Prof. Dr. med. Peter Kohl | Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
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Prof. Dr. med. Peter Kohl

Scientific Director, UHZ | Director, IEKM

Research Interests:

  • Mechano-electric coupling in the cardio-vascular system
  • Hetero-cellular cross-talk and roles of non-excitable cells in cardiac biophysics
  • Integrated wet-and-dry studies of cardio-vascular structure and function
  • Method development, imaging, auto-regulation 

Brief CV:

Peter Kohl studied Medicine and Biophysics at the Moscow Pirogov Institute (1981-1987) and, after post-graduate training and research at the Berlin Charité (PhD 1990, Facharzt 1991), he joined the Cardiac Electrophysiology Chair of Professor Denis Noble at Oxford (1992). In 1998, Peter set up the Oxford Cardiac Mechano-Electric Feedback lab, initially as a Royal Society Research Fellow, and subsequently as a Senior Fellow of the British Heart Foundation. While at Oxford, he held a Research Fellowship at Keble College (2002-2004) and was the Tutorial Fellow in Biomedical Sciences at Balliol (2004-2010). In 2010, he took up the Chair in Cardiac Biophysics and Systems Biology at the Imperial College London. Since 2015, he directs the IEKM at Freiburg. Peter is a driver of integrative, interdisciplinary, and international research collaborations, with roles ranging from Founding Director of the European Network of Excellence on the Virtual Physiological Human, to Speaker of the newly established German Collaborative Research Centre SFB1425 dedicated to uncovering the Heterocellular Nature of Cardiac Lesions.

Peter is a Guest Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Oxford.

Selected Publications:

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