UNCOMMON Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com



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[ uhn-kom-uhn ]


, un·com·mon·er, un·com·mon·est.
  1. not common; unusual; rare:

    an uncommon word.

    Synonyms: queer, peculiar, strange, singular, odd, infrequent, scarce

  2. unusual in amount or degree; above the ordinary:

    an uncommon amount of mail.

    Synonyms: extraordinary

  3. exceptional; remarkable.

    Synonyms: outstanding


/ ʌnˈkɒmən /


  1. outside or beyond normal experience, conditions, etc; unusual
  2. in excess of what is normal

    an uncommon liking for honey


  1. an archaic word for uncommonly

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Derived Forms

  • unˈcommonness, noun

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Other Words From

  • un·common·ness noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of uncommon1

First recorded in 1540–50; un- 1 + common

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Example Sentences

It’s not uncommon for a seller and buyer to agree on a price and then hope the appraisal is as high as possible.

Eric Topol, a cardiologist and clinical-trials expert at the Scripps Research Translational Institute in San Diego, said such pauses in large studies are “not uncommon at all.”

From Fortune

It’s not uncommon to feel like you’re letting your fitness tracker down when you don’t hit your goals.

Recombinetics has since insisted that the leftover plasmid DNA was likely harmless and stressed that this sort of genetic slipup is not uncommon.

International cricket leagues are cropping up from Canada to Nepal, and it’s not uncommon for players to represent seven different teams in a single year.

From Ozy

Though tissues are present and tears are not uncommon, the Dinner Parties are distinctly not grief counseling or group therapy.

These negotiations are not uncommon on junketed studio films.

Although often this is considered proof positive of guilt at trial, it is not an uncommon occurrence in false confessions.

Love poems between aristocratic women were not uncommon at the time, as long as they stayed safely on the side of friendship.

Compulsive writing, or hypergraphia, is a well-known, if uncommon, symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy.

Larger amounts are not uncommon in fevers, gastrointestinal disturbances, and certain nervous disorders.

Increase of hemoglobin, or hyperchromemia, is uncommon, and is probably more apparent than real.

A gaunt, hard-featured domestic completed this interesting family, and she was uncommon too.

On the other hand, except in children, where the percentage is normally low, pus is uncommon with less than 80 per cent.

Such a sight was not uncommon in the streets of Seoul, and Yung Pak knew well its meaning.




