amanecer - English translation – Linguee

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Alguien dijo en una ocasi�n que democracia es cuando alguien llama
[...] a tu puerta al amanecer y sabes que es [...]
el lechero.
Someone once said that democracy is when someone
[...] knocks on your door at dawn and you know it is [...]
the milkman.
Es m�s baja por la
[...] ma�ana antes del amanecer y m�s alta por la tarde.
It is lowest in
[...] the morning before dawn and highest in the [...]
Lo que m�s ama es ver un amanecer en el mar mientras [...]
navega entre una isla y otra.
She loves to see sunrise at sea while sailing [...]
from one island to another.
Con todo lo que puede enorgullecernos nuestros logros anteriores, est�
[...] por delante el amanecer de una nueva [...]
era espacial.
As much as we can take pride in our past
[...] accomplishments, the dawn of a new space [...]
age lies ahead.
Es un hecho contrastado, que justamente en d�as soleados
[...] o durante el amanecer los veh�culos [...]
que transitan por zonas boscosas o avenidas
no se perciben bien por los conductores que vienen de frente.
Because the fact is that particularly [...]
on sunny days or at dusk, vehicles driving through woods or down tree-lined avenues
cannot be seen or are hardly seen by oncoming road users.
A pesar de todo, que se hallen en Chiapas los nuevos caminos que se recorrer�n juntos, para
[...] juntos vivir el amanecer que nuestros hijos [...]
In spite of everything, that new paths may
be found in Chiapas that will run side by side, so that side by side we may
[...] see the new dawn that our children deserve.
Si el piloto del avi�n solar no optimiza la gesti�n energ�tica, sus bater�as se vaciar�an
[...] antes del siguiente amanecer y el vuelo se detendr�a.
If the solar airplane pilot does not optimize the
management of his energy, his batteries will discharge
[...] themselves before the next sunrise and his flight will [...]
come to en end.
Ah� se celebran fiestas, se
[...] baila y se canta hasta el amanecer.
This is what people party, dance and
[...] sing to until the sun disappears.
Adem�s, gracias a la ayuda de la Fundaci�n, se
[...] pudo ampliar la escuela primaria Bello Amanecer.
With the second project, the Samuel Foundation was able to
[...] help extend the Bello Amanecer elementary school.
A la sombra de un inmenso baobab y tras un vuelo en globo sobre la sabana, un exclusivo desayuno con champagne contemplando el amanecer.
Relax while watching the sunrise in the shadow of an immense baobab tree after a balloon trip over the savannah with an exclusive champagne breakfast.
Por otra parte, muchos spammers hacen sus
[...] detonaciones durante el amanecer, cuando el Internet [...]
se congestiona menos.
In addition, many spammers carry out their
[...] drops during the night, when the Internet [...]
traffic is less intense.
Y son majestuosos, porque a partir de entonces, el pueblo cubano ha
instruido al mundo que una revoluci�n se
[...] construye desde cada amanecer, y tambi�n, a partir [...]
de la ense�anza que nos deja cada equivocaci�n.
And they are majestic, because from that moment onward, the Cuban people have
taught the world that a revolution is
[...] constructed from the dawn of every day, and also, [...]
based on the teaching left to us by every error made.
En �l se establecen las temporadas de caza
general y local y se precisa que no se puede cazar entre el
[...] anochecer y el amanecer, con la excepci�n [...]
de los patos y gansos.
It determines the general and local hunting
periods and provides that their hunting must not take place
[...] between sunset and sunrise except in the [...]
case of ducks and geese.
Resulta f�cil ver la comercializaci�n de una innovaci�n como la
[...] "�ltima palabra", el amanecer de una era id�lica [...]
en que un nuevo producto se fabrica,
distribuye, vende y comercializa rentablemente en el mercado hasta el final de los tiempos.
It is easy to view the commercialization
of an innovation as being literally
[...] the 'last word', the dawn of a halcyon era in [...]
which a new product is manufactured,
distributed, purchased and profitably marketed until the end of time.
? por ejemplo, al amanecer, al atardecer [...]
y en d�as nublados
?i.e. sunrise, sunset and cloudy weather
Pero eso no dice nada en contra de la santidad, lo
[...] mismo que un amanecer, o un ocaso de [...]
sol, seguir�an siendo hermosos aunque los
hombres se empe�aran en decir que son feos.
But that says nothing
[...] against holiness; a dawn or a sunset does [...]
not cease to be beautiful even if people are bent on saying it is ugly.
En una excursi�n fotogr�fica suelo levantarme muy temprano para estar
[...] afuera antes del amanecer.
On a photographic trip, I get up very early
[...] to be out before sunrise.
Ahora que estamos iniciando una nueva p�gina de la historia, � podemos
[...] en este nuevo amanecer vivir todav�a [...]
esperanzados, incluso cuando se ha pensado
que en este fin de siglo podr�amos proclamar el fin de la historia ?
Now that we are beginning a new page of our history, can
[...] we live this new dawn still buoyed up [...]
with hope, particularly when we had thought
that the end of this century would have meant the end of history?
Son alquilados desde el amanecer hasta las tantas [...]
de la noche.
They are rented out
[...] from early in the morning to late at night.
Singapore Safety Glass recientemente
mont� una deslumbrante divisi�n de vidrio que muestra una impresionante composici�n del
[...] horizonte de Singapur al amanecer.
Singapore Safety Glass recently mounted a visually
arresting partition screen that shows an impressionistic display of the Singapore skyline
[...] taken in the early morning light.
Una c�lula foto luminiscente apaga o enciende la luz
[...] automatic�mente al amanecer, al anochecer, y [...]
tambi�n durante tormentas o niebla.
A photo sensitive cell switches
[...] on-off automatically at dawn, at night and during [...]
storms or fog.
Nos convencimos de que era el final de la historia, que nos
[...] hall�bamos ante un nuevo amanecer.
We convinced ourselves that this was the end of history, that
[...] we were facing a new dawn.
Por consiguiente deber�n determinar cu�les elementos usan para dividir el tiempo
[...] (por ejemplo, al amanecer, el almuerzo, [...]
la noche, etc.)
Therefore, they must determine which elements are used to make the time division
[...] (for instance, dawn, lunch, night, etc.)
Hay dos partes en la
[...] ma�ana: primero, el amanecer, y segundo, la plena [...]
luz del d�a, que se completa por la salida del sol.
There are two parts to the
[...] morning: first, the dawn of day, and second, [...]
full day light, which is completed by the rising of the sun.
Al amanecer, el d�a comenz� [...]
con dos de nuestras mujeres maltratadas aplicando para �rdenes de protecci�n en la oficina del fiscal de distrito.
At dawn, the day started with [...]
two of our battered women applying for protective orders at the DA's office.
Al amanecer, despu�s de una noche en [...]
el desierto, los pasajeros encantados, despegan hacia Paris en el mismo avi�n.
Early in the morning, after an overnight [...]
party in the desert, the delighted passengers return to Paris aboard the same airliner jet.
Descripci�n: Con el objetivo de denunciar las
violaciones de los derechos humanos
[...] en Cuba, la Revista Amanecer publica art�culos y [...]
entrevistas a importantes disidentes cubanos.
Description: With the aim of denouncing violations of human
[...] rights in Cuba, Revista Amanecer publishes articles [...]
and interviews with prominent Cuban dissidents.
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