Publications and Dissemination  


H. Cust, A. Lépine, C. Treibich, T. Powell-Jackson, R. Rosalba, C. T. Ndour (2023) "Trading HIV for Sheep: An estimation of the sexual behaviours response of female sex workers to Tabaski in Senegal." Health Economics. International Health Economics Association Student Paper Prize: 1st Place

H. Cust, H. Jones, T. Powell-Jackson, A. Lépine, R. Radice (2021) "Economic shocks and risky sexual behaviours in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of the literature." Journal of Development Effectiveness. 

H. Cust, A. Lépine, C. Treibich (2023) "What drives HIV in Africa? Addressing economic gender inequalities to close the HIV gender gap". Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance

J. Choumert-Nkolo, H. Cust, C. Taylor. (2019) "Using Paradata to Collect Better Survey Data: Evidence from a Household Survey in Tanzania." Journal of Development Studies. 

Jenny Shaw, Paul McCrone, H. Cust et al. (2017) "Critical time Intervention for Severely mentally ill Prisoners (CrISP): a randomised controlled trial." Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 5.8.

F. Cust, H. Combes, H. Priest, H. Cust (2020) "Inter-professional education in a child mental health-care context: children’s nursing and clinical psychology students learning together." Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice.

Under review:

H. Cust, A. Lépine, T. Powell-Jackson, (2023) Weather shocks and transactional sex in Africa. PhD working paper (under review)

A. Lépine, H.Cust, A. Ndjore, C. Treibich, L. Foubert, M. Passey, S. Binder. Estimating the prevalence of child labour in the cocoa industry via indirect elicitation methods: A mixed-methods study. (under review)

W. Toh, C. Treibich, S. Szawlowski, H. Cust, E. H. Mbaye, K. Gueye, C. T. Ndour, A. Lépine Impact of COVID-19 on Female Sex Workers in Africa: Evidence from a Cohort Study in Senegal. (under review)

R. Torrance, Q. Akli, R. Ahmed, H. Cust, B. Cislaghi. The influence of social norms on sexual and intimate partner violence in Somalia: a systematic literature review. Aggression and Violent Behaviour

H. Jones, J. Hargreaves, H. Cust. How have trends in knowledge of HIV status changed over time among female sex workers in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review of the literature between 2009 and 2019 (under review)

H. Jones, H. Cust et al. HIV incidence among women engaging in sex work in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (under review)

H. Cust, R. Njuguna, S. Szawlowski, E. Nitcheu, E. D. Tamgno, J. Noo, I. Mfochive, S. Billong, U. Tamoufe, A. Lépine. Does the risk premium differ between women engaged in commercial and transactional sex? Evidence from urban Cameroon. Under Review

A. Lépine, S. Szawlowski, E. Nitcheu, H. Cust, E. D. Tamgno, F. Procureur, J. Noo, I. Mfochive, S. Billong, U. Tamoufe. Protecting women from economic shocks to fight HIV in Africa: A randomised controlled trial in Cameroon. Under Review

Working papers:

W. Toh, C. Treibich, S. Szawlowski, H.Cust, E. H. Mbaye, K. Gueye, C. T. Ndour, A. Lépine (2020) "Impact of COVID-19 on Female Sex Workers in Africa: Evidence from a Cohort Study in Senegal." PhD Working paper. 

J. Choumert-Nkolo, M. Mallet, C. Taylor, H. Cust. (2017) "Randomising Respondent Selection using Surveybe." EDI Working paper. 

Conferences and Presentations:

iHEA Congress 2023:

Nordic Development Economics Conference 2023: Weather Shocks and Transactional Sex in Africa

Nordic Development Economics Conference 2022:  Trading HIV for Sheep: An estimation of the sexual behaviours response of female sex workers to Tabaski in Senegal

EUHEA Conference 2022: 

iHEA Congress 2021 (virtual): Presentations as part of the organised session - New Approach to HIV Prevention: Protecting Women from Economic Shock to Fight HIV in Africa: 

1. Economic shocks and risky sexual behaviours in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of the literature. 

2. The effect of anticipated and unanticipated economic shocks on condom behaviours of female sex workers in Senegal. 

LSHTM virtual poster day (2021). PhD poster presentation titled "Economic Shocks and Risky Sexual Behaviours"

LSHTM Faculty Research Degree work-in-progress (2018 - 2019): Organised and presented my work numerous times for feedback from students and faculty.

Awards and prizes:

1st Prize: Internation Health Economics Association 2022 Annual Student Paper Prize in Health Economics