Films based on superheroes have been huge for over a decade. Due to their success, commonly known villains are beginning to star in their own films. 2018's Venom is the first film in the Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters. While the symbiote is mainly known as one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies, this movie showed him as the hero of his own story.

Eddie Brock gains powers and becomes Venom after Carlton Drake begins experimenting with alien symbiotes. While they have a rough bond initially and don't get along at first, Eddie and Venom become friends as they save the world, leading to many great quotes from the movie that fans love.

Updated on May 12, 2024 by David Giatras: Fans continue to revisit 2018's Venom, especially after the release of the 2021 sequel Venom: Let There Be Carnage failed to impress quite like the original. Tom Hardy made the characters of Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote his own, while the other characters contributed their own memorable lines to fill the movie up with repeatable quotes reminding fans of Venom's dark humor. As the third entry, Venom: The Last Dance releases in 2024, fans are hoping for one last film filled with catchy quotes.

20 "You Are A Loser, Eddie."


You are a loser, Eddie.

8 Signs Venom Is Joining The MCU For Good

While Tom Hardy's Venom could only be joining the MCU temporarily, there are signs he is in Disney's Marvel Universe to stay.

One of Eddie Brock and Venom's first big discussions revealed a lot about their relationship and the fact Venom was not only in control but was also inside Eddie's head. After Venom ate one of their enemies' heads, Eddie panicked, leading Venom to call him out as a loser. The line ended up having a double meaning for both of them.

While it seemed like an insult at first, Venom soon revealed he was also kind of a loser on his home planet, which made them kindred spirits. It served to deepen their symbiotic bond and ultimately give them an edge in the final battle with Riot. As the films have progressed, it is clear that they both are not losers in the slightest.

19 "Alright, Have It Your Own Way. Mask!"

Eddie Brock

Venom catching a smoke grenade

Alright, have it your own way. Mask!

The relationship between Eddie Brock and Venom might have started out a little rough, but it was clear they were starting to work well together when they faced an armed SWAT team at the news building. The SWAT team prepared to fire smoke grenades when they encountered Eddie Brock, screaming for their masks.

Brock and Venom were just beginning to develop a witty repartee between them, leading to Brock's reversal of the SWAT team's cries. He gave them a quick warning before calling on Venom to provide his own mask, with Venom hilariously responding "Copy!" as they suited up to take down the SWAT team.

18 "Your World Is Not So Ugly After All. I'm Almost Sorry To See It End."


Venom enjoying the world

Your world is not so ugly after all. I'm almost sorry to see it end.

The Venom symbiote was fairly determined to get back on Carlton Drake's rocket, so he could leave Earth and head back to his home planet, but that began to change after he spent more time with Eddie Brock. Not only did Venom begin to appreciate Eddie, but he also began to appreciate the new planet he found himself on.

Venom began to appreciate what Earth had to offer and was beginning to see some of the positives of sticking around. Unfortunately, he knew Riot's return to their home planet would result in an invasion of symbiotes which would destroy Earth as they knew it. It was a sweet realization mixed with a harsh reality that worked perfectly at the moment.

17 "Eyes. Lungs. Pancreas. So Many Snacks, So Little Time."


Venom getting ready to eat

Eyes. Lungs. Pancreas. So many snacks, so little time.

Marvel: Venom's Most Important Hosts (In Chronological Order)

Though Eddie Brock is the most well-known Venom, a number of other characters have hosted the symbiote at one time or another over the years.

The symbiote wasted no time revealing its personality after it fully formed around Eddie Brock to become Venom for the first time. After a high-speed chase across the streets of San Francisco, Eddie Brock found his legs broken after a crash, with Life Foundation security standing over him.

The symbiote healed his legs, and they became Venom to deal with security chief Treece, who was quickly made aware of his potential fate as one of Venom's many snacks. Luckily, Treece manages to temporarily escape Venom's fangs. However, the rest of his team was not so lucky, and thus, Eddie Brock's life was changed forever.

16 "I Told You I’m Going To Do My Job."

Eddie Brock

Eddie Brock talks to Carlton Drake in Venom

I told you I'm going to do my job.

Eddie Brock was introduced as a high-profile reporter with a streaming news show in 2018's Venom, leading to an interview with the Life Foundation's Carlton Drake. Drake was also revealed to be involved in a legal case with Brock's partner, Anne Weying. The intersection between the three ultimately drives the plot of the film.

While out on a date night, they discussed his upcoming interview and Brock's editor's insistence that he write a puff piece about Drake's space shuttle program. When Anne asks Eddie if he's going to follow his instructions and play nice, Brock reveals his true drive to do his job and expose Drake, though it results in heavy consequences.

15 "This Is Dead. Dead!"

Eddie Brock

This is dead. Dead!

After Eddie becomes infected with the symbiote Venom, he crashes Anne's date with Dr. Dan Lewis in one of Venom's most memorable scenes. He enters the restaurant and is babbling about what had happened to him while Venom intermittently takes over. Tom Hardy gets a chance to show off his comedic chops in the scene.

At one point, Eddie grabs a steak off of a server's tray, takes one bite, and then spits it out, accusing the man of serving him meat that's not alive. It's a hilarious moment that also reveals Venom requires live meat — a troubling development for Eddie. It was certainly a date Anne would never forget.

14 "We Can Do Whatever We Want."


Venom pins Eddie Brock to a wall

We can do whatever we want.

The Venom symbiote and Eddie Brock entered into a tenuous relationship when they first bonded with each other, prompting Eddie to try laying down some ground rules with his new alien friend. However, Venom made it clear that it was the one who was in control by flinging Eddie up against the wall and holding him there.

Despite being in total control, Venom begrudgingly accepts that the pair needs to work together to succeed. Venom's continued use of the plural to describe them also highlights the symbiote's need for a host that eventually allows the two to come together to save the world from Drake/Riot's plans for a symbiote invasion.

13 "That Power, It’s Not Completely Awful."

Anne Weying

Eddie Brock And She-Venom Kiss In Venom

That power, it's not completely awful.

15 Marvel Characters Venom Had A Relationship With

Venom might've started out as an anti-hero & foil for Spider-Man, but he's developed relationships with quite a few characters along the way.

Following the symbiote's split with Brock due to the hospital's MRI machine and his later capture by the Life Foundation, Anne Weying got to experience her own bond with the symbiote when she became She-Venom. While Anne only became She-Venom briefly, it was one of the film's most memorable sequences.

The symbiote found Weying and bonded with her in order to chase down Brock and save him, allowing her and Eddie to share their thoughts about the connection and the power that comes along with the symbiote as they mourned its loss. Since Venom survived, Eddie Brock still got to enjoy the power, and it's possible Weying could return as She-Venom in the upcoming third entry.

12 "Giant Leaps Will Always Come At A Cost."

Carlton Drake

Carlton Drake watches a screen in Venom

Giant leaps will always come at a cost.

Carlton Drake was the scientific leader of the Life Foundation, which first brought the symbiotes back to Earth after a mission to space aboard their high-tech rocket project. Drake hoped his rocket would take humanity to the stars in order to mine cosmic resources. His own ambitions came at a great personal cost.

The rockets and Drake's plans for the symbiote are all examples of his drive to constantly push limits, regardless of the consequences for the humanity he claims he wants to save with his multiple scientific breakthroughs. Bonding with the Riot symbiote only pushed him further into paranoia and transformed him into a full-fledged villain.

11 "Can You Turn Your Music Down, Please? 'Cause I'm Having A Really Hard Time."

Eddie Brock

Eddie Brock covers his ears in Venom

Can you turn your music down, please? 'Cause I'm having a really hard time.

When Eddie first came into contact with Venom, he didn't feel well. Eddie couldn't take it when his neighbor was playing an electric guitar and went across the hall and asked him to lower the volume. When the neighbor answered his door, Eddie said these words to which the guitarist didn't care about his neighbor's well-being.

After Venom scared him by revealing his true alien face, he agreed to lower his music. This was a very funny moment in the film and showed how frightening Venom can be while humorously keeping the film light. This would be the first of many humorous encounters the pair would have with random strangers throughout the films.

10 "No! You Do Not Touch Him. He Is My Friend."

Eddie Brock