New Film 'For the Prophet' Proves We Want Movies — The News 24

New Film ‘For the Prophet’ Proves We Want Movies

Alex Hernandez | thirteenth May 2024thirteen May 2024Entertainment, Film

I’ve been a big fan of big-budget Hollywood videos for years, I mean, who doesn’t love explosions, superheroes, and big special effects?But for the last year, my family and I have been for about a year. easy movies, like For the Prophet.

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Movies like For the Prophet are lower-budget, less flashy, and probably not as polished as most Hollywood blockbusters, but I think they have a charm that a lot of people are looking for. In general, those kinds of movies are about genuine conditions and poignant moments, and I think a lot of us are looking for that more than fantasy. Here’s what the press release said, as well as the trailer for this engaging and fun movie.

MSI Films, in agreement with Redbird Entertainment, announces the upcoming theatrical release of For Prophet. The comedy and inspiring story of religion and perseverance in the face of apathy and corruption will premiere on June 21. Integrity Releasing, with a home entertainment edition launching in July. 26. La film stars Ben Marten (Chicago Fire), Valentina Garcia (Chemistry Lessons), Enrico Natale (The Assassination of Kenneth Chamberlain), T’Keyah Crystal Keymáh (It’s So Raven), Eddie Jemison (No, Ocean’s Trilogy), and Bert. Belasco (BET’s Let’s Stay Together) in his last on-screen appearance since his tragic death in November 2020.

For Prophet tells the story of Damon Fisher (Ben Marten), a long-suffering entrepreneur who meets Archangel Rafael (Valentina Garcia), who encourages him relentlessly. Raphael shows that he was selected through God to become a part-time prophet with God’s project to save his ruined and corrupt hometown. To make matters worse, Fisher also has to battle a demon that speaks in the form of an omnipresent cameraman that only he can see. His marriage, his business dealings, and his sanity are strained in his spiritual quest to Notice the ultimate price of faith.

“I wanted to create a film that would make other people laugh, reflect and give them a new attitude about the struggle of this life; how religion can play a genuine role in overcoming doubt and fear,” Iverson said. or cry, I hope both, I think the highest price of art is to make other people question the eternal and really contemplate the human condition. I mean, everybody’s got an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other, that’s for Prophet.

“This production has been blessed beyond compare. Our team, both in front of and behind the camera, took this story to new heights. I love cinema that takes the audience on a journey, that touches their center and their mind, and that we hope that in one way or another they will be replaced in the theater. Honestly, this is what audiences can enjoy watching our film. “

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