Lifestyle Planning - Infinity Lifestyle Design

I’m David Buck.

I want you to have a time-optimized life, whether in your career or in retirement. The Infinity Lifestyle Design customizes a plan that fits your needs.

Dave Buck and His Wife Susan, on the beach.

I had a career in business development (a fancy word for sales) for well over three decades. In particular, I have worked for Fortune 500 companies and pioneering small businesses. As a result, I received a well-rounded understanding of the business process. However, that got me to thinking about a lifestyle strategy.

Inspired to help others, I started The Infinity Lifestyle Design program to guide individuals and couples who struggle with a lack of flexibility in their lives. In addition, I assist teams and businesses to enhance employee productivity. With this purpose in mind, I promote personal and professional strategies around the optimization of time. This is accomplished through a proactive lens of exclusive assessments and processes. Consequently, it’s rewarding to see people get excited about the life they have before them.

Because I led many teams, I developed a strong awareness of what it took for people to be productive and efficient, not just busy. Therefore, I wanted to gain a level of flexibility for a successful career with ability to live a meaningful personal life through lifestyle planning.

What’s more, I am my own customer. That is, I empathize with those in their the late 40’s onward. Basically, I am able to draw on my experience to show people they do not have to make a hard choice between career and personal life. Indeed, there is a way to blend the two that brings joy and satisfaction for as long as they want. In particular, my goal is to help my clients plan an authentic lifestyle that excites them. Regardless of whether it is full-time, part-time, or no formal work in retirement, a plan brings clarity.

Certified for Pioneering Planning

As a Certified Professional Retirement Coach, accordingly I am committed to the principles of creating a comprehensive post career living strategy that includes five key areas

  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Social
  • Physical
  • Financial
My lifestyle planning includes dancing lessions.

Post career life should be about new experiences. I did not know how to dance until the age of 58. After years of getting bugged by my wife, I finally agreed. Now, we are still taking lessons and enjoy it. Dancing is a part of our lifestyle plan. What new experiences do you have planned?

Learn more about me, but more importantly about solutions to a meaningful post-career life!

Lifestyle Planning Topics That Transform


Healthy Career Mindset

For many of us, our career defines a significant part of how we view ourselves. Transitioning to a repurposed or retirement life is a challenge for many. We help you navigate the roll of work in a post career life.


Optimistic Time Management

Departing a career affords people more time to pursue a variety of other activities. Transitioning to retirement creates new time management challenges. In many cases trying to determine how to fill the available hours.


Dynamic Retirement Mindset

Whether already retired or seeing retirement on the horizon, your attitude shapes the types of experiences and events that will take place. Knowing how you feel about retirement shapes your experiences and events.


Confident Financial Mindset

You have attained a level of financial security based on your monetary planning. Now you need to compare your lifestyle plan to your budget. Be sure to maximize the resources you have accumulated.


Joyful Anticipated Lifestyle

The routines established for retirement sets the framework for our day-to-day activities. An active lifestyle in retirement does not just mean motion or movement, it also means a direct approach.


Inspired Planned Activities

Retirement opens possibilities to try new experiences or return to hobbies or interests. You won’t know diverse and active your post career life can be without a plan.


Robust Goal Setting

Goals set the foundation for a well lived life. Do this through the creation of a life purpose statement, a bucket list, long-term goals, annual goals, and short-term goals. These work together so you accomplish amazing activities.


Couples Planning

If you have a spouse or significant other, I highly recommend you do this together. You plans are not going to be the same, but you’ll both grasp what is important to each other individually and as a couple.

If You Have Any Questions,
Feel Free to Call or WhatsApp +1 (479) 220-7766

Learn more about the programs I have to offer.