Pisces Compatibility - Zodiac Sign Astrology

The Fish in Relationships

Pisces is totally ready for a devoted relationship, and constantly searching for the perfect one. It involves a lot of sacrifice and adaptivity, but on the other hand – at length, the partner has to live up to the dream, which is no piece of cake.


Zodiac Sign Pisces Love Match

Who Can Keep Pisces?

Compatibility with other Star Signs depends on much more than similarities. Pisces, the seeker of the Zodiac, belongs to the element water, which is that of the emotions. So do Cancer and Scorpio, but that doesn’t necessarily mean Pisces is particularly compatible with them – they need to share affection and a deeply felt attraction.

Nor for that matter is Pisces always incompatible with, say, the fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, although they are quite different. Actually, differences are important in a relationship. If there are few of them, both will be bored with one another.

That’s the most evident when the astrological qualities – cardinal, fixed, and mutable – are compared. Each Zodiac sign has one of those qualities. Pisces in mutable, which means a follower, always ready for change and variety. That blends rather well with other mutable signs in a relationship, if they have patience to discover that in each other. They are Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. They have similar impatience and curiosity, but that also means they may run past each other without even noticing this similarity.

Pisces is much more compatible with the cardinal signs, which are the leaders taking the initiative. They like change as well, as long as they decide on it. They are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Such a relationship, with one leader and one follower, is at least mostly smooth. And Pisces feels good about adapting completely to the partner, in the quest for the perfect love. But of course, there can be other issues. The major issue is that Pisces must feel that this is it, the match made in heaven for eternity.

With the fixed signs, uneager or slow to change, Pisces easily gets bored and even depressed. Status quo is to Pisces quite close to stagnation, and therefore like a prison cell. It is not easy for such a couple to stay together for any amount of time. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

But nothing is written in stone. A relationship is complex. There is no guarantee as to what will work and what will not, especially at length. All the personality traits of each Zodiac sign have to be considered when examining their compatibility in astrology.


Pisces Compatibility in General

Generally speaking, Pisces is prepared to make any sacrifice in order to make the relationship work. Any sacrifice. That tempts many partners to take advantage of Pisces, which works for a while. But soon enough, Pisces will go elsewhere to find a relation that’s truly meaningful.

That’s what Pisces seeks – a partner with which to bond so that the universe smiles and agrees, and life as a whole becomes fulfilled. Nothing less can keep Pisces for long.

It seems impossible, but Pisces is apt to find such love, because of the readiness to personal sacrifice. When you try hard enough, you get what you want. And even in a relation which is not all that can be wished for, Pisces makes it soothing, satisfying, and wonderfully pleasant, as long as it lasts.

Read more about Pisces’ compatibility with other Zodiac signs here:


Pisces Compatibility
Sign by Sign

With Aries

English name: The Ram

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With Taurus

English name: The Bull

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With Gemini

English name: The Twins

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With Cancer

English name: The Crab

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With Leo

English name: The Lion

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With Virgo

English name: The Maiden (or Virgin)

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With Libra

English name: The Scales

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With Scorpio

English name: The Scorpion

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With Sagittarius

English name: The Archer

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With Capricorn

English name: The Goat (or Sea-Goat)

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With Aquarius

English name: The Water-Bearer

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With Pisces

English name: The Fish

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Sun Sign Compatibility and Gender

When looking at how compatible Zodiac signs are in relationships, it makes no difference what gender they are. Their Zodiac sign traits and how they match are the same, whether they are male or female.

Zodiac Sign Calculator

If you’re unsure of your Zodiac sign, or if you want to know on what degree (between 0° and 30°) of the sign the sun was at your birth, please visit the Zodiac sign calculator. It’s very easy to use, and then you’ll know for sure. Click the header to get there.

Zodiac Sign Compatibility

To learn about the principles of classical astrology behind Zodiac sign compatibility, what is revealed and what is not revealed about their love match, click the header.

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