIMEAU INC.PLUMBING HFATING Orl Burner Contractor 24 hour ser vice Huntingdon Tel 264 5421 CLAUDE MENARD 62 Chateauquay St., Tel: Office and Home 264 5234, Huntingdon Assignees of the records of Mitre.Lucien Baillargeon N.P and Roger Fortier, Office Hours: Daily9a.m.toSp.m.Evenings by appointment L.Arthur Rankin Life Insurance Group Life and Health Annuities RRSP tortgage Protection Estate Planning Tel: 264-3429 MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA DR.GILLES PAYETTE 0.D.Optometrist Tel.264-3705 « Daihouse Die Fours Cor, Nednesda, pre togep mm 0) Conner Blag HOWARD Dr.Guy Julien Dr.Yvon Rheaume OPTOMETRISTS Eyes Examined Contact Lenses DEUTHCHER Denturologist 477 Champlain Hemmungtord Making Fitting - Repair of Dentures For Appointment: Tel: 264-3020 Tel: 247-2170 73 King St Huntingdon Evenings & Weekends Tel: 264-5178 Only GEORGE FOOT CLINIC Louise Comeau Shannon, Podiatrist din te R p | f ZELDENRUST 2Pa nemminatord Dispensing Toes B vind only OPTICIAN Pam oe 28 Henderson Tel: 247-2565 Huntinadon Treatment of Corns Caliguses.Toe Nails Piantar Harts Chitdrens Foot Disorders, etc ROSS CONNELL B.A.CHATEAUGUAY VALLEY REPRESENTATIVE Sun Lite Assurance Huntingdon 264-2966 Montreai 937-9381 TO RENT Jd A 18 \u2014 THE GLEANER \u2014 MARCH 21 1976 Howick Golden Agers whoop it up by FLORENCE CRAWFORD The Golden Age Club (L'Age d'Or ) held one of the best ever party- meetings recently when they celebrated Mardi Gras.First they attended the 7:30 p.m.mass before going to Ecole St.Jean.Thev polkaed and did Canadian square dances sang.played cards and step-danced.More than 50 members were present.including the genial parish priest.the Rev.F.Amvot and two new members, Mr.and Mrs.Yvan Rose of St.Louis.Ten members wore costumes which were judged by the card-playing crowd who halted the games while the masqueraders paraded around the card tables.A ravishing but silent lady from the U.S.A.really fooled all the men - and the ladies too as she was Albert Parent in evening dress.with wig and mask.And who would believe that another charmer.with long blond hair.dressed for an evening party.was the nimblest male step-dancer\u2019 in the club.Edouard Loiselle?Then there was Mrs.R.Brosseau wearing a 3/4 length silver coat and floor length black skirt, masked and lovely.Mrs.V.Boulanger our haute- couture member from Paris, fashioned her lovely.traditional Chinese costume, complete with fan.Laura Anne Desgroseilliers had gone back to the 1920ss for her pretty gown with rows and rows of white lace over navy.Mrs.Diane Bergevin was a dashing was Mrs.Margaret Rose.wearing a beard and purple hat as part of her costume.Mrs.P.Tellier and Mrs.L.Shinek were clowns and Mrs.Emma Tennant a cowboy.The judges couldn't decide a winner so prize money donated by the club was divided evenly - Si to each.Many other members had donated little gifts and these were drawn at intervals until almost everyone went home with a prize.Others had brought snacks of candy.potato chips and a cool orange drink.Mr.Rodolphe Hebert played his violin for dancing.with Mrs.Tennant at Enews from huntingdon\u2019s craft and By Buff Wilson f DTTP aT OTD After being closed for three weeks the Centre will re-open today with all of the craft and recreation activities available to the members.We hope that vou are looking iorward as much to a resumption of our program as are the volunteers and I.We are sure that we'll be back into the swing of things in a very short time.During the past three weeks we have received all the craft materials ordered prior to our closing and now have a good inventory in most craft areas.We hope that you will enjoy using them.Festival You are reminded that the \u2018Scottish World Festival\u201d will be shown promptly at 3 o'clock next Wednesday in the craft end of the hall On the rare occasion we are disappointed in our plans to show movies because they do not arrive on time.The main reason for this is because the previous user has not returned the film to the distributor promptly.We cannot keep the film for our own use longer than two days because that would cause a delay in shipment to the next group wishing to see it.Should we experience a late arrival of this particular movie, we will make every effort to show it within the short period of time alloici to us and will try to inform vou as to the new and place on Wednesday afternoon.We sincerely hope that a contingency plan does not become necessary.Drying flowers On April 14 at 2 o'clock we will have a demonstration of drying flowers with silica gel.This is a fascinating hobby which requires little in the way of basic materials and one which flower lovers will find a rewarding pastime.Please feel free to join me in the craft end of the hall at 2 p.m.Those of you.members and volunteers alike.who missed the opportunity four weeks ago of signing up for the late April afternoon drive to the Town Adult Centre in the Town of Mount Royal will have the chance today and next week.All information pertaining to the program will be found on the sign-up list.The French conversation class and the rug braiding group will resume this afternoon.Please inform fellow class members who may not receive their copies of The Gleaner in time to read this column.You are invited to join the card players today if playing oridge.\u2018500 or cribbage is your thing.New players are welcome whether you are a novice or an expert.The volunteers and I look forward to seeing you all again after our long break SA AS MU *300.VE CH AS CECE CE CO CNC CE OE the piano.Later Mr Emard played the violin for a square dance and Mrs.Vallée danced à poika instead of fiddling.Joe his mix-8us, remembers the old French songs and sang the lead verses for several E Bourcier recited a poem about old age.The refreshments tor this gay party were mure elaborate than usual.The hostesses.Mrs.E.Ter nant Mr and Mrs.Armand Parent and Mrs L.Rubidoux brought tasty sandwiches and stuffed rolls.while Mrs.O.Soucisse supphed the sweet course and Mrs Ida Lemieux the coffee Dancing continued until after midnight The members regretted the absence of the president.John Robinson und his wite who were in Florida Father Amyot thark cho had helped Cub Pack second After Wecks special activities Hemmingioréd Wolf Cuv Pack was back to regular tw meetings on Feb 27 At that meeting Daniel Laberge presented a delightful puppet show to qualify tor hs Troubador badge Other badges presented at the last ihree mectig were House Orderly Dougie Baskin.Danny Enderle.Craig Robinson, Karl Smith and Joe Kilsdonk: Handyman, Barry Keeton and Andy Bouchard.(Carpenter Graham Hil.Interpreter Craig Robinson: Artist Danny Enderle.Gardener Joe Holmes: Toymaker Andy Bouchard Pet Keeper Hal Hough.Harvey Hough and Danny Enderle.As will be seen.badge earning is a serious part ot cubbing and those already qualified for then are to be congratulated and the ones working for them are to be encouraged The pack was pleased to receive recently.fram the in snow sculpture lHemmingtord Recreation ventre a Sly prize for placing second in the Winter Carnival sculpture competition on March 19 the pack met to celebrate St Patrick's Day The main activity being \u201cBackwards Night\u201d Jerseys.caps and kerchiets were worn backwards und the format of the meeting was also turned about Refreshments were served early in the meeting to celebrate birthdays of cubs during January.February and March.Irish song were sung and an appropriate story read Evervone enjoved themselves.Wolf Cub Steven Brown has recently holhidaved at Disnevworld and other parts of Florida with his tamilv.Steven's mother, Mrs.Shirley Cub Leader Hath:.By the time many readers get to this item Cub Mater Gerry Laberge and Mme Laberge will be vacationing in Cuba GERALD Hvdraulically Pressed Concrete Staves, All Accessories Authorized Dealer TEL 264-2955 HUNTINGDON MOORE to provide such an en- jovable evening.He was gladdened by their attendance at the 7:30 p.m.mass every week and extended best wishes to everyone.0 Canada was sung at the close with Mrs.Tennant at the piano.Mrs.Roch Parent of Ste.Martine took moving-pictures at the party which will be used for entertainment Jater on Powerscourt Mrs.E.M.Wood While the flu bug has been floating around the Chateauguay Valley it did not bypass the Power- scourt district.Among the victims were Mr.and Mrs.George Taylor who had two bouts.But now feeling better, they have left for a holiday in warmer climes- Arizona- and we wish them complete recovery.Mr and Mrs.Brisbane of Montreal, spent the weekend at their summer home here.This correspondent had plans for the usual March visit to Los Angeles.But the best laid plans of mice and men, gang aft agley-so I landed in Barrie Memorial Hospital instead.Glad toreport feeling much better and it's nice to be home once more.Eilen Carrigan has been a patient in Barrie Memorial where she underwent an operation.She now is making good progress Mr.and Mrs.Stewart Ross motored to Cornwall where they met their daughter Ruth of Tweed.Ont.She was a guest of her parents for several days.Linda Ross who suffered a broken ankle in now up and around.and very happy to once again he able to resume some household chores.Phyllis Wood of Kemptville College came home for the weekend, But on Sunday morning woke to find herself a victim of measles, so no College all week.How nice to see the sun shining again and the ground bare.This district is fortunate in that no floods occurred.There have been some cellars with water.but not too severe.ALKYD SEMI-GLOSS WOULDN'T YOU RATHER _\u2014 BE SAVING Ciltone\u2019 51249 - ui $18 \u2014 333 FLAT Lar AY gases eas, TA lun OFFER GOOD UNTIL APRIL.10TH AT THESE DEALERS CiL GOES ON LOOKING GOUD AND NOW GOES ON FOR LESS SEMI-GLOSS Easy 10 apply easy 'o clean For w tchers bathrooms oom © gh trafic areas LATEX ~~ NOW OPEN MON.TO FRI.9AM.TO 9 P.M.® VEGETABLES OPEN SAT.& SUN.9 A.M.TO 6 P.M.© FRUITS No LETTUCE Enos FOR Ÿ 1 CORN ON THE COB \\- ® CHEESE * COLD MEATS , © FISH e DELICATESSEN = ™ NC 5.09 Red or White Delicious Fancy Apples {MCINTOSH APPLES 3 iss.1 .- US.NO.1 SHALLOTS ol 0 PKG J 26 OZ BTLE 4 ALLEN SOFT DRINKS! $1 Snow White 26 OZ.BTLE 4 Is y \\_ JUMBO CELERY SPECIAL ON SOFT DRINKS NESBITT Orange-Creme Soda PEPSI COLA 26 OZ 14° BLTE 177 1 2 10 OZ BTLE EC USA & SIZE 18 / COOKED HAM 24 COLD MEATS PRESSED CHICKEN 99 w CURD CHEESE 149 LB.TAFFY APPLES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF SEA FOOD SUCH AS LOBSTERS SALMON - FILET OF \u2018DORE\u2019 - FRUIT BASKETS We take orders for any size fruit basket, take advantage of our low prices to offer one ot these magnificent fruit baskets to a friend or relative - SCAMPI - SHRIMP - FROG LEGS ALSO OVER 100 KINDS OF CHEESE, BEST KNOWN BRANDS 29.WE NOW CARRY A LARGE SELECTION OF CANNED GOODS AND PASTA J 9 or Sam a ALWAYS TODAY'S QUALITY GOODS AT YESTERDAY'S PRICES A VISIT TO AU BAZAR WILL PROVE BEYOND DOUBT THAT WE ALWAYS HAVE THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN, EVEN ON OUR NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE COME RIGHT AWAY PICK YOUR EASTER OUTFITS 264-54 GDON EP AND AT THE SAME TIME TAKE ADVANTAGE #1 HONTN | /.OF OUR MANY SPECIALS PER MACHINE ON ALL 76 SKI-DOOS IN STOCK KEN McNIECE CREST HARDWARE 57 CHURCH 829-2221 R.ROLFE & SONS | 96 CHATEAUGUAY | | ORMSTOWN FRANKLIN CENTRE TEL: 827-2272 "]

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