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Here are 10 ways you save money and get the best travel deals.

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Travel smart when you prepare for trips with our exclusive forecast and planning tools. Check out TripStarter and Travel Value Index now.

Get 4-star hotels at 2-star prices.

When 3- and 4-star hotels have unsold rooms, they use Hotwire to fill them, so you get them at prices lower than any other travel site, guaranteed. Search hotels

Save more by learning the name of our travel partner after you book.

We show you the name of our travel partner after you book -- you get travel deals that are significantly below published prices. Plan your trip

Save big on brands you know and trust.

Your peace of mind is on the top of our mind and it's why we only work with hotels, airlines, and car rental agencies you know and trust. See our suppliers

Need details up front? You'll still save.

If you have less travel freedom, we offer other great rates that reveal all details before you book. Plan your trip

Rest easy with our Low Price Guarantee.

Within 24 hours of booking, if you find a lower rate for an identical booking, we'll pay you the difference between the rates. Search hotels

Drive car bargains with no hidden fees -- ever.

Book a Hotwire car rental and the price quoted is the price you pay. Always. Book a car

See deals at ridiculously low prices.

Whether it's last-minute or planned, just a car or a whole package, we'll keep you plugged into our latest specials. Shop deals

Airfare savings recommendations make it even easier to fly for less.

Hotwire proactively suggests nearby alternate airports for both departure and arrivals if less expensive tickets are available. Search airfares

Looking to stretch your travel budget?

When planning a trip, you want to make the best choice. Our Hotel Rate Report tells you where rates have dropped, so that you can find the best deals around. Get the report

Customer testimonials

"My experience using Hotwire for my hotel and car rental in Cocoa Beach and Orlando was incredible! Everything went so smoothly. I especially enjoyed pickup up the car at the airport. Not only that, but everyone was very courteous regarding the Hotwire arrangements. It's the only way to go." Deborah, Pocatello ID

"I tried and tried to get away to Seattle from Ohio and couldn't afford the airfares . . . I ran across Hotwire and got a fantastic deal for $275 round-trip . . . Without you, I would have never been able to afford to go." Wanda, Creston OH

"We rented a car through Hotwire for the seven days we spent in Hawaii. The total was $160 with all of the taxes, fees, and unlimited mileage . . . we checked the car rental company's published prices for the exact same time frame. The rates for the same type of rental car, etc., were $210 without taxes. Thank you so much." Diana, Anthony FL

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