Warner Castle - Rochester Wiki

Warner Castle



5 Castle Park, Rochester, NY 14620
Wheelchair Accessible?
Info Needed
Property Owner
Monroe County
Property Owner's Website
Horatio Gates Warner
Other Websites
[WWW]Memories of a Childhood at Warner Castle

Warner Castle is an actual castle located in Highland Park and home to the Rochester Civic Garden Center. It has a library and sunken garden. Admission is free and it is also available for rental as a special events venue. Located off Mt. Hope Avenue in the Lilac Neighborhood.


Civic Garden Center


There had apparently been at one point a catacomb entrance located in the sunken garden that has since been sealed. If anyone has any information pertaining to them, please add what information you can share (size, appearance, exact location, access). There is an open Q and A on this topic.


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2019-11-09 10:40:09   I know someone who is a wedding photographer and was taking pictures of a bridal party I the sunken garden. When she looked back at her pictures there was, along with the bridal party, the spirit of a little girl between 4 and 10 years old, dressed in a white lacy dress, standing close to the bridal party and just looking at them. I have been trying to trace who this girl could be....Does anyone know if Frank and Merry Dennis had any children? Or the name of the Sanitarium that Christopher Gian-Cursio changed the castle into? —KristinaNiemiec