Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 3 Review: I'm On My Own Path - TV Fanatic

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 3 Review: I'm On My Own Path

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Just when you think the songs on this show can't get any more epic, the pretzels get their music video.

Is it considered a glow up for them to go from a prop in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 to now being almost a consistent character? They have their own stand and everything!

During Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 3, Rebecca and Josh cross paths again and reexamine their friendship throughout the episode. Meanwhile, Heather and Hector end up getting married for the insurance and learn a valuable lesson about what this next step means.

While all this is happening, Nathaniel takes a vow of silence in Rebecca's return only to break it when he realizes that he loves her. 

Paula and Rebecca  - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

"I'm On My Own Path," written by Alden Derck, kicks a few of the characters into their next steps. Rebecca, Josh, and Heather both start to question a part of their lives, and that pushes for them to take matters into their own hands.

This then inspired a real character-driven episode that moved everyone forward in some way, but there was also plenty of time for fun songs in-between. 

Considering that this is the final season of the show, there is a lot of successful storytelling going on and allowing the characters we grew to love to show us exactly where they are in life.

Related: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 2 Review

Rebecca's Twisted Tales and New Adventures

Before we get into all the possible pretzel flavors that Rebecca needs to test out, how about that Nathaniel twist?

It is all kinds of ridiculous that he only now concluded that he loves this woman after all of their history, not to mention how childish he was behaving when she broke up with him.

There is that safe assumption that he doesn't take everyone he is with to Hawaii, that had to be some kind of alarm for him. Or even the fact that they have come this far and he wanted to be exclusively with her.

How good of a lawyer could Nathaniel be when he couldn't even piece this together?

There are so many different professions that don't turn you into Jeff Sessions.


Anyway, Rebecca has enough on her plate as is without this new love revelation. It feels safe to say that she is more in tune with her feelings right about now anyway, so she had to have known that she cared for Nathaniel this way already.

Meanwhile, she has to return to the question that has to have plagued her since Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Episode 1, is being a lawyer what makes her happy?

It was that question that forced her to run outside and almost have a nervous breakdown, only to be distracted by Josh in New York with her.

Jim's New Path - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 3

That was the moment that she tabled what was bothering her, allowing Josh to take over for the next three years.

He was enough of an obsession that Rebecca never took the time out to realize that she wasn't happy professionally as well.

It was still crystal clear for all of us, if only because of how little Rebecca seemed to work.

That does bring up the question of how she was even able to afford pretzel stand, but that feels like it is more critical on another day. 

A gap year! I did one of those, so did Malia Obama. She went to South and Central America and learned a lot about herself. I went to Arkansas to help my aunt raise her five kids after her husband put a gun in his mouth. I learned a lot about myself too, my tubes are tied.


Regardless, somehow this new move feels very right for Rebecca. She has a passion for creating those flavors in a way that she never did when it came to being an attorney for the firm.

It might not be what she does forever, but she is finding a balance that not only works for her, but that also is healthy.

She is setting down roots that aren't about getting Josh or any other man, she is choosing herself and her well being first. 

It is very inspiring when you think about it. And when you think about it, even more, you remember how much you want a soft pretzel right now. 

Related: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 1 Review

Josh's Tinder Awakening and Application Expectations 

This is the story that Josh deserves to be a part of now.

As mentioned before, Josh is no longer tied to Rebecca and her need to be with him. From that came the problem of where Josh could now fit into the equation, and this is the perfect solution to that.

Not only is he working on bettering himself, but he is also making an effort to date in a healthier way. 

His relationships with Valencia and Rebecca were not working in his favor, something he didn't know how to piece together.

I've been meaning to talk to you about some of the things I did also. When I moved in with you but acted like we were casual, that was gaslighting.


Now though, he has the tools to identify who he deserves and who isn't the perfect person for him.

He also appears to be genuinely searching for a long-lasting relationship that leaves room for him to grow as a person along the way.

And speaking of him growing as a person, his reunion with Rebecca spoke volumes about how much they both grew since the last time they saw one another.

Jim and AJ - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

It is weirdly lovely to know that there is a world in which these two could at least work as friends, even after everything that happened between them. They are both in better places, and they still have a connection where they can at least guide the other when they need it.

Of course, it felt more like Rebecca helped Josh right now, but the door is open for more possibilities.

Rebecca's connection to West Covina first came from Josh, and it is a step in the right direction to have them still appear in the other's life from time to time.

It doesn't have to be their fresh start in a romantic way, but it can reexamine the space they might still have for each other. 

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Heather and Hector's Fairytale Wedding(s)

It may be difficult sometimes to watch these two give the other nicknames, but it is worth it in the name of love.

I have always talked about how White Josh and Darryl are one of the few examples of a healthy relationship on the show, but so are Heather and Hector.

They may have rushed into marriage, and yet they are already embracing the simple ideas that include compromise. 

It took Heather a second but she loves Hector, and she let them have such a beautiful wedding because she knew it meant a lot to him.

Heather: We already had a wedding.
Hector: Well I know, and it was sweet. But now we can have another wedding with the people we love.
Heather: Oh, you're one of those.
Hector: You mean a person?

This may have all happened because healthcare is such an issue, yet at the bottom of everything, it was just Heather and Hector wanting to take that next step.

If the common theme for this episode was next steps, this was a pretty big one, and no other couple deserved it more.

Valencia and Beth are a close second though. I'm just saying.

Still, Heather and Hector are so domestic and loving towards each other; it is lovely to see someone getting their happy ending.

There was mention of the series ending in a way in which Rebecca's ending might focus on only her. That is important when you consider what she has been through all this time, but this also means that the focus for us shouldn't be whether she will start dating Nathaniel again or Greg or some new guy.

Rebecca's most valuable relationship is with herself, and the expectation shouldn't be that she finds happiness with someone else when she needs to have it with herself.

That is why Heather and Hector standout, in contrast, they offer another story because everyone is different on the show. Heather has changed a lot since she first met Rebecca, and she is becoming a version of herself that matured and found a person that she didn't have at first.

The same goes for Hector, a guy who could never wake up on time and was very co-dependent with his mother.

They are separately and together representing sufficient steps forward that work for them, and the result is sweet moments of them spending time together and just making the other laugh.

Couple goals, anyone?

What did you think about Rebecca's career shift? Does anyone else want to hear more about the new flavors that Rebecca is going to invent there? Who else wants a pretzel in general?

Were you shocked by Nathaniel's church-inspired revelation? Do you think this came at the right time?

How much did you love Heather and Hector's wedding? Do you think there is hope for Josh's love life or does he first have to figure out where he stands with Hector's mom?

Let us know what you think below!

And don't forget that you can watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend online, right here on TV Fanatic.

I'm On My Own Path Review

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Yana Grebenyuk was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in April 2021.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

I've been meaning to talk to you about some of the things I did also. When I moved in with you but acted like we were casual, that was gaslighting.


There are so many different professions that don't turn you into Jeff Sessions.
