World AIDS Day: Watch Travis McCoy's New Video, 'One At A Time' | News | MTV

World AIDS Day: Watch Travis McCoy's New Video, 'One At A Time'

Today is World AIDS Day, and as the ambassador of MTV's HIV and AIDS charity, the Staying Alive Foundation, Travis McCoy journeyed to South Africa, the Philippines, and India to visit grassroots youth HIV and AIDS prevention projects. Travis' journey culminated in the MTV documentary, "The Unbeaten Track," which takes you inside the countries highly affected by HIV and AIDS and introduces you to the people affected and the people fighting the disease.

Watch Travis McCoy and MTV's Staying Alive Foundation take you to the forefront of the AIDS epidemic in  "The Unbeaten Track," and watch Travis' brand-new video, "One At A Time," written about his experience in South Africa, the Philippines, and India. And when you're done, download Travis' "One At A Time" track on iTunes. A full 100% of the proceeds of "One At A Time" will be donated to Staying Alive to keep these crucial funds -- and the people they help -- alive.

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