Shadows of Paradise — Bunbury Films
Bunbury Films
Shadows of Paradise_David Making Art.jpg

Shadows of Paradise

Shadows of Paradise (2016)



2017 Official Selection, Nevada City Film Festival

2017 Official Selection, Close Up Bergamo Film Meeting

2017 Official Selection, Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF)

2017 Official Selection, Illuminate Film Festival

2017 Official Selection, Festival du nouveau cinéma

When a spiritual luminary dies, how do his adherents continue?

With intimate access to two of Transcendental Meditation’s new leaders – iconic filmmaker David Lynch and dedicated disciple Bobby Roth – Shadows of Paradise documents the Movement’s metamorphosis following the passing of its founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

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Having himself grown up within the Movement, director Sebastian Lange approaches his subject through an introspective and essayistic lens, seeking to reconcile TM’s present-day incarnation with the teachings and practices that have shaped his worldview. From star-studded galas hosted by Lynch’s Manhattan-based foundation to a perilous cliffside cave in Madhya Pradesh, Shadows of Paradise accompanies Lange as he pursues personal spiritual meaning amidst TM’s transformative global growth.


Written and directed by Sebastian Lange
Produced by Frederic Bohbot
Cinematography by Sebastian Lange
Edited by Roland Schlimme
Music by Ramachandra Borcar
Distributed by Bunbury Films 
Produced in association with the Documentary Channel


Genre: Documentary
Category: Biographical, Society, Religion
Production year: 2016
Language: English
Duration: 87 minutes
Delivery format: Electronic File, DCP
French title: À l'Ombre du Paradis

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