The Meaning Behind The Song: The Goin’s Great by Sammy Davis Jr. - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: The Goin’s Great by Sammy Davis Jr.


The Meaning Behind The Song: The Goin’s Great by Sammy Davis Jr.

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Duration Producer
The Goin’s Great Sammy Davis Jr. Unknown The Goin’s Great (1969)

The Meaning Behind the Song

“The Goin’s Great” by Sammy Davis Jr. is a joyful and uplifting tune that celebrates the sheer happiness and contentment in the singer’s life. The lyrics consist of a simple question and answer format, emphasizing the positive state of affairs for the narrator.

The song starts with the repeated question, “Is the goin’ great?” followed by a confident response, “Yes, the going’s great.” This exchange sets the tone for the rest of the track, with the singer expressing their joy and satisfaction with life. The subsequent question, “Is the livin’ fine?” is met with an affirmative response, further reinforcing the overall positive sentiment of the song.

The verse that follows delves into the singer’s personal experiences of having someone special to cling to. They express their desire to describe the face of this person, emphasizing their significance in the singer’s life. Being in the embrace of this individual brings the singer a sense of heavenly bliss.

The chorus of the song reinforces the initial question and answer format. The milk and honey symbolize abundance and prosperity, and the singer’s love for their partner continues to grow, making the experience of love even greater.

My Personal Connection to the Song

“The Goin’s Great” holds a special place in my heart as it reminds me of a time in my life when everything seemed to fall into place. Similar to the upbeat and carefree nature of the song, I was experiencing a phase of pure happiness and contentment.

I remember listening to this song during long drives with the windows down, the warm breeze brushing against my face. The catchy melody and uplifting lyrics provided the perfect soundtrack to those moments of joy and freedom.

At that time, I had just started a new relationship that brought immense happiness into my life. The lyrics resonated deeply with me, as I felt that I had found someone who meant everything to me. Each time we were in each other’s arms, it truly felt like heaven.

The chorus, with its mention of the milk and honey flowing and the love that keeps growing, perfectly encapsulated the feelings I had for my partner. It was a time of abundance, both in love and in life, and this song became symbolic of that overflowing joy.

Whenever I hear “The Goin’s Great” now, it takes me back to that period filled with love and happiness. It serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing the positive moments in life and finding gratitude amidst the ups and downs.

Sammy Davis Jr.’s rendition of this song captures the essence of joy and contentment, allowing listeners to bask in the positive vibes it exudes. Whether you’re looking for a song to lift your spirits or simply want to celebrate the good times, “The Goin’s Great” is an excellent choice.

So let’s embrace the goin’ being great, appreciate the sweetness in life, and keep the love flowing. Because, in the end, isn’t that what truly makes the journey worthwhile?

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