USA to Mexico flight time

Duration of a Flight

The typical duration of flights between the United States and Mexico is about two hours and thirty-nine minutes. This is based on the average speed of a commercial airliner, which travels at a speed of 500 mph or 805 km/h (434 knots).

Flight time is based on the straight line distance between USA and Mexico which is approximately 1,075 miles (1,730 km). The actual duration may vary depending on factors like weather conditions, airport wait times, wind conditions and possible equipment or weather delays.

The briefest flight from America to Mexico takes 2 hours and 32 minutes but flight periods depend on such aspects as air congestion, weather conditions and flight direction. In this regard, it is important to check out for specific flight details when planning for a vacation.

Here’s a table summarizing how long it takes to fly from different cities in US to main cities in Mexico:

City in the USAFlight Duration (Approximate)
New York2 hours 39 minutes
Los Angeles2 hours 41 minutes
Chicago2 hours 40 minutes
Dallas2 hours 40 minutes
Miami2 hours 40 minutes

Cheapest Time to Fly

Generally speaking, prices are lowest in September with an average ticket price starting from $382 as per search results.

However what one pays depends on the particular route taken as well as the timing when booking. Therefore it is recommended that visitors take advantage of websites’ such as or where you can compare among several airlines before making any reservations so that one could find deals that suits him/her best.

Booking early enough in advance along with flexibility about travel dates if coupled together with subscribing airline newsletters can go a long way into capturing good deals. However due to fluctuations in prices people should always confirm by searching the current prices availability before traveling anywhere.

Here’s a table summarizing the cheapest time to fly from USA to Mexico by season:

SeasonCheapest MonthAverage Price

Popular Routes and Airlines

These are some of the popular routes and airlines from USA to Mexico:

  • Popular Routes:
  1. Dallas to various destinations in Mexico
  2. Newark to Cancun
  3. San Francisco and Los Angeles to Cancun and Guadalajara
  • Popular Airlines:
  1. United Airlines: Offers daily flights from the United States to over 15 cities in Mexico, including Monterrey, Mexico City, and Guadalajara.
  2. American Airlines: One of the most popular airlines for flights from the United States to Mexico, offering over 6700 flights per week.
  3. Delta, Aeromexico, and Volaris: Also frequently used airlines for flights from the United States to Mexico.

These are preferred options for clients traveling from America flying over to Mexico offering a wide range of choices for different Mexico destinations.

Tips for Finding Cheap Flights

Here are some tips for finding cheap flights from the USA to Mexico as per the search results:

  1. Use Flight Comparison Websites: Utilize flight comparison websites like SkyScanner, Kayak, and Cheapflights in order to compare prices across airlines and make the best choice.
  2. Be Flexible with Dates and Destinations: Being flexible about travel dates may help one get cheaper fares. Fly during off-peak months, or even consider flying into alternative airports to save on costs.
  3. Set Up Price Alerts: When the cost of a particular flight changes, many air fare comparing agencies offer alerts that will notify you on time. This could be very helpful especially if you want to secure this ticket at its lowest cost available.
  4. Book in Advance: Making an early booking helps one find the cheapest deals on airfares. The month of September is shown as having the cheapest flights from America to Mexico as it starts at $382 according to search results.
  5. Subscribe to Airline Newsletters: By subscribing for airline newsletters including deal notification services can be very helpful in getting timely information on any special offers along with discounted fares.

Following these tips can help travelers find affordable flights from USA to Mexico.

Alternative Transportation Options

Some of the alternative transportation options that exist between USA and Mexico include;

  1. Trucking: For cross-border freight transport between the United States and Mexico, a Mexican truckload freight carrier will take the goods across to the U.S. border where it is taken over by an American carrier for its final destination in America.
  2. Train: Amtrak offers train service from several cities in the USA to Mexico, including San Diego and Los Angeles. The trip offers panoramic views and comfortable interiors with various services around.
  3. Bus: Several bus companies offer service from several cities in the USA to Mexico, including Greyhound and Tufesa. This choice is comparatively cheaper for those under tight budget though other transport systems might take shorter time of travel.
  4. Air Travel: Air travel is the most common and convenient method for traveling from the USA to Mexico. There are many airlines that have flights from US to Mexico such as United Airlines, American Airlines, Delta and Volaris among others.

These alternative transportation options provide a range of choices for both passenger and freight travel between the USA and Mexico; hence one should consider cost implications, duration of journey or convenience when choosing any mode of travel according to their specific needs.

This table shows some alternative ways of getting from US to Mexico along with average costs and times respectively:

Transportation ModeAverage CostAverage Time
Plane$300 – $5002.5 – 4 hours
Bus$50 – $15030 hours
Train$100 – $20024 hours
Car$150 – $30024 hours
Trucking$2000 – $500024 – 48 hours

Please note that these are approximate prices/times which can be influenced by factors like a specific route chosen, booking time or mode of transport.

Visa Requirements

For U.S. citizens traveling to Mexico, visa requirements are:

  1. Tourist & Business Travel: Americans can stay in Mexico as tourists or on business-related matters without visas for up to 180 days; also they are granted a right of free 30-day transit through this country. The above applies to other nationals who possess either Green Card or valid US visa.
  2. Entry Documents: U.S.A. citizens have got to own a valid U.S passport plus they must obtain Forma Migratoria Multiple (FMM) being tourist card before entering into Mexico that is required for visa free entrance into the country.
  3. Visa for Non-Tourist or Business Activities: U.S. citizens, who are planning to live, study or otherwise participate in non-touristic / business activities in Mexico, need to obtain a Mexican visa.
  4. Passport Requirements: United States citizens’ passports must be valid for at least 6 months after the planned date of departure from Mexico. In case, if your passport expires earlier than that recommended period it has to be renewed before you go and get an FMM card.
  5. Vehicle Import Permit: If driving a vehicle into Mexico beyond the immediate border area, a temporary vehicle import permit is required. This requires presentation of a valid passport and security deposit of cash as requirement.

To sum up, U.S. citizens traveling to Mexico for tourism or business purposes do not need visas provided their stay does not exceed one hundred and eighty days; however they should remember about getting tourist card (FMM) that can allow them get into this land without any problems regarding visas. For other activities including work, they would require Mexican visa instead.

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